Should You Learn To No-Code?

Adrian Twarog - Feb 18 '22 - - Dev Community

What is nocode?

Why are more web companies, agencies, marketing businesses and branding expecting to hire developers who work with no-code platforms?

This is a serious question, one that isn’t asked enough in the programming community, akin to what will web 2.0 bring, and how will ReactJs affect the future career paths of development.

  • What is no-code
  • Why you should learn no-code
  • Where no-code tools are being used
  • How it's currently used at my workplace
  • How to get started
  • Comparing coding to no-coding

YouTube version for those who rather watch:

dev living under rock

What is no-code?

If you have been living under a virtual rock, you might not have heard the new ranges of tools that are being released left right and center to help coders build websites faster and easier. We have Artificial Intelligence writing code for us, we have visual Figma designs automatically converted to coded components, and now we also have visual website creators dedicated to making websites without requiring the manual labour of writing every line.

AI tools

Why you should learn no-code?

While developers see fads come and go, no-code is here to stay just like typescript and is already changing the fundamental way that marketing and web companies are building web pages. Slowly a change is happening that is almost unseen, where companies are shifting their process of creating websites.

code nocode

Where no-code tools are being used

Traditionally websites were made in several stages. First you would have the sales or business acquisition team meet a client, get the requirements for a project to hand over to a Graphics Designer.

Their job would be to create the user interface for a website, which would normally occur in photoshop, or adobe XD, or even Figma. Finally these visual assets would be handed over to a developer, who often was forced to create the website on a platform such as WordPress, or NextJS or something that was the standard for that web company.

figma example css

The last step of development was the largest, especially when it came to large complex projects, and be allocated the biggest budget and timeline, with websites taking weeks or months to complete the coding phase.

The big shift that is happening now is that development is pivoting its process from client > design > code, to client > design > no-code.

work dev nocode

How it's currently used at my workplace

No-code means that we seeing more and more companies use tool to build the websites such as Wordpress Elementor, or Visual Composer or others because they found they get the same results (or design) with half the effort.

These no-code tools weren’t the best, they are on top of heavy platforms such as Wordpress, which already have security issues, difficulty to update, and much more.

But the benefits outweigh the pain, because updating content took half the time, and this is especially important when clients change their mind faster than a goldfish can forget whats on their mind.

node mobile

And this was just a few years ago. Today, we have already far past using relics of the past, and have new platforms that are dedicated to building websites using no-code.

No-code isn’t taking developers out of the equation, but rather giving them a new set of tools to create websites using the standards they already know, like the box model, grids, flex and much more. While a lot of programmers enjoy the act of coding, there is going to be no dispute that companies in the next few years will be transitioning to using no-code tools to build their platforms on.

tailwindcss bootstrap

As such, the responsibility of programmers today will be to start skilling up on these tools. The traditional coding knowledge won’t go away, it will be a foundation to build upon as we dive deep in the next few videos into understanding how to get started with no-code.

By understanding the no-code environment, you will be preparing yourself for the future to get better employment, to get a higher salary and to stay relevant in your career.

On top of that, you’ll find that understanding no-code will also help your coding skills too, as you’ll have more time to learn and implement relevant things like react into no-code projects which you build visually.

Editor X

Editor X no-code platform

I'm using Editor X to compare what normal code verses no-code looks like, and it really impressive how quickly things can be done. There will be situations where this will defiantly become the mainstream for creating websites in the future, when creating simple buttons takes seconds instead of minutes to make. (see full vid below)

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