What to learn in quarantine as a developer?

Adnan Babakan (he/him) - Apr 1 '20 - - Dev Community

Hey there DEV.to community!

I hope you are all doing well in these hard days. As you know most of the world is fighting COVID-19 and people are quarantined in their houses. This might be boring and really scary sometimes but you can use it in a better way and turn the sides of the battle! As a developer, it is your best time to learn some new stuff these days that might help you later.

I'm listing some technologies you should try out and learn if you don't already know them. Some of them might not be useful for you but learning them will teach you new aspects that you might've not known before.



Scala is a general-purpose programming language you can pick up and build amazing stuff. Scala is a language that combines both OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and FP (Functional Programming) into one so that's pretty amazing.
Scala runs JVM and JavaScript Engine and natively on LLVM (a virtual machine).



Golang is a pretty famous programming language. It is really fun to learn Go since it has some new aspects of programming for people with JavaScript or some other dynamically typed languages.

Check out my article below to see What I love Golang for:



Stylus is a CSS pre-processor like Sass and Less but it is way more awesome. Stylus provides a new way of Writing your stylesheets. I've recently used Stylus in some of my personal and commercial projects and I can tell you that it is a reliable choice.



Well, this might be strange but many new programmers started their career with Node.js or some Microsoft related technology like .NET so I'm including PHP here. PHP is a very popular programming language that is used almost for half of the web right now from personal projects to really big-scale projects. Despite all the hate out there about PHP, it is a great programming language and will teach you many new things since it is one of the most different programming languages you will ever see (in my opinion).

My story about coming back to PHP from Node.js might be interesting for you:

Phalcon PHP

Phalcon PHP

Phalcon is a PHP framework written in C and delivered as a C extension for your PHP setup. It is blazing fast (actually the fastest framework for PHP) and by using Phalcon you will have a very clean application since it has no files added to your project and everything is extended from the extension itself. I highly suggest you try this awesome framework.



If you are a JavaScript guy then TypeScript is the thing for you! TypeScript combines your JavaScript knowledge with a strongly-typed language and that is really enjoyable. If you have not tried TypeScript yet this is the best time!



Elixir is a functional programming language that is worth it to learn if you have free time. One of the most famous use cases for Elixir is Phoenix framework that is used for designing applications.

As I said, not all of these technologies might be useful for you but learning them will help you much more than you would think. For instance learning, Golang helped me improve my coding skills in Node.js.

Tell me if you are learning or learned anything during these quarantine days.

I hope you enjoyed this list.

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