Navigating JVM Memory: Key Concepts for Your Java Interview

Arshi Saxena - Oct 6 - - Dev Community

When preparing for Java developer interviews, understanding how memory is organized within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be a key topic of discussion. This post will highlight the different memory areas in the JVM—specifically the Stack, Heap, and MetaSpace—providing essential points that interviewers may focus on. By familiarizing yourself with these concepts, you can enhance your interview readiness and demonstrate your understanding of Java memory management.

The Roles of JDK, JRE, and JVM

Before diving straight into the JVM's memory spaces, let's quickly explore the connection between the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and identify where exactly the JVM fits within this framework.


  • The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a complete software development kit that includes:

    • All tools necessary for Java development.
    • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is essential for running Java applications.
  • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains:

    • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is the core component responsible for executing Java bytecode.
    • Class Libraries : Pre-compiled classes that help your program run without the need for manual coding of these functions like String, Mathetc.
  • In essence:

    • The JVM acts as the execution engine that runs Java applications.
    • The JDK serves as the toolkit for developers to create Java applications.

With this understanding, we can now turn our attention to the JVM's memory areas, specifically the Stack, Heap, and MetaSpace, to see how memory is organized during the execution of Java applications.

1. Stack Memory

What is Stored in Stack Memory:

  • Method Calls: Each time a method is invoked, a new frame is pushed onto the stack, which includes:
    • Method Parameters: The arguments passed to the method.
    • Local Variables: Variables declared within the method. This includes:
      • Primitive Data Types: The actual values of local variables declared as primitive types are stored directly in the stack.
      • References to Objects: For local variables that are of object types, only references to the actual objects (which reside in heap memory) are stored in the stack.
    • Return Address: The address to return to after the method execution is complete.

Additional Information about Stack Memory:

  • Memory Allocation and Deallocation: Memory for a method is allocated when the method is called and deallocated when it finishes execution.
  • Thread Safety: Each thread in Java has its own stack memory, ensuring that local variables are thread-safe.
  • Limited Size: Stack memory is generally limited in size, which can lead to stack overflow errors if too many method calls are made (e.g., in case of deep recursion).

2. Heap Memory

What is Stored in Heap Memory:

  • Objects: Only objects are stored in heap memory. This includes:
    • User-defined Class Objects: Instances created from user-defined classes.
    • Built-in Class Objects: Instances of Java's built-in classes, including arrays and collection classes like ArrayList, HashMap, etc.
    • Instance Variables: As non-static fields that belong to an object, instance variables are stored together with the object in the heap.
    • String Pool: A special area in the heap that stores string literals. If a string literal is created, Java checks the string pool first; if it exists, the reference to the existing object is returned instead of creating a new object.

Additional Information about Heap Memory:

  • Memory Allocation: Memory is allocated when an object is created and deallocated by the garbage collector when the object is no longer reachable.
  • Garbage Collection: The garbage collector automatically manages memory in the heap by identifying and removing objects that are no longer reachable or needed.
  • Shared Memory: Heap memory is shared among all threads, allowing inter-thread communication. Objects created by one thread can be accessed, modified, or referenced by other threads. This necessitates the use of multithreading techniques to manage access to shared objects, ensuring data consistency and avoiding race conditions.

3. Method Area / MetaSpace

The Method Area is also known as MetaSpace in Java 8 and later.

What is Stored in Method Area / MetaSpace:

  • Class Metadata: Information about classes, such as their structure (fields, methods, and interfaces) and relationships to other classes, is stored in the MetaSpace.
  • Static Variables: Static fields declared in classes are stored in the MetaSpace, making them accessible to all instances of that class.
  • Runtime Constant Pool: This pool contains literals and references used during runtime. For string literals, references are stored here (actual values being stored in String Pool in Heap), while other literals (like numeric and boolean) are stored directly as values.

Additional Information about Method Area / MetaSpace:

  • Shared Memory: The Method Area is shared among all threads, meaning only one MetaSpace instance exists within the JVM. This allows for efficient management of class information and reduces memory overhead.
  • Synchronization: The JVM handles synchronization when accessing the Method Area to prevent inconsistencies and ensure thread safety.


Understanding these three memory areas is crucial for any Java developer. They form the foundation for important concepts like garbage collection, memory leaks, and thread safety, which will be discussed in the forthcoming articles in this series.

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