Compose an email with markdown and send it with a Python script

Aahnik Daw - Apr 9 '21 - - Dev Community


In the previous article of this series, we had written a simple script to send an email with Python.

Let's recap the steps:

  • we first imported SMTP class from smptplib
  • we then defined the variables HOST,PORT,SENDER and PASSWORD
  • we then created an object of the SMTP class named server
  • Now call multiple server functions:
    1. connect
    2. ehlo
    3. starttls
    4. ehlo
    5. login
  • define the RECIPIENT and MESSAGE
  • send the email by calling server.sendmail

To see the code, read my previous article.

Let's Enhance

In this article, we will take further what we have learned in the previous article.

We will add some new features to our script:

  • rich-text via markdown.
  • setting a subject of the email.
  • using an alias name for the sender (you can set the sender's display name to be anything, like "Mr. Bean", irrespective of your actual email address).

alt text


In the modern world, plain text looks boring. Professional emails have some logo, or title image, along with the richly formatted text.

Writing HTML is time-consuming, so we will use the markdown format, to compose beautiful emails.

If you are not familiar with the markdown formatting, then you should learn it because:

  • it is used to write posts in
  • it is commonly used to write the README file for your GitHub projects

To deal with markdown in python, we need the markdown package.

So install it via pip.

❯ pip install Markdown

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Write the code

Let's say we will write our email in a file called Our script should send the content of that file as an email to our recipient.

Delete the old that we have written last day. Let's refactor our code, to make it more mature and maintainable.

Let's define all our variables in a file called


HOST = ''
PORT = 587
PASSWORD = 'your12434(893**!@password'

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Now let's write down the


from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from smtplib import SMTP

import markdown

from settings import (HOST, PORT,
                      SENDER, DISPLAY_NAME, PASSWORD,
                      RECIPIENT, MESSAGE_FILE)

with open(MESSAGE_FILE) as file:
    message =

server = SMTP(host=HOST, port=PORT)
server.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT)
server.login(user=SENDER, password=PASSWORD)

multipart_msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative")

multipart_msg["Subject"] = message.splitlines()[0]
multipart_msg["From"] = DISPLAY_NAME + f' <{SENDER}>'
multipart_msg["To"] = RECIPIENT

text = message
html = markdown.markdown(text)

part1 = MIMEText(text, "plain")
part2 = MIMEText(html, "html")


server.sendmail(SENDER, RECIPIENT, multipart_msg.as_string())

print('Sent email successfully!')

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That's it. Coding is over. Now let's run the script

❯ python
Sent email successfully!

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Your output will look like this 👆 if you did everything alright. The email will be sitting right in the recipient's inbox.

I am Aahnik Daw and you can follow me on GitHub and to stay updated with my latest repos and articles.

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