What is the Difference Between Joint Point and Point Cuts in Spring AOP?

Anh Trần Tuấn - Sep 30 - - Dev Community

1. Understanding Join Points and Pointcuts

Aspect-Oriented Programming revolves around the idea of weaving additional behavior into existing code at specific points. These points are identified by Join Points and Pointcuts.

1.1 What is a Join Point?

A Join Point represents a point in the execution of your application where an aspect can be applied. In simpler terms, it is a specific point in the application’s flow, such as method execution or exception handling, where cross-cutting concerns (like logging, security, etc.) can be inserted.

Examples of Join Points:

  • Method execution : When a method is called.
  • Exception handling : When an exception is thrown.
  • Object initialization : When an object is created.

In Spring AOP, join points are always method executions. This means that you can apply aspects only at the time of method execution.

Code Example:

public class AccountService {
    public void createAccount() {
        System.out.println("Creating account...");
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Here, the method createAccount () is a join point because an aspect (like logging) can be applied when this method is executed.

1.2 What is a Pointcut?

A Pointcut is a set of one or more join points where an aspect can be applied. It is essentially a predicate or an expression that matches join points. Pointcuts allow you to control when and where your aspect code should be executed.

Pointcuts in Spring:

  • Defined using expressions or annotations.
  • Can be applied to specific methods, classes, or packages.
  • Allow fine-grained control over where the aspect should apply.

Code Example:

public class LoggingAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(* com.example.service.AccountService.*(..))")
    private void forAccountService() {}

    public void beforeAdvice() {
        System.out.println("Executing before advice on AccountService");
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In this example, the @Pointcut expression targets all methods in the AccountService class. The advice is applied before any method in AccountService is executed.

1.3 Key Differences


  • Join Point : A specific point in the application where an aspect can be applied.
  • Pointcut : A collection of join points that matches the criteria defined by the pointcut expression.


  • Join Point : Represents the actual location in code.
  • Pointcut : Defines the conditions under which an advice is executed.


  • Join Point : Exists independently.
  • Pointcut : Requires join points to determine where it should apply.

In summary, a Join Point is the exact point in your application where an aspect can be inserted, while a Pointcut is a way to select a group of these join points. Together, they enable powerful and flexible cross-cutting concerns in Spring AOP.

2. Practical Application in Spring AOP

To solidify your understanding, let's walk through a simple application of join points and pointcuts in Spring AOP.

2.1 Setup

Consider a service class AccountService with methods to manage accounts. We want to add logging before any method in this service is executed.

public class AccountService {
    public void createAccount() {
        System.out.println("Account Created");

    public void deleteAccount() {
        System.out.println("Account Deleted");
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2.2 Defining the Aspect

We'll define an aspect that uses pointcuts to apply advice before methods in AccountService are executed.

public class LoggingAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(* com.example.service.AccountService.*(..))")
    private void accountServiceMethods() {}

    public void logBefore() {
        System.out.println("Logging before account service method execution");
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2.3 Running the Application

When you run your application, the aspect will log a message before any method in AccountService is executed.


Logging before account service method execution
Account Created
Logging before account service method execution
Account Deleted
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2.4 Analyzing the Results

This example demonstrates how join points (method executions) are intercepted by an aspect using pointcuts. The flexibility of pointcuts allows you to apply aspects selectively, which is crucial in real-world applications.

3. Conclusion

Understanding the difference between Join Points and Pointcuts is essential for effectively utilizing AOP in Spring. While join points are specific locations where an aspect can be applied, pointcuts allow you to target these locations selectively. Mastering these concepts will empower you to write cleaner, more maintainable code by separating cross-cutting concerns from your business logic.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to comment below!

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