Salesforce Admin Learning - Part 3

bhanukarkra - Feb 8 '21 - - Dev Community

Data Security

Salesforce Data security deals with the security or sharing settings of data and visibility between users or groups of users across the organization.

Four level of security
a) Organization Level - The access to the organization is secured by maintaining a list of authorized users, setting password policies, and limiting login access to certain hours and certain locations.

b) Object Level - Object-level security provides the simplest way to control which users have access to which data.By setting permissions on a particular type of object, you can prevent a group of users from creating, viewing, editing, or deleting any records of that object.

c) Field Level - lets user access to certain fields in an object

d) Record level - lets user to access only few records

Access to organization

We can restrict access to org level by the following ways
1) Allow only authorized user to access Salesforce
2) Setting Password Policies
3) Restricting IP ranges for Users
4) Restricting Login Hours for user

Object Level Security

Object level security provides a way to control data access. It prevents a user or group of user from creating, viewing, editing and deleting any record of an object by setting permissions on that object.

Two ways of setting object permission

1) Profiles

It is a collection of settings and permission that tells which data and feature in the platform users have access to.

  • Settings tells what user can see like tabs, fields or recordTypes
  • Permission tells that what user can do like create, edit etc.

2) Permission sets

A Permission set is just a way to give a user or a set of users extended permissions without granting them to the entire group of users with a certain Profile.

Example -
Profile is like a Key to House
Permission sets are like keys to individual Rooms.

So if this profile is assigned to user means he can enter in to house but can’t enter in to the rooms
Until and unless permission sets are assigned to user he cant enter in to the rooms

Note user can have only one profile and can have multiple permission sets at a time.

3) Field Level Security

Field level security in salesforce controls whether a user can see, edit or delete the value for a particular field on an object

4) Record Level Security

Record Level Security in Salesforce determines which individual records users can view and edit in each object they have access to in their profile.

  • permission on a record is always evaluated according to a combination of object, field, and record-level security permission.
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