Nuxt - The Hybrid Vue Framework - Ionic Framework - An open source mobile toolkit for building high quality, cross-platform native and web app experiences. Move faster with a single code base, running everywhere with JavaScript and the Web. Capacitor - Drop Capacitor into any existing web project, framework or library. Convert an existing React, Svelte, Vue (or your preferred Web Framework) project to native mobile. -
Install Ionic and Ionic Core
npm install @ionic/core @ionic/vue
Add Styles
Update your nuxt.config.ts to include the required CSS files for Ionic.
Create a new directory called plugins in the root of the project and create a file ionic.js and add the following code. This code installs the IonicVue plugin in the vue app
import{IonicVue}from"@ionic/vue";exportdefaultdefineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp)=>{// Doing something with nuxtAppnuxtApp.vueApp.use(IonicVue);});
Create A NuxtJS Layout For Ionic Framework
The application needs to be wrapped in the IonApp component and since we don't have a router, we need to create a Layout that will wrap all of the pages in the application.
create a new directory in the root of the project called Layouts and add a newfile ionicapp.vue. Add the following code in the new file.
<template><IonApp><!-- page content will appear here --><slot/></IonApp></template><scriptsetup>import{IonApp}from"@ionic/vue"useHead({viewport:'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover',})</script>
We wrap all of the pages and we also set the meta tag for. the viewport of the application
Use Layout In Root Of Application
Create / Update the app.vue file in the root of the project to use the new ionicapp.vue layout that you created
##Add Ionic Components To App
Add some Ionic Framework Vue specific components to the application. First we will update the `index.vue` page
<template><IonPage><IonHeader:translucent="true"><IonToolbar><IonTitle>Home</IonTitle></IonToolbar></IonHeader><IonContentclass="ion-padding"><h1>WELCOME HOME on IOS AND ANDROID</h1><IonButton@click="router.push('/about')">
Goto About Page
Now the `about.vue` page
<template><IonPage><IonHeader:translucent="true"><IonToolbar><IonTitle>Home</IonTitle></IonToolbar></IonHeader><IonContentclass="ion-padding"><h1>This is the about page</h1><IonButton@click="router.back()">
Go Home
###Source Code
Check branch `part 2`