How to install Terraform for Mac and get started using it

atsushi-ambo - Jan 22 '23 - - Dev Community

In this blog, I write how to install Terraform for Mac and get started using it.

  1. Install Terraform on Mac
  2. Verify that Terraform is installed
  3. Basic commands of Terraform

1. Install Terraform on Mac

To install, run the following two commands:

% brew tap hashicorp/tap
% brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
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But for my Mac, I got the following error message.

Error: No developer tools installed.
Install the Command Line Tools:
  xcode-select --install
Error: 'git' must be installed and in your PATH!
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By installing xcode and git, I was able to fix the error message.

% xcode-select --install
% brew install git
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2. Verify that Terraform is installed

Now I may have managed to get Terraform to install completely.
So I need to check if this is the case with the following commands.

% terraform --version
Terraform v1.3.7
on darwin_arm64
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3. Basic commands of Terraform

  1. Initialise Terraform You need to initialise Terraform before using it.
% terraform init
Terraform initialized in an empty directory!
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  1. Check the status of Terraform To check the current status of your infrastructure resources, use the following command I get an error because I have nothing configured at the moment.
% terraform plan
│ Error: No configuration files
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  1. Apply Terraform Apply Terraform to make changes to the infrastructure.
% terraform apply
│ Error: No configuration files
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  1. Deleting Terraform You can use the following commands to delete an infrastructure resource.
% terraform destroy
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  1. Managing Terraform Status You can use the following commands to check and manage your current state.
% terraform state list 
% terraform state show <resource_name>
% terraform state mv <resource_name> <new_name>
% terraform state pull
% terraform state push
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I have nothing to configure at the moment. I will use these commands when I create my infrastructure resource.

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