Part 7: JavaScript DOM Manipulation: Mastering Dynamic and Interactive Web Pages

Isaiah Clifford Opoku - Jun 25 '23 - - Dev Community

JavaScript DOM Manipulation: Mastering Dynamic and Interactive Web Pages

Welcome to our comprehensive 7-part series on mastering JavaScript. In this section, we'll delve into the power of DOM manipulation in JavaScript—a crucial skill for creating dynamic and interactive web pages that engage users. Join us as we explore the fundamentals of the Document Object Model (DOM), a tree-like structure representing HTML elements, and learn how to effectively manipulate and interact with these elements using JavaScript. By the end of this section, you'll possess a solid understanding of the DOM and the ability to craft compelling web experiences.

What is DOM Manipulation?

DOM manipulation in JavaScript revolves around harnessing the Document Object Model (DOM), which serves as a hierarchical representation of HTML elements. Each element, attribute, and text within an HTML or XML document is depicted as a node—a JavaScript object with properties and methods that enable seamless manipulation and interaction.

Understanding the DOM Tree:
[DOM Tree

  • Document: The core foundation of the DOM.
  • HTML Root Element: A child of the document object.
  • Body and Head: Siblings and children of the HTML element.
  • Text: A child of the body element.
  • a Tags: Children of the body element and siblings to each other.
  • href Attribute: Child of the a (anchor) tag.

The DOM acts as a programming API for HTML and XML documents, providing a defined logical structure and specified methods for accessing and modifying them.

How to Select Elements in the DOM?

JavaScript provides several methods to select elements within the DOM. Here are some commonly used techniques:

  • document.getElementById(): Selects an element by its id attribute.


  const element = document.getElementById("myId");
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  • document.getElementsByClassName(): Selects elements by their class attribute.


  const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("myClass");
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  • document.getElementsByTagName(): Selects elements by their tag name.


  const elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
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  • document.querySelector(): Selects the first element that matches a specified CSS selector(s).


  const element = document.querySelector("p");
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  • document.querySelectorAll(): Selects all elements that match a specified CSS selector(s).


  const elements = document.querySelectorAll("p");
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The querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods are particularly useful as they allow you to leverage CSS selectors, granting flexibility in selecting specific elements or groups based on attributes, classes, or structure.

Other essential properties and methods for DOM manipulation include:

  • ParentNode: Returns the parent node of an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const parentElement = myElement.parentNode;
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  • ChildNodes: Returns a collection of an element's child nodes as a NodeList object.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const childNodes = myElement.childNodes;
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  • FirstChild and LastChild: Retrieve the first and last child nodes of an element.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const firstChild = myElement.firstChild;
  const lastChild = myElement.lastChild;
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  • PreviousSibling and NextSibling: Access the previous and next sibling nodes of an element.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const nextSibling = myElement

  const previousSibling = myElement.previousSibling;
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  • appendChild(): Add a new child node to an element.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
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  • removeChild(): Remove a child node from an element.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const childToRemove = myElement.firstChild;
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  • insertBefore(): Insert a new node before an existing child node of an element.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
  const referenceChild = myElement.firstChild;
  myElement.insertBefore(newChild, referenceChild);
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  • replaceChild(): Replace a child node of an element with a new node.
  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
  const oldChild = myElement.firstChild;
  myElement.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
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By employing these methods, you gain the ability to traverse and manipulate the DOM tree effectively. With practice, you'll be able to create captivating web pages that respond to user input, delivering a rich and interactive user experience.

How to Create and Insert Elements in the DOM?

JavaScript provides several methods for creating and inserting elements into the DOM. Here are some commonly used techniques:

  • document.createElement(): Creates a new element node.


  const newElement = document.createElement("div");
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  • document.createTextNode(): Creates a new text node.


  const newText = document.createTextNode("Hello World!");
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  • element.appendChild(): Adds a new child node to an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
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  • element.insertBefore(): Inserts a new node before an existing child node of an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
  const referenceChild = myElement.firstChild;
  myElement.insertBefore(newChild, referenceChild);
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  • element.replaceChild(): Replaces a child node of an element with a new node.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const newChild = document.createElement("div");
  const oldChild = myElement.firstChild;
  myElement.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
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  • element.cloneNode(): Creates a copy of a node.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const clonedElement = myElement.cloneNode(true);
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  • element.insertAdjacentHTML(): Inserts a text as HTML, into a specified position.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  myElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div>Hello World!</div>");
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How to Remove Elements from the DOM?

JavaScript provides several methods for removing elements from the DOM. Here are some commonly used techniques:

  • element.removeChild(): Removes a child node from an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  const childToRemove = myElement.firstChild;
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  • element.remove(): Removes an element from the



  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
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How to Modify Elements in the DOM?

JavaScript offers various methods for modifying elements within the DOM. Here are some commonly used techniques:

  • element.innerHTML: Sets or retrieves the HTML content of an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  myElement.innerHTML = "<p>New content</p>";
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  • element.textContent: Sets or retrieves the text content of an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  myElement.textContent = "New text";
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  • element.setAttribute(): Sets the value of an attribute on an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
  myElement.setAttribute("class", "new-class");
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  • Sets or retrieves the value of a specific style property of an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id"); = "red";
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  • element.classList: Provides methods to add, remove, toggle, or check for the presence of a CSS class on an element.


  const myElement = document.getElementById("my-id");
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By leveraging these methods, you can dynamically modify the content, appearance, and behavior of elements within the DOM, enabling you to create engaging and interactive web pages.


In this article, we've covered the basics of the DOM, including what it is, how it's structured, and how to access and manipulate it using JavaScript. We've also explored some of the most commonly used methods for creating, inserting, removing, and modifying elements within the DOM.

Thank you for reading, and happy coding!

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