Is Trunk-Based Development the Future or Just Hype? - A Detailed Guide with Examples, Steps, and Simple Explanations

Md Imran - Oct 2 - - Dev Community

Forget everything you know about software development—Trunk-Based Development is turning the industry on its head!

In the world of software development, managing code changes efficiently is vital for team collaboration and delivering quality products on time. One effective approach to version control is Trunk-Based Development (TBD). This strategy emphasizes working on a single main branch (the "trunk") and encourages frequent integration of small changes. Proponents claim it's a game-changer that can drastically improve efficiency and collaboration. But is it truly revolutionary, or just another trend that will fade away? In this guide, we'll explore TBD in depth, provide practical examples, outline clear steps to implement it, and compare it with other approaches—all explained in simple English.

1. What is Trunk-Based Development?

Trunk-Based Development is a version control practice where all developers work directly on a single main branch called the trunk. Instead of creating long-lived branches for features or releases, developers make small, frequent commits to the trunk. This method promotes continuous integration, reduces merge conflicts, and accelerates the delivery process.

Key Features:

  • Single Main Branch (Trunk): The central codebase where all changes are made.
  • Short-Lived Branches (Optional): If branches are used, they are minimal and merge back quickly.
  • Frequent Commits: Developers commit changes multiple times a day.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Automated builds and tests run on every commit to ensure stability.

2. Why Choose Trunk-Based Development?


  • Simplifies Collaboration: With everyone working on the same branch, teams stay synchronized.
  • Reduces Merge Conflicts: Frequent integration means fewer and smaller conflicts.
  • Accelerates Delivery: Continuous integration allows for faster release cycles.
  • Improves Code Quality: Automated testing catches issues early.

3. Steps to Implement Trunk-Based Development

Step 1: Set Up Your Trunk Branch

  • Create a main branch in your version control system (e.g., Git's main or master branch).
  • Ensure all developers have access and understand this is the primary branch for commits.

Step 2: Break Down Work into Small Tasks

  • Divide features and bug fixes into small, manageable pieces.
  • Aim for tasks that can be completed and committed within a day.

Step 3: Develop Using Feature Flags (Toggle Switches)

  • Implement feature flags to enable or disable features in the code.
  • This allows incomplete features to be merged without affecting the live product.

Step 4: Commit Frequently

  • Encourage developers to commit their changes to the trunk several times a day.
  • Each commit should be a small, logical unit of work.

Step 5: Set Up Continuous Integration

  • Use a CI server (like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions) to automate builds and tests.
  • Configure it to run tests on every commit to the trunk.

Step 6: Monitor and Fix Issues Immediately

  • If a build or test fails, prioritize fixing it right away.
  • Keep the trunk in a releasable state at all times.

4. Practical Example of Trunk-Based Development


Imagine a development team working on a social media app. They need to add a new feature: "User Stories" (similar to Instagram Stories).

Team Members:

  • Alice: Backend developer
  • Bob: Frontend developer
  • Carol: QA tester

Implementation Steps:

Planning Session:

  • The team meets to discuss the new feature.
  • They break down the feature into small tasks:

    • Alice: Create API endpoints for uploading and retrieving stories.
    • Bob: Design the UI components for displaying stories.
    • Carol: Write test cases for story functionality.

Starting Work:

  • Alice pulls the latest code from the trunk.
  • She writes the API code and commits small changes as she completes each endpoint.
  • Uses feature flags to ensure the new API doesn't affect existing functionalities.

Committing Changes:

  • Commit 1: "Add POST endpoint for uploading user stories (feature-flagged)."
  • Commit 2: "Implement GET endpoint for fetching user stories (feature-flagged)."

Continuous Integration:

  • Each commit triggers the CI pipeline.
  • Automated tests run to ensure no existing features break.

Frontend Development:

  • Bob also pulls the latest trunk code.
  • Designs the UI for stories, commits frequently:

    • Commit 1: "Add placeholder for user stories in the UI (hidden behind a feature flag)."
    • Commit 2: "Implement story viewer component (feature-flagged)."


  • Carol writes automated test scripts as soon as the backend and frontend components are available.
  • Tests are committed to the trunk:

    • Commit 1: "Add tests for story upload functionality."
    • Commit 2: "Add tests for story display in UI."

Feature Activation:

  • Once all parts are tested and ready, the feature flag is toggled to enable "User Stories" for all users.


  • The feature is developed collaboratively with minimal delays.
  • Frequent commits and integrations keep the trunk stable.
  • Any issues are identified and fixed quickly thanks to CI.

5. Visualizing Trunk-Based Development

isualizing Trunk-Based Development

6. Comparing Trunk-Based Development with Other Approaches

a. Feature Branching

  • Method: Developers create separate branches for each feature, which may live for weeks or months before merging.
  • Pros:
    • Isolation of work.
  • Cons:
    • Long-lived branches can cause significant merge conflicts.
    • Integration becomes more complex over time.

b. Gitflow Workflow

  • Method: Uses multiple branches for development, features, releases, and hotfixes.
  • Pros:
    • Organized structure for complex projects.
  • Cons:
    • High complexity and overhead.
    • Not ideal for continuous integration and deployment.

c. Trunk-Based Development

  • Method: Single main branch with frequent, small commits.
  • Pros:
    • Simplifies merging and integration.
    • Encourages continuous delivery.
  • Cons:
    • Requires discipline in committing and testing.
    • May need feature flags to handle incomplete features.

Comparison Table:

Aspect Trunk-Based Feature Branching Gitflow
Branching Complexity Low Medium High
Merge Conflicts Low High Medium
Continuous Integration Easy Challenging Difficult
Ideal For Fast-paced, CI/CD Isolated feature work Complex projects

7. Best Practices for Trunk-Based Development

Keep Commits Small and Focused:

  • Each commit should represent a single piece of functionality or fix.
  • This makes it easier to identify issues and roll back changes if necessary.

Use Feature Flags:

  • Control the exposure of new features.
  • Allows incomplete features to be merged without affecting users.

Automate Testing and Integration:

  • Set up a robust CI pipeline.
  • Include unit tests, integration tests, and, if possible, end-to-end tests.

Prioritize Code Reviews:

  • Implement peer reviews to maintain code quality.
  • Can be done before or after commits, depending on the team's workflow.

Communicate Effectively:

  • Use team meetings and messaging tools to keep everyone informed.
  • Share what you're working on to avoid overlaps and conflicts.

8. Addressing Common Concerns

Concern 1: Risk of Unstable Code in the Trunk

  • Solution: Rely on automated testing to catch issues early.
  • Use Case: If a commit breaks the build, fix it immediately to maintain stability.

Concern 2: Integrating Incomplete Features

  • Solution: Utilize feature flags to hide incomplete work.
  • Use Case: Developers can merge code for a feature that's not ready for release without affecting users.

Concern 3: Adjusting Team Habits

  • Solution: Provide training and resources.
  • Use Case: Teams transitioning from feature branching may need time to adapt to frequent commits and integrations.

9. Implementing Trunk-Based Development: A Checklist

Set Up Infrastructure:

  • Ensure your version control system supports TBD practices.
  • Configure CI tools for automated builds and tests.

Educate the Team:

  • Conduct workshops or training sessions.
  • Share resources and documentation.

Establish Guidelines:

  • Define commit message conventions.
  • Set expectations for code reviews and testing.

Start Small:

  • Pilot TBD on a small project.
  • Learn and adjust practices before scaling up.

Monitor and Iterate:

  • Regularly review the process.
  • Encourage feedback from team members.

10. Conclusion

Trunk-Based Development offers a streamlined approach to software development by simplifying version control and encouraging continuous integration. By working directly on a single trunk and committing small, frequent changes, teams can reduce complexity, improve collaboration, and deliver features more rapidly.

Key Takeaways:

  • TBD reduces merge conflicts and simplifies code integration.
  • It requires a disciplined approach to committing and testing code.
  • Feature flags are essential for managing incomplete features.
  • Continuous integration is crucial for maintaining code quality.

Final Thoughts

Transitioning to Trunk-Based Development can significantly enhance your team's efficiency and product quality. While it may require adjustments in workflow and mindset, the long-term benefits make it a worthwhile approach for many development teams.

Need More Help?

If you have questions or need further clarification on any points, feel free to ask. I'm here to help you understand Trunk-Based Development better!

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