What Are the Best Hidden Tricks Every Genius Should Know?

Bros Warner - Sep 20 - - Dev Community

In today’s fast-paced and information-heavy world, unlocking the full potential of your mind is a superpower. Whether you're aiming to improve problem-solving, enhance creativity, or master new skills, knowing the hidden tricks every genius should know can provide you with that extra edge. In this article, we’ll explore several techniques and strategies, many of which are lesser-known, but extremely effective in honing cognitive abilities. These tricks cover a range of areas from memory, learning, and focus to creativity, mindset, and well-being.

  1. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

One of the most genius hidden tricks for improving performance and problem-solving is visualization. Athletes and high achievers use this technique to mentally rehearse success before it happens. By vividly imagining the outcome you want, your brain creates neural patterns similar to those used when you’re actually performing the action.

How to Use It:
Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and vividly imagine a task or goal you're working toward.
Incorporate all your senses in the imagery, including sights, sounds, smells, and even feelings.
Rehearse the actions you need to take and visualize yourself completing the task successfully.

  1. Chunking for Better Memory Retention

Memory experts know that breaking information down into smaller, manageable chunks can significantly improve recall. This hidden genius trick works because your brain is better at retaining smaller sets of information rather than trying to remember one long list or complex concept all at once.

How to Use It:
Break down any large amount of information into smaller, meaningful sections (for example, grouping a phone number into sections).
For complex subjects, group related concepts together into digestible chunks that you can review more easily.

  1. The Feynman Technique for Deep Understanding

The Feynman Technique is a genius method for simplifying complex topics and understanding them deeply. It involves teaching the concept to yourself (or others) in the simplest way possible. This hidden trick forces you to clarify your understanding and pinpoint gaps in your knowledge.

How to Use It:
Choose a topic and write down everything you know about it as if you were teaching it to someone else.
Use simple language and avoid jargon.
If you find areas you can’t explain well, go back to study those points until you fully grasp them.

  1. Spaced Repetition for Long-Term Learning

If you’re looking to retain information over a long period, spaced repetition is one of the most genius hidden tricks to master. Instead of cramming information into one study session, spaced repetition involves reviewing material at gradually increasing intervals over time, helping cement knowledge in your long-term memory.

How to Use It:
Use apps like Anki or Quizlet to create spaced repetition flashcards.
Review each piece of information after 1 day, then 3 days, then 7, and so on, extending the gap between reviews as time goes on.

  1. Active Recall for Retention Boost

Active recall is another powerful genius hidden trick that strengthens memory. Rather than passively reading or reviewing notes, this technique requires you to actively retrieve information from memory, thus reinforcing the neural pathways associated with that knowledge.

How to Use It:
After reading a chapter or learning a new topic, close the book and write down everything you remember without looking at the material.
Use practice tests or create quizzes for yourself to practice recalling information without hints.

  1. Mental Models for Better Decision-Making

Mental models are frameworks that help you understand and navigate the world. High achievers and geniuses like Elon Musk and Warren Buffet use mental models to approach complex problems. This hidden trick allows you to see issues from multiple perspectives and make better decisions.

How to Use It:
Learn basic mental models from fields like psychology, physics, and economics (e.g., first-principle thinking, the Pareto Principle, and opportunity cost).
Apply these models when analyzing problems to gain insights that others might miss.

  1. The Power of Deep Work

In an age of distractions, the ability to focus deeply on a task is rare but incredibly valuable. Deep work, popularized by author Cal Newport, is one of the most essential genius hidden tricks for mastering skills and producing high-quality work.

How to Use It:
Set aside uninterrupted time blocks where you can focus on a single task.
Remove all distractions (such as turning off your phone or using website blockers).
Train your brain to enter flow states, where you are fully immersed in the task at hand.

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation for Mental Clarity

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is another hidden trick geniuses use to clear mental fog and enhance cognitive function. By being present and aware, you reduce stress and improve your ability to focus, making your brain more efficient.

How to Use It:
Spend 10-15 minutes each day meditating, focusing on your breath, and clearing your mind of distractions.
Throughout the day, practice mindfulness by bringing full attention to the present moment, whether you’re eating, walking, or working.

  1. Optimizing Your Sleep for Cognitive Performance

A well-known, but often underestimated genius hidden trick is optimizing your sleep. Proper sleep is essential for memory consolidation, creativity, and problem-solving. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can impair cognitive performance.

How to Use It:
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
Create a bedtime routine that relaxes your mind and signals to your body that it's time to wind down.
Avoid screens or stimulating activities right before bed to enhance sleep quality.

  1. Embracing Failure as a Learning Tool

Many geniuses have a different relationship with failure—they see it as an essential part of the learning process. One of the most hidden tricks every genius should know is that failure can be a powerful tool for growth if you learn from it.

How to Use It:
Reframe failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback.
After a failure, analyze what went wrong, and adjust your approach moving forward.
Adopt a growth mindset where you focus on progress rather than perfection.

  1. Interleaved Learning for Versatile Skill Development

Interleaved learning is a hidden genius trick that involves switching between different subjects or skills during a learning session. Unlike focusing on just one thing (blocked practice), interleaved learning enhances problem-solving and adaptability because your brain has to switch contexts frequently.

How to Use It:
Instead of practicing one type of math problem, alternate between different types (e.g., algebra, calculus, and geometry) in one study session.
Apply this to learning any skills, such as switching between different musical pieces or exercises.

  1. The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) for Efficiency

The Pareto Principle, or 80/20 rule, is a well-known mental model that states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. The genius hidden trick here is identifying which 20% of your activities are delivering the most impact and focusing on those.

How to Use It:
Analyze your work, studies, or daily activities and identify the top tasks that lead to the greatest results.
Eliminate or delegate the tasks that contribute little to your goals.

  1. Incorporating Play and Curiosity into Learning

Geniuses often maintain a childlike curiosity and a willingness to play with ideas. This hidden trick keeps learning fun, which increases motivation and creativity. Curiosity also leads to a deeper understanding of subjects because it encourages you to ask questions and seek out new knowledge.

How to Use It:
Approach learning with an open and curious mindset, asking questions and exploring tangents that interest you.
Treat challenging problems like puzzles to be solved, rather than stressful tasks.

  1. Physical Exercise for Cognitive Enhancement

Exercise is a well-documented hidden trick for improving brain function. Cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which boosts memory, learning, and mood. Many geniuses like Albert Einstein made exercise a regular part of their routines.

How to Use It:
Incorporate daily physical exercise, even if it’s just a brisk walk or short workout.
Exercise right before a mentally challenging task to boost cognitive performance.

  1. Learning How to Learn (Metacognition)

Metacognition refers to thinking about your own thinking. When you are aware of your learning process, you can make adjustments and improve how you learn. This genius hidden trick helps you develop a toolkit for self-directed improvement in any area.

How to Use It:
Reflect on your learning strategies: What’s working and what isn’t?
Experiment with different techniques like spaced repetition, active recall, or note-taking methods to see which ones help you learn faster and retain more.

  1. Maintaining a Beginner's Mindset

A beginner’s mindset, or "Shoshin" in Zen Buddhism, is the idea of approaching every situation as if you were a beginner, regardless of your level of expertise. Geniuses often use this hidden trick to stay open to new perspectives and ideas.

How to Use It:
No matter how much you know, try to approach tasks with curiosity and openness.
Avoid becoming overconfident or complacent in your abilities, and stay humble enough to keep learning.

  1. Time Blocking for Ultimate Focus

Time blocking is a productivity technique that helps geniuses get more done by structuring their day into specific periods dedicated to different tasks. This hidden trick helps to minimize distractions and optimize focus.

How to Use It:
Plan your day in blocks of time, dedicating specific hours to particular tasks or activities.
Stick to the schedule and avoid multitasking during each block, ensuring you focus entirely on one thing at a time.


By incorporating these genius hidden tricks into your daily life, you can unlock higher levels of creativity, productivity, and learning. Each of these strategies is designed to push the limits of your mental capabilities while helping you maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Whether you're aiming to solve complex problems or learn new skills faster, these tools will give you the edge you need to succeed.

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