Developing a Script for Incremental Database Backup

Artem “art-grig” Grigoryants - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

When it comes to managing databases, data integrity is crucial. However, in certain situations, such as production database corruption, it's imperative to have a robust backup strategy. This article describes a PostgreSQL script that was developed out of necessity to generate SQL statements for an incremental backup from a specific point in time. This allows applying changes to a previous backup to restore a database to its most recent, accurate state.

Overview of the Script

The script is implemented as a PostgreSQL function named generate_sql_statements. Its primary purpose is to scan specified database tables for changes (new inserts or updates) that occurred after a given timestamp (reference_timestamp). It generates corresponding SQL statements to reflect these changes, allowing the user to recreate the database's state incrementally.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_sql_statements(table_names TEXT[], reference_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ)
RETURNS TABLE (sql_statement TEXT) AS $$
    input_table_name TEXT;
    column_record RECORD;
    action_type TEXT;
    row_json JSONB;
    formatted_value TEXT;
    formatted_values TEXT;
    columns TEXT;
    update_set_clause TEXT;
    -- Loop through each table name
    FOREACH input_table_name IN ARRAY table_names
        -- Step 1: Get column information for the current table
        FOR column_record IN
            SELECT column_name, data_type, ordinal_position
            FROM information_schema.columns
            WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = input_table_name
            ORDER BY ordinal_position
            -- Step 2: Identify rows for INSERT or UPDATE and convert rows to JSON
            FOR row_json, action_type IN
                EXECUTE format('
                    SELECT to_jsonb(cf), CASE
                        WHEN cf."CreatedOn" > $1 THEN ''INSERT''
                        WHEN cf."UpdatedOn" > $1 AND cf."CreatedOn" <= $1 THEN ''UPDATE''
                        ELSE NULL
                    FROM %I cf
                    WHERE cf."CreatedOn" > $1 OR cf."UpdatedOn" > $1', input_table_name)
                USING reference_timestamp
                -- Step 3: Generate formatted column values for SQL statements
                formatted_values := '';
                columns := '';
                update_set_clause := '';

                FOR column_record IN
                    SELECT column_name, data_type, ordinal_position
                    FROM information_schema.columns
                    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = input_table_name
                    ORDER BY ordinal_position
                    formatted_value := CASE
                        WHEN (row_json -> column_record.column_name) = 'null' THEN 'NULL'
                        WHEN column_record.data_type IN ('character varying', 'text', 'date', 'timestamp without time zone', 'timestamp with time zone') THEN
                            '''''' || REPLACE(row_json ->> column_record.column_name, '''', '''''') || ''''''
                        WHEN column_record.data_type = 'jsonb' THEN
                            '''''' || REPLACE((row_json -> column_record.column_name)::TEXT, '''', '''''') || '''''::jsonb'
                            row_json ->> column_record.column_name

                    -- Aggregate column names and values for the INSERT statements
                    IF columns = '' THEN
                        columns := quote_ident(column_record.column_name);
                        formatted_values := formatted_value;
                        columns := columns || ', ' || quote_ident(column_record.column_name);
                        formatted_values := formatted_values || ', ' || formatted_value;
                    END IF;

                    -- Build the update_set_clause, excluding the "Id" column
                    IF column_record.column_name <> 'Id' THEN
                        IF update_set_clause = '' THEN
                            update_set_clause := quote_ident(column_record.column_name) || ' = ' || formatted_value;
                            update_set_clause := update_set_clause || ', ' || quote_ident(column_record.column_name) || ' = ' || formatted_value;
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                END LOOP;
                -- Step 4: Construct and return the SQL statement based on the action type
                IF action_type = 'INSERT' THEN
                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('
                        SELECT ''INSERT INTO %I (%s) VALUES (%s);''',
                ELSIF action_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('
                        SELECT ''UPDATE %I SET %s WHERE "Id" = %s;''',
                        row_json ->> 'Id'
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
        END LOOP;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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How It Works

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Iterate Over the Tables: The script accepts an array of table names (table_names) as input. It loops through each table to process rows that have changed (either inserted or updated) since the specified timestamp (reference_timestamp).

  2. Identify Changes (Inserts and Updates): For each table, it queries the rows where either the "CreatedOn" or "UpdatedOn" timestamps are more recent than the reference_timestamp. Each identified row is converted to JSON format to facilitate the creation of SQL statements.

  3. Generate SQL Statements:

    • Inserts: For rows where the "CreatedOn" timestamp is newer than the reference, an INSERT statement is generated.
    • Updates: For rows where the "UpdatedOn" timestamp is newer but the "CreatedOn" timestamp is older than the reference, an UPDATE statement is generated.
  4. Build and Format SQL Statements:

    • For each column in the table, the script formats the column values to be compatible with SQL syntax. It handles various data types, including strings, dates, and JSONB.
    • For INSERT statements, the script aggregates column names and their corresponding values.
    • For UPDATE statements, it builds a SET clause to update all columns (except the "Id" column) of the specified row.
  5. Return Generated SQL Statements: Depending on whether an action is identified as an INSERT or UPDATE, the corresponding SQL statement is returned to be executed on the backup database.

Detailed Script Breakdown

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the script:

  1. Step 1 - Column Information: For each table, it retrieves column metadata (name, data type, and position) from the information_schema.columns. This information is necessary to format the column values correctly in the SQL statements.
FOR column_record IN
    SELECT column_name, data_type, ordinal_position
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = input_table_name
    ORDER BY ordinal_position
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  1. Step 2 - Identify Rows for Changes: Using a dynamic SQL statement, it identifies rows for INSERT or UPDATE. Rows are selected if:
    • The "CreatedOn" timestamp is newer than the reference timestamp (INSERT).
    • The "UpdatedOn" timestamp is newer, but the "CreatedOn" timestamp is older than the reference (UPDATE).
FOR row_json, action_type IN
    EXECUTE format('
        SELECT to_jsonb(cf), CASE
            WHEN cf."CreatedOn" > $1 THEN ''INSERT''
            WHEN cf."UpdatedOn" > $1 AND cf."CreatedOn" <= $1 THEN ''UPDATE''
            ELSE NULL
        FROM %I cf
        WHERE cf."CreatedOn" > $1 OR cf."UpdatedOn" > $1', input_table_name)
    USING reference_timestamp
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  1. Step 3 - Generate Column Values: For each identified row, the script formats the column values to suit their data type. For example:
    • Strings are enclosed in single quotes, and any existing single quotes are escaped.
    • JSONB data types are cast to JSONB in the output.

It then aggregates these values into a comma-separated list to be used in the INSERT statements. Similarly, it prepares the SET clause for UPDATE statements, excluding the "Id" column.

formatted_values := '';
columns := '';
update_set_clause := '';

FOR column_record IN
    SELECT column_name, data_type, ordinal_position
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = input_table_name
    ORDER BY ordinal_position
    formatted_value := CASE
        WHEN (row_json -> column_record.column_name) = 'null' THEN 'NULL'
        WHEN column_record.data_type IN ('character varying', 'text', 'date', 'timestamp without time zone', 'timestamp with time zone') THEN
            '''''' || REPLACE(row_json ->> column_record.column_name, '''', '''''') || ''''''
        WHEN column_record.data_type = 'jsonb' THEN
            '''''' || REPLACE((row_json -> column_record.column_name)::TEXT, '''', '''''') || '''''::jsonb'
            row_json ->> column_record.column_name

    -- Aggregate column names and values for the INSERT statements
    IF columns = '' THEN
        columns := quote_ident(column_record.column_name);
        formatted_values := formatted_value;
        columns := columns || ', ' || quote_ident(column_record.column_name);
        formatted_values := formatted_values || ', ' || formatted_value;
    END IF;

    -- Build the update_set_clause, excluding the "Id" column
    IF column_record.column_name <> 'Id' THEN
        IF update_set_clause = '' THEN
            update_set_clause := quote_ident(column_record.column_name) || ' = ' || formatted_value;
            update_set_clause := update_set_clause || ', ' || quote_ident(column_record.column_name) || ' = ' || formatted_value;
        END IF;
    END IF;
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  1. Step 4 - Construct SQL Statements:
    • For an INSERT, it generates an SQL statement to insert the row into the table with the formatted column values.
    • For an UPDATE, it generates an SQL statement to update the row, identified by its "Id" column.
IF action_type = 'INSERT' THEN
        SELECT ''INSERT INTO %I (%s) VALUES (%s);''',
ELSIF action_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
        SELECT ''UPDATE %I SET %s WHERE "Id" = %s;''',
        row_json ->> 'Id'
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