AWS ECS vs EKS: Choosing the Right Container Orchestration Service

BuzzGK - Sep 26 - - Dev Community

When it comes to running containerized applications in the cloud, two popular choices on Amazon Web Services (AWS) are Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Both ECS and EKS are powerful container orchestration platforms that help manage and scale your applications, but they have some key differences. In this article, we'll dive into the details of ECS vs EKS, comparing their features, pricing, ease of use, and more, to help you make an informed decision about which service best fits your needs.

Understanding AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)

AWS Elastic Container Service, or ECS, is a proprietary container orchestration service launched by Amazon Web Services in 2015. It simplifies the process of running, managing, and scaling containerized applications on AWS infrastructure.

How ECS Works

To run containers on ECS, you need to create a task definition that specifies the container details, such as the image, environment variables, port mappings, and resource requirements. Once the task definition is created, you can launch a service in the AWS ECS Dashboard, specifying the number of replicas and auto-scaling parameters. ECS takes care of running the containers based on the task definition, ensuring they are healthy and restarting them if necessary.

ECS Deployment Options

ECS offers two deployment modes: EC2 instances and AWS Fargate. When using EC2 instances, ECS runs containers inside virtual machines within your AWS account. You are responsible for managing the EC2 instances, including patching, scaling, and ensuring they have sufficient resources to run your containers.

On the other hand, AWS Fargate is a serverless platform for running containers. With Fargate, AWS manages the underlying infrastructure, and you only need to focus on defining your containers and their resource requirements. Fargate automatically scales your containers based on demand, making it an excellent choice for applications with variable workloads.

Integrating with AWS Ecosystem

One of the strengths of ECS is its tight integration with other AWS services. It seamlessly works with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute traffic across containers, CloudWatch for monitoring and logging, and IAM for access control. ECS also integrates with AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) to store and manage container images securely.

This deep integration with the AWS ecosystem makes it easier to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications on ECS, especially if you are already familiar with other AWS services.

Exploring AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, or EKS, is a managed Kubernetes offering that AWS launched in 2017. Built on top of the open-source Kubernetes platform, EKS simplifies the process of running Kubernetes on AWS, providing a highly available and scalable control plane while allowing you to manage your worker nodes.

EKS Architecture

In EKS, AWS manages the Kubernetes control plane, which includes the API server, etcd, and the controller manager. This relieves you of the burden of maintaining and updating these critical components. You are responsible for provisioning and managing the worker nodes, which can run on either EC2 instances or AWS Fargate, similar to ECS.

Deploying Applications on EKS

To run services on EKS, you use standard Kubernetes resources such as Deployments, Services, Ingresses, and StatefulSets. If you are already familiar with Kubernetes, deploying applications on EKS will be a straightforward process. You create a Kubernetes deployment manifest and apply it to your EKS cluster, and Kubernetes takes care of creating and managing the necessary pods.

Integrating EKS with AWS Services

AWS has developed several tools and controllers to help integrate EKS with other AWS services. For example, the AWS Load Balancer Controller allows you to create AWS Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers automatically when you define Kubernetes Ingresses or Services.

Another useful feature is IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA), which enables fine-grained access control for pods running on EKS. With IRSA, you can assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts, allowing pods to access AWS resources securely without the need for hardcoded credentials.

Leveraging Kubernetes Ecosystem

One of the significant advantages of using EKS is the ability to leverage the vast Kubernetes ecosystem. Kubernetes has a thriving community and a wide range of open-source tools and extensions that can enhance your EKS experience. For example, you can use tools like Helm and Kustomize to package and deploy applications, or Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and alerting.

Additionally, the Kubernetes community has created a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and best practices, which can help you get the most out of your EKS deployment.

Comparing ECS and EKS: Key Differences

While both ECS and EKS are powerful container orchestration services offered by AWS, they have some notable differences that can influence your decision when choosing between them. Let's explore these differences in more detail.

Ease of Getting Started

ECS is generally considered easier to get started with, especially if you are already familiar with AWS services. It integrates seamlessly with other AWS offerings, such as EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, and CloudWatch, making it simpler to set up a production-ready environment. You only need to have a basic understanding of containers and AWS to start using ECS effectively.

On the other hand, EKS has a steeper learning curve, particularly if you are new to Kubernetes. Setting up an EKS cluster requires familiarity with Kubernetes concepts and tools like eksctl or Terraform. Additionally, you need to install and configure various third-party tools and controllers to integrate EKS with other AWS services, which can be time-consuming and complex.

Pricing Considerations

When it comes to pricing, ECS is generally more cost-effective than EKS. With ECS, you only pay for the compute and memory resources consumed by your containers, without any additional charges for the orchestration service itself.

In contrast, EKS incurs a fixed monthly cost of around $70 for the managed Kubernetes control plane, on top of the charges for the compute and memory resources used by your containers. Additionally, running the necessary controllers and agents on your EKS worker nodes can add to the overall cost.

Vendor Lock-In and Portability

ECS is a proprietary service specific to AWS, which means that using it can lead to vendor lock-in. If you build your application using ECS-specific features and configurations, it can be challenging to migrate to another container orchestration platform or cloud provider in the future.

EKS, being built on top of the open-source Kubernetes platform, offers better portability. Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, with widespread adoption across various cloud providers and on-premises environments. By using EKS, you can avoid vendor lock-in and have the flexibility to move your workloads to other Kubernetes-based platforms if needed.

Community Support and Ecosystem

Both ECS and EKS benefit from the large AWS user community, which provides ample resources, tutorials, and support. However, when it comes to the broader ecosystem, Kubernetes has a significant advantage.

The Kubernetes community is one of the most active and vibrant in the open-source world, with a vast array of tools, extensions, and integrations available. This rich ecosystem can help you solve various challenges and extend the functionality of your EKS clusters more easily compared to ECS.


Choosing between AWS ECS and EKS ultimately depends on your specific requirements, expertise, and long-term goals. If you prioritize simplicity, tight integration with the AWS ecosystem, and lower costs, ECS might be the better choice. It offers a more straightforward approach to container orchestration, making it easier to get started and manage your applications, especially if you are already familiar with AWS services.

On the other hand, if you value the flexibility, portability, and extensive community support that comes with Kubernetes, EKS is the way to go. While it may have a steeper learning curve initially, the benefits of using a widely adopted, open-source platform like Kubernetes can outweigh the additional complexity. EKS allows you to leverage the vast Kubernetes ecosystem, avoid vendor lock-in, and future-proof your container orchestration strategy.

Ultimately, both ECS and EKS are powerful tools in the AWS container orchestration arsenal. By understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and key differences, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your team's skills, project requirements, and long-term objectives. Whether you choose the simplicity of ECS or the flexibility of EKS, AWS provides robust and scalable solutions for managing your containerized applications in the cloud.

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