Around the World in 8 remote cache nodes

Iñaki Villar - Aug 4 '23 - - Dev Community

Nowadays, distributed teams across different regions or countries are common in organizations. Depending on the bandwidth and latency, we could experience a degraded experience in our builds when consuming the cache entries.

This article shares the results of measuring builds in the project nowinandroid using different Remote Cache nodes.

The Local environment
To simulate the "local" build, we are using a GitHub Action runner with:

  • 2-core CPU (x86_64)
  • 7 GB of RAM

We are not able to choose the runner location in GitHub Action. Following the doc, the supported Azure regions are:

  • East US (eastus)
  • East US 2 (eastus2)
  • West US 2 (westus2)
  • Central US (centralus)
  • South Central US (southcentralus)

So we assume our "local" builds will be executed somewhere in the US.

The Project
The project used for this experiment is nowinandroid(commit id), build stack components at that point:

  • Gradle 8.2
  • AGP 8.0.2
  • KGP 1.8.22

Cache Nodes
We created a Remote Cache node for each scenario defined in different GCP zones.

Id Region
us-east South Carolina
us-west Oregon
europe-west Belgium
me-west Tel Aviv
southamerica-east São Paulo
asia-south Mumbai
australia-southeast Sydney
asia-northeast Tokyo

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  • Each scenario is configured pointing to one specific Remote cache node.
  • Each scenario executes 11 builds, the first build populates the cache. Then, 10 builds are executed in parallel reusing the cache entries.
  • The task executed in this experiment is "test". After populating the cache, the build gets 1859 tasks from the remote cache.
  • All builds are tagged in the Build Scan, including the scenario and execution number.
  • Using Gradle Enterprise API, we fetch and aggregate the build information.

We start analyzing the results of measuring the median for the task ":core:analytics:compileDemoReleaseJavaWithJavac":

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We don't observe a significant difference using different locations for the remote cache.
However, the output of this task is small (8.4 KiB). Let's see what happens when we analyze the median of a task with a bigger output size like ":app:mergeProdDebugResources" (950.1 KiB):

Image description

We observed a considerable difference across remote cache node locations once the task increased the output size.

Finally, instead of analyzing single tasks, we aggregated the results by task type. AGP task "MergeResources":

Image description

For KGP, these are the results of the median aggregated task "KotlinCompile":

Image description

Complete results table grouped by task type (ms):

Task Type us-east us-west europe-west me-west southamerica-east asia-south australia-southeast asia-northeast
KotlinCompile 71 82 67 207 162 259 198 161
MergeResources 56 71 47 182.5 146 241 183 141
KspTaskJvm 81.5 85.5 79 216.5 166.5 261.5 203.5 169.5
AggregateDepsTask 211 227 195 728 592 951.5 732.5 558.5
PackageForUnitTest 56 74 49 189 148 248 188.5 142.5
MergeSourceSetFolders 48 63 41 179 143 233 179 138
CompileLibraryResourcesTask 47 58.5 40 178 143 228 178 137
ExtractDeepLinksTask 47 58 40 177 143 227 178 137
ZipMergingTask 49 64 41 179.5 134 228 180 137
JavaPreCompileTask 47 57 39 178 143 227 178 137
ParseLibraryResourcesTask 47 58 40 178 143 227 178 137
GenerateBuildConfig 48 61.5 41 178 137.5 225.5 178.5 129.5
ProcessMultiApkApplicationManifest 48 64 39 179 135 224.5 179 129.5
GenerateLibraryRFileTask 50 65 43 181 145 234 180 138
ProcessLibraryManifest 49 65 42 180 143 229 180 138
TransformClassesWithAsmTask 59 73 53 188 148 245 186 144
ProcessPackagedManifestTask 48 64 39 179 138.5 225 179 127
GenerateProtoTask 61 73 51 192 149 239 187 144
ProcessApplicationManifest 70 76 62.5 189.5 152.5 248.5 188 149
KaptGenerateStubsTask 91 101 88 305 247 455 313 234
JavaCompile 68 78 62 196 154 250 191 151
LinkApplicationAndroidResourcesTask 82 87 75.5 222 162 267.5 207 168.5
KaptWithoutKotlincTask 83 101.5 81 302 244 453 307 231
AndroidUnitTest 61 76 53 192 155 242 190 149

Final Words

Caching continues to be the most simple and effective mechanism to optimize the build execution of Android projects.
Highly modularized projects enjoy the savings provided by reusing the outputs of the tasks, not only in terms of duration but reducing the pressure on the environment's resources executing the build.

Cache Node Replication improves the experience of teams in regions far from the cache origin by creating closer cache components for the user. There are different resources and articles explaining this strategy:

Happy Building!

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