Creating a responsive website design

Akshat Sharma - Apr 15 - - Dev Community

Hey there!
Creating a responsive website design is really a very hectic tasks to do but it is a very important one. Responsive web designs ensures that our website design works well with every device whether it is our large laptop/computer screens or small mobile screens. Many developers find creating a responsive design quite challenging. In this post I am going to give you some tips which you can use and easily make your website responsive.
So let's get started :)

Image description

Tip 1 :

First of all it is very important to control webpage's dimension and scaling according to the device's width. For this we use <meta> tag in <head> element .
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
This will set viewport of your page, which will give browser instructions on how to control page's dimension and scaling.

Tip 2 :

Using right units to adjust size ,position and spacing of elements.
Some most commonly used units are ->

  1. Percentage (%)-> These units are relative to parent instead of window meaning they take their position or size according to their parent container.They are commonly used to define widths, heights, margins, and paddings, allowing elements to scale proportionally with their container.

  2. Viewport Width (vw) and Viewport Height (vh)-> These units are relative to the viewport's width and height, respectively. They allow you to specify dimensions based on the size of the viewport, making them particularly useful for creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.

  3. EM and REM ->These units are relative to the font size of the element or the root element (html), respectively. They are commonly used for font sizes and spacing, allowing elements to scale proportionally with text size changes.

You can use these units in combination to achieve your goal.

Tip 3 :

Use of minimum and maximum widths (min-width and max-width) will allow scaling up to a specific width.They are commonly used in combination with percentage or viewport units to create responsive layouts that adjust within specified constraints.

Tip 4 :

Use of flex and grid wil ensure the positioning of elements relative to each other.
While flex allows to display elements in a single line or in a block it easily aligns elements according to your needs, hence giving a responsive layout.
The grid template gives you power to place elements in a grid you can customize this grid template by specifying the maximum columns and rows , width etc.

Tip 5 :

For images you can set aspect ratio of image or simply use <picture> tag. This will ensure scaling of image relative to size of screen .

Tip 6 :

Use of media queries -> Media queries are great way to define styles for different media.
Breakpoints in web design refer to specific points at which the layout of a website responds to changes in the viewport size or device characteristics, such as screen width.

Tip 7 :

Defining some generalized styling -> You can give some generalized styling to your root element to make design responsive such as setting margin:0 ; padding :0 this will ensure that whatever default margin and padding given to all elements are removed and we can define our own margin and padding .
One more property that can be applied is setting box-sizing:border-box which ensures that whatever padding we are giving to element is going to be assigned from the total width and height of that element. In other words, the padding and border are "included" within the specified width and height, rather than added to them.
You can use more styles according to your needs these are some general styles.

So these were some tips that you can use to create responsive website designs. I hope you find this post helpful .Please stay connected to know more :)

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