Markdown write-up

bappasaha - Apr 3 '23 - - Dev Community

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Table of Markdown content

Click on any topic to go there

  1. What is Markdown

  2. Heading

  3. Comment

  4. Text Formatting

  5. Escaping

  6. Blockquote

  7. Strikethrough

  8. Horizontal Line

  9. List

  10. Link

  11. Emoji

  12. Image

  13. Table

  14. Code Block

  15. Fancy Code Block

  16. Collapsible Content

  17. Check Box

  18. Keyboard Button

  19. Badge

  20. Mention

  21. Learning Links

What is Markdown?

Markdown is the formatting elements to plaintext text documents.Markdown documents are readable without tags. Behind the seen it has been converted to html. It use to style text,list, table etc.You can consider markdown as regular text.

Heading Syntax of Markdown

###### Heading-6
##### Heading-5
#### Heading-4
### Heading-3
## Heading-2
# Heading-1

Example of markdown heading






You can use this heading-1 syntax


You can use this heading-1 syntax

You can use this heading-2 syntax


You can use this heading-2 syntax

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Comment Syntax of Markdown

[//]: # (This is recommended Comment Syntax)

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Text Formatting Syntax of Markdown

Bold text

**Bold text with 2 stars in both side**
__Bold text with 2 underscore in both side__


This is Bold text example with 2 stars

This is Bold text example with 2 underscore

I love Bangladesh

We are learning markdown language

*Double underscore not work to bold

I love Bangladesh

Italic Text

*Italic text with 1 star in both side*
_Italic text with 1 underscore in both side_


This is Bold text example with 2 stars

This is Bold text example with 2 underscore

Bold & Italic at a time

***Bold italic text Syntax***

___Bold italic text Syntax___

*__Bold italic text Syntax__*

_**Bold italic text Syntax**_


Bold italic text

Bold italic text

Bold italic text

Bold italic text


Line Breack

The world's eighth largest country in population Bangladesh , although the size of small islands
city-states after the 9 th 6 of the world's most densely populated country, Bangladesh . With an estimated population (2016) of this small country of less than 56,000 square miles,

the population is more than 160 million, or 279 people per square mile (1115 people per square kilometer).

Way to center text

The world's eighth largest country in population Bangladesh , although the siaze of small islands and city-states after the 9 th 6 of the world's most densely populated country, Bangladesh . With an estimated population (2016) of this small country of less than 56,000 square miles, the population is more than 160 million, or 279 people per square mile (1115 people per square kilometer).

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Escaping Syntax of Markdown

\# Backslash escape to work


# Backslash escape to work

- Backslash escape to work

\* Backslash escape to work

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Blockquote Syntax of Markdown

This is blockquote

Inside the Parent

Inside the 2nd parent

This is blockquote

Inside the parent

Inside the 2nd parent

One line gap to create new blockquote

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Strikethrough Syntax of Markdown

~~Line cutted~~


Line cutted

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Horizontal Line Syntax of Markdown



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List Syntax of Markdown

Order list

1. Jubaer
1. Mohammad
1. Mitu
1. Bizly


  1. Jubaer
  2. Mohammad
  3. Mitu
  4. Bizly

Unodder list

- Akter Hossain
* Arif Hossain
+ Korim Hossain


  • Akter Hossain
  • Arif Hossain
  • Korim Hossain

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Link Syntax of Markdown

[Link Text]( "Visit Boos")

To know more about us visit [Darun IT]


Link Text

To know more about us visit Darun IT

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Emoji Syntax of Markdown

:heart: you can copy only emoji 💬


❤️ you can copy only emoji 💬

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Image Syntax of Markdown

![Darun IT Logo](logo.png "Logo")


Darun IT Logo

Linkable Image

[![Darun IT Logo]( "Download Icon")]( "Click to download")

Way to center image

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Table Syntax of Markdown

No | Icon | Shortcode
01 | ❤️  | `:heart:`
02 | 👁️‍🗨️  | `:eye_speech_bubble:`
03 | 👍  | `:+1:`


No Icon Shortcode
01 ❤️ :heart:
02 👁️‍🗨️ :eye_speech_bubble:
03 👍 :+1:

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Code Block Syntax of Markdown

Inline Code Block

This is a variable `let name = "Jubaer"`

This is a variable let name = "Jubaer"

Multi Line Code Block

Use 3 backtick for multi line code block

Html code


function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

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Fancy Code Block of Markdown

function fancyAlert(arg) {
if(arg) {


function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

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Collapsible Content of Markdown

    <summary>About Jubaer Ahmad</summary>

 # His education

 Jubaer Ahmad is a full stack web developer.
 He love to teach people, he is expart in javascript, php and markdown 


About Jubaer Ahmad
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

# His education

Jubaer Ahmad is a full stack web developer.
He love to teach people, he is expart in javascript, php and markdown

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Check Box Syntax of Markdown

- [ ] Check Box
- [x] Check Box


  • [ ] Check Box
  • [x] Check Box

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Keyboard Button of Markdown

To Select All: <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>A</kbd>


To Select All: CTRL + A

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Badge Syntax of Markdown

[![Youtube Channel](]( "My youtube Channel")


Youtube Channel

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Mention Syntax of Markdown

Use @ to mention a user on gitgub



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Learning Links of Markdown

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. . . . . . . .
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