Navigating MVC: Evolution from Pattern to Architecture 👨‍💻🥇

Hussein Mahdi - Mar 1 - - Dev Community

The distinction between whether MVC should be classified as an architectural or design style has been a subject of considerable debate within the programming community. This ongoing discourse, primarily among seasoned programmers but inclusive of all stakeholders in the field, has yielded diverse perspectives. While some contend that MVC aligns more closely with a design style, others advocate for its classification as an architectural style. In this article, we aim to provide clarity on this matter, offering insights to help readers discern the appropriate categorization for MVC.

Before delving deeper into the debate, it’s essential to gain a clear understanding of the fundamental aspects surrounding the issue at hand. This involves providing elucidation on both design patterns and architectural patterns, as these concepts form the crux of the discourse.

What is a design pattern ?

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Think of design patterns as handy templates or shortcuts 🛠️ for solving common problems in programming. They’re like recipes 📜 that experienced chefs (developers) have created to tackle tricky cooking challenges. These patterns help make code look cleaner and work better by providing ready-made solutions for things like creating objects 🧱, fetching data 📊, and more. Even if you’re not aware of them, you might already be using design patterns without realizing it! They’re like secret tools that make coding easier and more efficient. 🚀

Typically 💡, the utilization of design patterns arises from the need to resolve either minor coding challenges 🎯, ensuring efficient and streamlined code implementation ✔, or more complex issues such as inter-service communication. Thus, design patterns primarily serve the purpose of problem-solving within the realm of software development , offering structured solutions for a diverse range of programming obstacles ✨.

What is an architectural Pattern ?

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Imagine an architectural blueprint 🏠 drawn by an architect. It highlights the main components of a house, like the rooms and structure, while downplaying the smaller details. Similarly, in programming, architectural styles provide a framework for organizing the fundamental elements of a software project.

These styles focus on essential aspects of software development, such as handling business logic, databases, APIs, and error management. They also address principles like loose coupling and separation of concerns, aiming to enhance maintainability and productivity.

Following an architectural style is like following a set of rules 📜. Each component outlined in the architecture serves a specific purpose, and tampering with them could disrupt the system’s stability. It’s essential for developers to adhere to the guidelines provided by the chosen architecture, making only minor adjustments to secondary elements when necessary.

Now let’s talk in depth about MVC 😁👨‍💻

What is MVC , and what is its history ?!

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Let’s delve into MVC — a clever framework designed by Trygve Reenskaug back in the 1970s. Picture a time when computer interfaces were just starting to get graphical. Reenskaug noticed things were getting messy, with all the data management, interface stuff, and user actions tangled together.

So, he came up with MVC — Model, View, and Controller. The Model deals with data and how it’s handled. Think of it as the brain behind the scenes. Then there’s the View which shows users what’s going on. It’s like the face of the app, making everything look nice and organized. Lastly, we’ve got the Controller — the go-between that takes user input and tells the Model and View what to do.

Originally, MVC was for a language called Smalltalk-80, but it’s since been used in lots of other languages and frameworks. It’s like a blueprint for making apps, helping developers keep things neat and tidy.

So, that’s MVC in a nutshell — a simple, smart way to build apps that’s been around for ages and still going strong. 🛠️📱including but not limited to Java, .NET, Ruby on Rails, and ASP. NET MVC.

Old MVC Design: A Comprehensive Exploration

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In its nascent stages, MVC epitomized a simple yet powerful design pattern, revolutionizing the way developers approached user interfaces. Comprising three fundamental components — Model, View, and Controller — it introduced a systematic approach to crafting interactive applications.

The cornerstone of MVC, the Model, assumed the pivotal role of managing application data and orchestrating business logic. From accessing and processing data to enforcing validation rules, the Model ensured the integrity and coherence of underlying data structures.

Presentation (View)
On the interface front, the Presentation layer, or View, took center stage, responsible for rendering user interfaces and presenting data to users. Serving as passive conduits, Views seamlessly received data from the Model and elegantly presented it in a user-friendly format.

Acting as the linchpin between the Model and the View, the Controller functioned as the nerve center of the MVC paradigm. It adeptly processed user inputs, orchestrated user actions, and dynamically updated the View to reflect changes.

Now, let’s delve into how these components collaborated harmoniously to handle user requests and furnish responses, leveraging the robust ASP.NET Core MVC framework as our guiding model.

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User Interaction Process :
When a user initiated a request, it embarked on a meticulously charted course dictated by the MVC framework. For instance, a request might navigate to a specific controller and action, such as /Home/List.

1. Routing
The request embarked on its journey, intercepted by the routing system, which adeptly steered it towards the designated controller and action based on the URL provided.


2 Controller Action
Upon reaching its destination, the controller associated with the requested action (e.g., List) sprang into action, deciphering the user’s intent. Depending on the nature of the request, the controller orchestrated data retrieval from the Model or prepared a tailored response for the user.


Here, the URL might signify a request to list data filtered by a specific ID.

3. View Rendering:
When the user’s request entailed rendering a view, the controller seamlessly liaised with the View, tasking it with crafting the appropriate interface or data presentation. Leveraging the prowess of Razor view technology, the View adeptly transformed data from the Model into dynamic HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files, breathing life into the user interface.

In essence, the antiquated MVC pattern furnished developers with a robust framework for constructing applications, fostering modularization and code reusability. While it has evolved over time, its enduring principles continue to underpin modern software development paradigms, leaving an indelible mark on the industry landscape.

Modern model , MVC architecture 💡👨‍💻

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In the realm of contemporary software development, the MVC paradigm has undergone a substantial metamorphosis, embracing novel elements and functionalities to fortify its framework. Innovations have propelled the original MVC model into a more sophisticated architectural design.

1. Repository Pattern
This renowned pattern excels in isolating dependencies and functions, harmonizing with SOLID principles. It facilitates coherent operations pertaining to database interactions, often leveraging Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technologies for seamless integration.

2. ViewModel (ViewMode Model)
Derived from the MVVM architecture, the ViewModel assumes a pivotal role in decoupling data presentation from its underlying database format, especially valuable for managing file uploads within the MVC framework.

3. Validators
Constituting another integral component, validators are instrumental in establishing regulatory frameworks within the architecture to enforce constraints such as unique email addresses.

4. Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
Streamlining data exchange between the server and user in a RESTful API paradigm, DTOs serve as efficient conduits for essential information transmission without altering the data’s fundamental state.

5.Exception Handling
Effective error management is paramount, and the integration of dedicated exception handling mechanisms within the MVC framework ensures robust global error handling capabilities.

6. Data Component
Reminiscent of earlier architectural designs, the data component centralizes data context, relationships, migration logs, and seed data management within the architecture, facilitating streamlined data handling processes.

With the incorporation of these pivotal components, a transformative architectural iteration known as MVC emerged. Thus, programmers who categorize it as a architectural and those who label it a design pattern both hold valid perspectives.

The distinction lies in the project’s structure:
while adhering to the traditional model renders it a design pattern, the integration of aforementioned components signifies a shift towards a modern architectural approach. In this evolution, MVC transcends its initial role of display management to encompass broader functionalities, akin to the multifaceted responsibilities of female architects.Through the assimilation of these modern elements into the MVC paradigm, developers can craft resilient, scalable software solutions, enhancing productivity and maintainability across the development lifecycle.


The article explores the evolution of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, delving into its origins, principles, and modern adaptations. Initially conceived as a design pattern by Trygve Reenskaug in the 1970s, MVC addressed the complexities of user interface design. Its foundational components — Model, View, and Controller — provided a structured approach to developing interactive applications.

Over time, MVC underwent modifications and enhancements, incorporating additional components such as the repository pattern, view models, validators, DTOs, exceptions, and data management. These additions transformed MVC from a simple design pattern into a comprehensive architectural style, facilitating better code organization, maintainability, and scalability.

Programmers’ perspectives on MVC vary, with some viewing it as a metaphor and others as a design pattern. The distinction lies in the project’s structure: while the traditional MVC model functions as a design pattern, the incorporation of additional components signifies a shift towards a modern architectural approach.

Ultimately, MVC’s evolution exemplifies the dynamic 💡🕸 nature of software development, showcasing how foundational principles adapt to meet the evolving needs of the industry.

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