Zenml for beautiful beautiful orchestration pt 2

Akan - Sep 21 - - Dev Community

Here's where we take the next step of organizing our single script by transforming it into specific scripts per step - this makes things tidier. More importantly, we'd get to learn more about decorators and Model objects, for example we get to use Model Objects and how to store model artifacts.

Since this is sequel to this post, we can just continue with the created stack - in the author's example it is called new_stack. However, before we go ahead, let's update this stack by registering an experiment tracker, which would be used later on to configure MLflow.

Experiment Tracking: The concept of Client and the MLflow setup

The primary client is the ZenML Python Client, it allows you to programmatically manage various resources within, which is quintessential for tracking your ML experiments, in this case, comparing the rmse across varied model outputs.

So let's intitiate one for MLflow.

On your terminal update your stack by running the following:

# Register the MLflow experiment tracker
zenml experiment-tracker register <mlflow_experiment_tracker_name> --flavor=mlflow

# Register and update a stack with the new experiment tracker
zenml stack update new_stack -a <artifact_store_name> -o default -d default -e <mlflow_experiment_tracker_name>
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If you run zenml stack list it should look something like so:

stack list

Now that you have an experiment tracker set your stack, you can call it in your python environment like so - to store and retrieve records.

from zenml.client import Client

## Initiate Experiment Tracker
experiment_tracker = Client().active_stack.experiment_tracker
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This loads your active tracker, which we will store values and subsequently pass to the following step decorator. Let's, however, start by setting up the directories.

Initiate Directories

The first thing we do is to place our scripts in directories. From the terminal we need to create two new directories - mkdir pipelines steps - to accommodate their respective orchestration scripts.

steps directory

Let's deal for the steps:

## Navigate into the steps folder
cd steps
### create the dedicated step scripts
touch __init__.py ingest_data.py model_deployer.py promote_model.py train_model.py
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The next step is intuitive, for each .py script simply place the necessary step, so the ingest_data script will look like so:

# ingest_data.py
## Import Libraries
import os
import pandas as pd
from zenml import step
from typing import Annotated

## Data Dependencies
df_pth = 'https://github.com/ybifoundation/Dataset/raw/main/Salary%20Data.csv'
local_pth = "./datasets/SalaryData.csv"

## Ingestion Step
def load_data() -> Annotated[pd.DataFrame, "Salary_data"]:
    if os.path.exists(local_pth):
        df = pd.read_csv(local_pth)
        os.makedirs("./datasets", exist_ok=True)
        df = pd.read_csv(df_pth)
        df.to_csv("./datasets/SalaryData.csv", index=False)

    return df
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Model Training

This step induces the training of a regression model, initiallywe used just the Linear Regression module - now, we would expand to three Regressors (add; Decision Tree and Random Forest)**set link, additionally we would further explore the ZenML Model Object to see how we log metadata.

# train_model.py
## Load dependencies
# import ..
from zenml.client import Client

## Initiate Experiment Tracker
experiment_tracker = Client().active_stack.experiment_tracker

# Get today's date
today = date.today()
## Model Directory
model_dir = 'model_dir'

@step(enable_cache=False, experiment_tracker=experiment_tracker.name)
def train_model(
    data: pd.DataFrame,
    model_name: Union[str, None]
) -> Annotated[Model, "trained_model"]:
    y = data['Salary']
    X = data[['Experience Years']]

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,

    model = None
    if model_name == "linearRegression" or model_name is None:
        model = LinearRegression()
    elif model_name == "decisionTree":
        model = DecisionTreeRegressor()
    elif model_name == "randomForest":
        model = RandomForestRegressor()

    # Log the model type
    mlflow.log_param("model_type", model_name)

    model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))

    # Log Metrics
    mlflow.log_metric("rmse", rmse)

    # Log the sklearn model
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(model, "salary_prediction_model")

    # Create a ZenML Model object
    zenml_model = Model(
        metadata={"rmse": str(rmse)}

    # Log metadata directly to the zenml_model object
    zenml_model.log_metadata({"rmse": str(rmse)})
    zenml_model.set_stage("staging", force=True)
    # Export Model to Local Directory
    model_dir_name = f"{rmse}_{model_name}_{today}.pkl"

    if not os.path.exists(model_dir):
        os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True)
    model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, model_dir_name)

    # Dump model
    joblib.dump(model, model_path)

    # Log the model path as an artifact

    logging.info(f"Successfully Trained {model_name} \n"
                 f"and stored trained model to Model Register: {model_path}")

    return zenml_model 
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The step decorator now disables caching AND sets up experiment tracking. Other amendments include the model selection that chooses between LinearRegression, DecisionTreeRegressor, or RandomForestRegressor based on the model_name parameter. Furthermore we save a pickled version of the models in our local drive.

The experiment_tracker client becomes useful where we start to integrate Mlflow, which logs the model type, RMSE metric, and the trained sklearn model artifacts.

We also create a Model Object which we will set to "staging", it is one the object that we will return in our next step.

Model Promotion

This step, promote_model, is a crucial component in our pipeline, designed to manage the promotion of models to production. It uses of ZenML's Model class and client.

The function's core purpose is to compare the performance of a staging model against the current production model, using RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) as the key metric. It begins by retrieving the RMSE of the staging model and then attempts to fetch the same for the existing production model, gracefully handling scenarios where no production model yet exists.

# promote_model.py
## Load dependencies
from zenml import step, Model, log_model_metadata
from typing import Dict, Annotated
from zenml.logger import get_logger
from zenml.client import Client

logger = get_logger(__name__) 

def promote_model(
        model: Model,
        # metrics: Dict[str, float],
        stage: str = "production"
) -> Annotated[bool, "best_model"]:
    # Get the ZenML client
    client = Client()

    # Staging RMSE
    current_staging = client.get_model_version(
    staging_rmse = float(current_staging.run_metadata["rmse"].value)
    logger.critical(f"STAGING RMSE: {staging_rmse}")

    # Production RMSE
    #> Initiate with None & Inf
    current_production = None
    production_rmse = float('inf')

        # Try to get the production model
        current_production = client.get_model_version(
        if current_production:
            production_rmse = float(current_production.run_metadata["rmse"].value)
            logger.info(f"Current production model version: {current_production.id}, RMSE: {production_rmse}")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f"Error fetching previous production model: {str(e)}")

    # Condition for promotion
    if staging_rmse < production_rmse:
            # Archive the current production model if it exists
            if current_production:
                    production_model = Model(
                    # This will set this version to production
                    production_model.set_stage(stage="archived", force=True)
                    logger.info(f"Previous production model (id {current_production.id}) archived. \n"
                                f"Previous RMSE: {production_rmse}, New RMSE: {staging_rmse}")
                except Exception as archive_error:
                    logger.warning(f"Failed to archive previous model: {str(archive_error)}")

                metadata={"rmse": staging_rmse},
            # Promote the new model
            model.set_stage(stage, force=True)
            logger.info(f"New model (version {model.version}) promoted to {stage}!")
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error during model promotion: {str(e)}")
            return False
            f"Model not promoted. STAGING RMSE ({staging_rmse}) is not better than "
            f"PRODUCTION RMSE ({production_rmse})")
        return False
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The scripts initialize a ZenML client to interact with the model registry and sets a positive and infinite value where there is no previously registered model.

The heart of the function lies in its promotion logic.

promotion logic

If the staging model demonstrates superior performance (lower RMSE), a series of actions are triggered. This production_model.set_stage(stage="archived", force=True) archives the current production model (if it exists), logging new metadata for the staging model, and officially promoting it to production status.

Throughout this process, comprehensive logging provides visibility into each step, capturing both successful operations and any encountered errors.

Remember maintaining system integrity is paramount, hence, error handling is woven throughout the function, ensuring robustness in various scenarios, such as failures in fetching model information or during the promotion process itself.

This has to take a careful approach that ensures that only models with proven improvements are promoted, maintains a clear record of model lineage, and provides detailed logging for transparency and debugging.

We are done with the steps - time to configure our pipeline.


Here, we don't do much differently. Simply, cd ./pipelines, to navigate to the pipeline initially created, then touch __init__.py <pipeline_name.py>.

Paste the following in

from zenml import pipeline
from steps.ingest_data import load_data
from steps.train_model import train_model
from steps.promote_model import promote_model

def simple_ml_pipeline(modelname: str):
    dataset = load_data()
    model = train_model(dataset, modelname)
    is_promoted = promote_model(model)

    return is_promoted
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The @pipeline decorator indicates that it represents a complete ML workflow. This pipeline encapsulates the three main stages of a our ML process: data ingestion, model training, and model promotion.

The pipeline takes a single parameter, modelname, which determines the type of model to be trained. It then executes three key steps in sequence.

See how the modular structure defines each step as a separate function for code organization and reusability. Very cutesy.

Runing the pipeline

All that's left now is a script that runs this pipeline. To achieve this cd .. into your parent directory and touch run_pipeline.py (You can call it anything you want) - in this script paste the following:

from pipelines.training_pipeline import simple_ml_pipeline
from zenml.client import Client
import logging
import click
from zenml.integrations.mlflow.mlflow_utils import get_tracking_uri

## tracking uri
track_uri = get_tracking_uri()

## Click Options
LR = "linearRegression"
DT = "decisionTree"
RF = "randomForest"

    type=click.Choice([LR, DT, RF]),
    help="Optionally you can choose any of the models to train "
         "By default the Linear Regression Model will be used ",
def execute_pipe(modelname: str):

        "Now run \n "
        f"    mlflow ui --backend-store-uri '{track_uri}'\n"
        "To inspect your experiment runs within the mlflow UI.\n"
        "You can find your runs tracked within the `mlflow_example_pipeline`"
        "experiment. Here you'll also be able to compare the two runs.)"

if __name__ == "__main__":
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This code snippet defines a command-line interface (CLI) for executing the simple_ml_pipeline using the Click library, a user-friendly command-line tool, providing options for model selection.

Three constant variables (LR, DT, RF) are defined, representing different model types: Linear Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. These serve as shorthand identifiers for the available model choices.

The execute_pipe function is decorated with Click commands and options. It takes a modelname parameter, which the user can specify when running the script. The --modelname or -m option allows users to choose between the three predefined model types, with Linear Regression set as the default.

e.g python run_pipeline.py -m decisionTree

run_pipeline logs

When executed, the function calls the simple_ml_pipeline with the chosen model name, Decision Tree Regressor, (which performs worse than the previous model - and is not promoted to "production"), initiating the ML workflow defined earlier.

The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the execute_pipe function is called only when the script is run directly, not when imported as a module. After pipeline execution, it logs the tracking URI of the active experiment tracker, which is useful for monitoring and accessing experiment results.

Phew! It gets easier.

User Interface


To review your work with the dedicated server, like before, run zenml up or zenml up --blocking (windows)


To review your experiments and artifacts follow the output of the print statement, in this case mlflow ui --backend-store-uri 'file:C:\Users\buasc\zenml_store\mlruns'.

You should launch your mlflow web server locally and see something like so.

Web Server

That's it, for now. The next tutorial we would see how to add another step that deploys the promoted model, such that we can it as a predictive service from streamlit*.

If you found any of these difficult, please reach out via the comment section. The full scripts can be found here.

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