- Treat your resume as a landing page - optimize it for conversion (that is basically an interview invitation)
- Keep it just one sheet long (two pages max)
- Don’t use photos, never
- Layout mattes - choose more readable, good looking one with better font, if you need one look at the example below
- Polish your tech skills cloud and aligned it with job description - without it you will be rejected by any recruiting automation system on a filtering step
- Add WOW effects to your experience, namely stress out how did you improve the business of a company using your tech skills
- Stop DOing, start ACHIEVing in your experience
- A/B Test your resume all the time, send it to recruiters and check what version has better conversion rate (calls back)
Originally published on FullStack.Cafe - Never Fail Your Tech Interview Again
Node.js Developer Resume Template
John Rippin | Node.js Developer
Creative Node.js Developer with 12+ years of strong experience in Operating Systems & Terminal, Machine Learning areas with willingness to learn and master Scrum & Agile and RDBMS & SQL. Blockchain expert.
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- Phone: (997) 360-2706
- Email: john11@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: @john11
- Github: @john11
Front End:
- BabylonJS, Backbone.js, Handlebars.js
- JavaScript/ES6/ES2017, MeteorJS, RESTful API
- ReactJS, Underscore.js, Web Components
Back End:
- Node.js 0.8-10.1, Azure Functions, Flask
- LINQ, MS Build, kops
- CRUD, Cassandra, DAX
- MongoDB, MySQL, NHibernate
- Blanket, Nock, Unexpected
- CI/CD, Jenkins, Raygun, Travis CI
- 12 Factor App, Asana, Basecamp
- Bitbucket, Crucible, ER Diagrams
- Lint, SOLID principles, UML
Mayer LLC, Senior Node.js Developer, 01/2014 - 12/2016 | Handburgh, AR
- Building hypothesis and executing the set of A/B tests related to the high-profile internal web application resulting in 3x conversion and revenue grow
- Capturing the best development practices in a way of common condign standards team of 4 developers that helped to decrease code complexity and improve maintainability of the shared libraries and components.
- Integrating with third-party services and external APIs as a part of implementation of the high-profile customers-facing portal adopting an improved way of reports producing amongst different solutions and mitigating the code duplicity by 60%
- Reverse-Engineering legacy modules related to high-profile online service, following to the more effective components interoperability and code maintainability.
McClure and Sons, Node.js Backend Developer, 03/2011 - 01/2014 | Kreigerbury, MN
- Conducting requirements gathering and validation as a part of collaboration for the high-profile progressive web application that helped to develop clear, unambiguous technical requirements and establish consistent feed-back loop.
- Coordinated with engineering and product teams in identification of customer requirements for the high-volume progressive web application. The result helped to create more than 16 BRD and tech documents to stream line development activities.
- Full Stack development of the high-profile external web app (BabylonJS and SOLID principles). As a result 5 bugs-free releases have been deployed just-in-time.
- Implementation of the set of new API endpoints related to the mission-critical internal web application, that provided critical connectivity channel for distributed functionality and increase system cohesion keeping manageable code complexity.
- Maintaining newly developed and legacy systems mission-critical external web app applying knowledge of Azure Functions, NHibernate and Jenkins
- Optimizing legacy data storages and search queries for the high-volume external web app utilizing NHibernate and MongoDB resulted in minimization of the average response time by 63%
Mays - Kautzer, Back-End Developer, 01/2009 - 05/2010 | West Nathaniel, IA
- Design and configuration of the fully automated CI/CD lifecycle for the high-volume external web app resulting in 5x reduction of average deployment time.
- Maintaining newly developed and legacy systems high-volume external web app applying knowledge of 12 Factor App and Handlebars.js
- Performing unit & load testing for the critical progressive web application that helped to improve system's stability and scalability by identification critical performance issues during development phase
- Resolved technical problems relating to the business-critical internal web application resulting in application performance tunning and code quality improvements
- Reviewing the quality of code for the high-volume progressive web application maintaining code and design consistency across different team members
- Transforming client needs into the new product features for the high-profile external web app. The result helped to create more than 18 BRD and tech documents to stream line development activities.
FullStack.Cafe - Never Fail Tech Interview, Founder | www.fullstack.cafe
- FullStack.Cafe is a smartest way to nail your Full Stack tech interview. It has more than 2800 Interview Questions and Answers sourced from any possible resources on Internet and presented in a concise, unobtrusive way for high-focusing interview preparation process.
- ~20'000 MAU.
- Master of Communication. Salem University, Nigeria, 2003 - 2010.
- Intro to Coding and Programming - Nanodegree. Code Avengers.
- Bengali language: Native proficiency
- Arabic language: Fluent proficiency
- Visa Status: Permanent Resident