Understanding NullReferenceException in C#

Avwerosuoghene Darhare-Igben - Aug 29 '23 - - Dev Community

NullReferenceException is a common puzzler in C#. It shows up when you try to to access a member(like a property, method, or field) of a reference type variable that is currently null. Picture trying to build a house with invisible bricks – not gonna work, right? This article aims to provide a clear understanding of NullReferenceException, its causes, and practical ways to handle it.

In C#, reference types (such as classes and interfaces) can hold references to objects, or they can be assigned a special value, "null," which signifies the absence of an object reference. Attempting to access members of a null reference triggers a NullReferenceException at runtime, as the runtime environment cannot resolve the requested member on a null object.

Common Causes of NullReferenceException

- Null Returned from Method
If a method returns null and you then try to access a member or call a method on that null value, you'll come face to face with a NullReferenceException. This is because you're attempting to interact with an object that doesn't actually exist.

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In the code snippet above, the GetGreeting method returns null. When you call this method and assign its result to the greeting variable, greeting becomes null.

When you then try to access the Length property of greeting, a NullReferenceException will be thrown because you're attempting to access a member of a null value.

- Missing Object Initialisation
If you create a reference type (such as a class) but forget to initialise an instance of that class before trying to access its members or methods, you will encounter a NullReferenceException.

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In this code, the Person class has a property Name and a method Introduce() to introduce the person's name. However, in the Main() method, the person variable is declared but not initialised with an instance of the Person class.

When you try to call the Introduce() method on the uninitialised person variable, a NullReferenceException will be thrown because person is null, and you can't call methods on a null reference

Preventing NullReferenceException

By employing proactive measures and careful coding practices, it's possible to prevent these exceptions. Let's consider some of the ways this can be achieved.

- Null-Conditional Operator
This operator allows us to safely access members of an object that might be null, without causing a NullReferenceException.

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In this code, the ? operator ensures that if person is null, the value of name will also be null. If person is not null, name will hold the value of the Name property.

- Null Coalescing Operator:
The ?? Operator is a handy feature that allows you to provide a default value when dealing with null values.

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In this code, the ?? operator allows us to provide a default value ("Default Name") if person?.Name is null. If person is not null, the value of the Name property will be used.

- Conditional Statements:
Conditional statements like if-else provide another option for handling null values.

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In this code, an if-else statement is used to check whether the Name property of the person object is null. If this condition is met, the value of person.Name is assigned to the name variable; otherwise, if person is null or person.Name is null, the name variable is set to "Default Name".


NullReferenceException is a common challenge in C# programming, often arising from attempting to access members of null reference type variables. By using null-safe operators, null coalescing, null checks, and conditional statements, you can prevent these exceptions and write more robust and reliable code. Understanding the nuances of null values and handling them proactively will enhance your programming skills and contribute to better software development practices

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