Preparing for Success: Top REACT Interview Questions

ABIDULLAH786 - Aug 4 '23 - - Dev Community

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React has become one of the most popular front-end libraries for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Aspiring React developers should prepare themselves with a strong understanding of its core concepts and best practices. In this article, we will delve into the top React interview questions that you must be familiar with to ace your interviews confidently. Let's explore each question in detail and equip you with the knowledge you need to succeed.

1. What is Lifting State Up in React?

Lifting State Up is a fundamental concept in React that involves moving the state from a child component to its parent component. This allows data to be shared and managed efficiently between components. By lifting state up, you can avoid data duplication and keep the application's state in sync across components.

2. What is React context?

React context is an advanced feature that enables data to be passed down the component tree without the need for explicit prop drilling. It allows you to create a global state that can be accessed by multiple components, making it an effective solution for sharing data in complex component hierarchies.

3. What are different ways to add CSS in your app?

React provides several ways to add CSS styles to your application. You can use regular CSS files, inline styles with the style attribute, or CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components or Emotion. Each method has its advantages and is suitable for different scenarios.

4. What is Hot Module Replacement?

Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is a powerful development feature in React that allows you to see changes in the application without refreshing the entire page. It helps speed up the development process and improves developer productivity.

5. What is the use of Parcel, Vite, Webpack?

Parcel, Vite, and Webpack are all popular bundlers used in React projects. They help bundle and optimize the application's code, assets, and dependencies for production. Each bundler comes with its unique features and performance optimizations.

6. How does create-react-app work?

Create React App is a tool developed by Facebook that provides a pre-configured environment for building React applications. It abstracts away complex configurations and allows developers to focus on writing code.

7. What is Tree Shaking?

Tree shaking is an optimization technique used in modern JavaScript bundlers like Webpack. It helps eliminate unused code during the build process, reducing the final bundle size and improving application performance.

8. Difference between dependency and devDependency

In a package.json file, dependencies are packages required for the application to run correctly, while devDependencies are packages required only during development, such as testing libraries and build tools.

9. What is npx and npm?

npx is a package runner tool that comes bundled with npm. It allows you to run packages without installing them globally. Npm, on the other hand, is the Node.js package manager used to install and manage dependencies for a project.

10. Difference between package.json and package-lock.json

package.json stores the project's metadata and lists the dependencies, while package-lock.json is generated by npm and contains specific versions of dependencies to ensure consistent installations across different environments.

11. Difference between console.log() and console.log(HeaderComponent());

console.log() displays a message or variable in the browser console, while console.log(HeaderComponent()) logs the result of the HeaderComponent function, displaying the component object.

12. What is React.Fragment?

React.Fragment is a built-in component that allows you to group multiple elements without adding an extra node to the DOM. It helps improve the component's structure while maintaining clean HTML output.

13. What is the purpose of the dependency array in useEffect? What is the difference when it is used and when it is not used?

The dependency array in useEffect specifies the dependencies that trigger the effect's callback when they change. When the dependency array is not provided, the effect runs after every render. Using the dependency array ensures that the effect is only executed when specific dependencies change.

14. What if 2 components are given; will the state change in one component affect the other component's state (child)?

No, React follows a unidirectional data flow. State changes in one component do not directly affect the state of another component, even if they are parent-child components. However, you can pass data and state changes as props to update child components.

15. What is the use of return in useEffect?

The return statement in useEffect is used to clean up the effect when the component unmounts or when the effect dependencies change. It performs the cleanup action, such as unsubscribing from subscriptions or removing event listeners.

16. Difference between client-side routing and server-side routing?

Client-side routing is handled on the client-side, and the URL changes do not trigger a full page reload. Instead, React updates the UI based on the new URL, providing a smooth user experience. Server-side routing involves the server processing each URL request and sending back a new HTML page, resulting in slower page transitions.

17. Explain the concept of code splitting and its benefits in React.

Code splitting is a technique that breaks the application's code into smaller chunks and loads them only when needed. This helps reduce the initial load time of the application and improves performance, especially for larger projects.

18. How does React handle routing and navigation?

React does not have built-in routing capabilities. Developers often use third-party libraries like React Router to handle routing and navigation within the application, allowing users to navigate between different views and components.

19. What are higher-order components (HOC) in React?

Higher-order components are functions that take a component as input and return a new enhanced component. They are used to share logic and behavior between multiple components, promoting code reusability.

20. What are controlled and uncontrolled components?

Controlled components are components whose form elements are controlled by React state, meaning that the form values are managed and updated by React. In contrast, uncontrolled components allow form elements to maintain their own state without relying on React state management. Controlled components provide more control over form data, while uncontrolled components are useful for handling simple forms with minimal validation needs.

21. Explain the concept of reconciliation in React.

Reconciliation is a core process in React that efficiently updates the DOM by comparing the previous and current virtual DOM representations. It determines the minimum changes required to synchronize the UI with the underlying data changes. React's reconciliation algorithm optimizes rendering performance by updating only the changed elements, resulting in faster and smoother user interactions.


Congratulations! You have explored the top React interview questions and gained valuable insights into essential concepts, best practices, and optimizations. Being well-prepared with these questions will boost your confidence and make you stand out in React interviews.
Remember to understand React's core principles, such as state management, context, and component lifecycles, and practice implementing them in real-world scenarios. Armed with this knowledge, you are now ready to excel in your React development journey and ace your interviews with ease. Happy coding!

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