A Full Guide to Making Sure Stable Releases to Production with UI Automation Testing

CodeRower - Sep 23 - - Dev Community


When it comes to making software, the path from code to production is not always easy. Making sure that updates to production settings are stable is one of the most important parts of this trip. Releases that aren’t stable can cause problems, cost money, and hurt a company’s image. To lower these risks, developers use different testing methods. UI automation testing is becoming an important part of the quest for stable updates. We go into great detail about UI automation testing in this blog post, which also talks about how it helps make sure that safe releases go to production.

Understanding Why Stable Releases Are Important

When it comes to software creation, where things move quickly and customers have high standards, stable releases are very important. Releases that are stable don’t have any major bugs, mistakes, or other problems that could stop the software from working in business settings. When updates are risky, it can cause a chain reaction of issues, such as

1. Downtime: Releases that aren’t stable can cause system crashes that make the software unavailable to users. Businesses, especially those that make a lot of money from their digital sites, may have to pay a lot for this downtime.

2. Income Loss: Unstable versions can cause downtime and other problems that can directly affect income lines. Customers could leave the site for a rival, which would mean lost sales and money.

3. Damage to Reputation: Having a bad name for making software that doesn’t work can hurt a company’s brand image. People are less likely to trust and keep using software that fails and has problems often.

Software development teams must make sure that their versions are stable if they want to keep customers’ trust, happiness, and loyalty.

How UI Automation Testing Has Changed Over Time?

Over the years, testing methods have come a long way because of the need for safe versions. Traditional manual testing works in some situations, but it’s not good for current development methods because it has built-in flaws. Manual testing takes a lot of time, effort, and mistakes are common. It became clear that software projects needed to be automated as they got more complicated and release cycles got shorter.

UI automation testing, which is also called GUI testing or front-end testing, simulates how a user would interact with an app’s graphical user interface (GUI). For this technology to work, special tools and frameworks are used to mimic human movements like pressing buttons, typing, and moving between screens. The following steps show how UI automation testing has changed over time:

Code Example:

Example Python code snippet for UI automation testing using Selenium

from selenium import webdriver

Set up the Selenium WebDriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

Open the website to be tested


Perform UI actions

element = driver.find_element_by_id(“some_id”)


Verify UI elements and functionalities

assert “Expected Result” in driver.title

Close the browser


1. Manual Testing: Testing software was mostly done by hand in the early days of the field. Testers would run test cases by hand, look at the results, and report any problems or flaws they found. Manual testing gave some basic peace of mind, but it wasn’t very useful for big projects with lots of releases.

2. Scripted Testing: When testing tools came out, testers could write scripts to automated test cases that were done over and over again. It would take less time and effort to test with these tools because they would simulate user activities and check that expected results happened. Despite this, automated testing still needed human help to run and analyze the results.

3. Framework-based Testing: Thanks to automatic testing tools like Selenium, Appium, and Cypress, testing has become easier to use and can be scaled up. These systems gave you libraries and tools to automate different parts of testing, like making API calls, checking the user interface, and working with databases. Framework-based testing let teams run tests on a variety of devices and browsers, which increased the number of tests that were run and made them more reliable.

**4. Continuous Testing: **When continuous integration and continuous release (CI/CD) came along, testing became an important part of the development process. Running automatic tests early and often during the development process is called continuous testing. This makes sure that any problems are found and fixed quickly. This shift-left way of testing helps teams find bugs earlier in the development process, which lowers the risk of putting risky code into production.

The development of UI automation testing has changed the way software is tried and proven. This has led to faster release processes, better quality standards, and more trust in deployments to production.

Why UI Automation Testing Is Good?

UI automation testing has many benefits for software development teams, such as making them more productive and improving the quality of their work. Some of the best things about UI automatic tests are the following:

Code Example:

// Example of UI automation testing with Selenium WebDriver in Java

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class ExampleTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id(“username”));






1. Better Test Coverage: Compared to human testing, automated tests can cover a wider range of situations, ensuring the software’s usefulness is fully confirmed. Teams can focus their human testing on complex edge cases and scenarios that are hard to automate by scripting test cases that are done over and over again.

2. Faster Time-to-Market: Automation cuts down on the time needed to run tests, so you can get feedback on changes to the code more quickly. When test rounds are shorter, development teams can make changes more quickly and get new features into production more quickly. In today’s market, where speed is often the key to success, this flexibility is very important.

3. Less work to do by hand: Automating tasks that are done over and over again frees up time and resources that can be used for more important tasks. Instead of spending hours running tests by hand, testers can focus on making strong test cases, studying test results, and finding places where things could be better.

**4. Consistency and Reliability: **When automated tests are run, they always do the same steps. This gets rid of the variability that comes with human testing. This stability makes sure that tests give true results, so teams can believe that the results of their tests are correct.

5. Regression Testing: UI automation testing works really well for regression testing, which checks changes to the script to make sure they don’t cause new bugs or regressions. Automated regression tests can be run quickly and often, telling you right away how changes to the code affect things.

6. Scalability: Frameworks for automated testing are made to grow with the size and complexity of software projects. Automation tools can handle a lot of work, so the results are always the same and accurate, whether they are checking a small web app or a big business system.

UI automation testing has many benefits that can help development teams speed up their testing, get more done, and confidently release high-quality software to the market.

Adding UI Automation Testing to the SDLC

UI automation testing needs to be carefully planned, coordinated, and carried out in order to be successfully added to the software development process (SDLC). To make UI automation testing work well, here are some best practices:

Code Example:

Example of CI/CD pipeline configuration for UI automation testing with Selenium WebDriver



  • test


stage: test


  • python test_script.py

**1. Set Clear Goals for Testing: **Before you start robotic testing, make sure you have clear goals and targets for your testing. Choose which types of tests to automate, like functional tests, failure tests, and smoke tests, based on how often and how important the features being tested are.

2. Choose the Right Tools and Frameworks: Pick automation testing tools and frameworks that fit the needs of your project, your team’s skills, and the technologies you’re using. Automation tools like Selenium, Appium, and Cypress are very popular and can be used to test web, mobile, and PC apps in many different ways.

3. Make Strong Test Cases: Use best practices like the Page Object Model (POM) or Screenplay Pattern to make test cases that are flexible, repeatable, and easy to manage. Make your test scripts easy to read and keep up to date by giving each test case a name and adding notes that explain what it does.

**4. Connect to CI/CD Pipelines: **Add automatic tests to your CI/CD pipelines to make testing happen all the time during the development process. Running automated tests as soon as new code is added to the folder will make sure that any bugs are found and fixed early in the development process.

5. Collaborate Between Teams: Encourage coders, testers, and other partners to work together to make sure that everyone agrees on the testing goals, coverage, and standards for release. To deal with problems and make things better, encourage open conversation and feedback loops.

**6. Monitor Test Results and Performance: **Set up metrics, like test run time, test coverage, flaw detection rate, and false positive rate, to see how well your automation testing is working. Regularly look at test scores and performance to find patterns, trends, and places to improve. You can see important data and keep track of your work over time with test automation platforms and reporting tools.

**7. Set Priorities for Test Cases: **Set priorities for test cases based on how important they are, how they affect the user experience, and how often they are used. Focus your automation efforts on the most important test cases that cover key features and important processes. Risk-based testing methods could help you make better use of your testing tools and lower the risks that come with them.

8. Maintain Stability in the Test Environment: To cut down on test fails and fake positives, make sure that your test environment is stable and consistent. Manage test scripts and test data with version control systems. This will make sure that tests are run in a controlled setting that can be repeated. Work with system managers and DevOps teams to make sure that test settings are as close as possible to production.

9. Implement Test Data Management Strategies: Come up with strong ways to handle test data in settings where automatic testing is used. To make sure you’re following the rules for data safety and security, use fake or anonymous test data. To keep private data safe in test settings, think about using data hiding or obfuscation. To speed up testing and cut down on manual work, automate the creation and supply of test data.

10. Always Make Testing Processes Better: Encourage a mindset of always getting better by asking team members, partners, and end users for feedback. Do regular retrospectives to think about the testing you’ve done in the past, find ways to make it better, and take corrective steps. To find secret bugs and improve the user experience, test methods like experimental testing, usability testing, and performance testing should be open to new ideas and experiments.

By following these guidelines and best practices, development teams can successfully add UI automation testing to the SDLC and get the most out of automation to make sure stable releases to production settings.

How to Get Around Problems in UI Automation Testing

There are many good things about UI automation testing, but there are also some problems that need to be fixed before it can be widely used. These are some of the most usual problems that come up in UI automation testing:

Code Example:

// Example of UI automation testing with Cypress in JavaScript

describe(‘Example Test’, () => {

it(‘Visits the website’, () => {





1. Check for Maintenance: Maintaining automatic test scripts can be hard, especially in software systems that change quickly and are always changing. When the application’s user interface, feature, or base technology stack changes, test tools may need to be updated too. This adds to the work that needs to be done for upkeep. To get around this problem, use a modular testing method, in which test files are broken up into parts that can be used again and again and are easy to manage and update. To keep UI interactions separate and make changes to test scripts less noticeable, use design patterns like the Page Object Model (POM) or Screenplay Pattern.

2. Test Flakiness: Test results are inconsistent or hard to predict. Tests may pass or fail at random because of things in the surroundings, time problems, or race conditions. Testing that doesn’t work properly can make people less confident in automated testing and make test automation less useful. To fix flaky tests, you should look into why they are flaky and use methods to make tests more reliable. This could mean adding wait conditions, retries, or timeouts to deal with actions that happen at different times, making sure that test running happens at the same time as changes to the application state, or using methods like dynamic locators to make sure that tests work the same way in all settings and setups.

3. Platform Compatibility: Testing apps on a lot of different devices, platforms, and websites makes automatic testing more complicated. Platform features, screen sizes, entry methods, and browser habits can all change, which can affect how tests are run and lead to different test results. Make sure your platform works with all of the sites and gadgets that people in your target market use by planning a thorough cross-browser testing approach. With cloud-based testing tools, you can access many virtualized test settings and set up cross-browser testing to run automatically across many browsers. Tools and systems that allow cross-browser testing by default, like Sauce Labs, Selenium Grid, or BrowserStack, should be thought about.

**4. Test Data Management: **It can be hard to keep track of test data in settings where automation testing is used, especially when there are a lot of files, private data, or a lot of data relationships. Test data management includes chores like creating data, providing it, hiding it, synchronizing it, and cleaning it up. All of these are necessary to make sure that automatic tests are accurate and can be run again and again. Automate the creation and distribution of test data, reduce data duplication and error, safeguard private data, and make sure that data privacy and security rules are followed when managing test data. Separate test logic from test data using data-driven testing, modelling, and data-driven test automation tools. This will make it easier to reuse and maintain test scripts.

5. Test Environment Setup and Configuration: It can take a long time and be hard to get things right when setting up and creating test environments for automated testing, especially in complex distributed systems or cloud-based designs. When test settings aren’t set up correctly or consistently, tests can fail, false positives can happen, and test results can be wrong. This makes automation testing less useful. By using explicit setup files or scripts, you can handle the setting up and provisioning of test environments with infrastructure as code (IaC). Use containerization tools like Docker or Kubernetes to separate test environments and their dependencies. This will make sure that the code is consistent and can be run again in different settings and environments. Use infrastructure automation tools like Terraform, Ansible, or Chef to set up and configure test infrastructure automatically. This includes servers, databases, networking, and software.

By being aware of these problems ahead of time and using the best methods and techniques to solve them, development teams can make UI automation testing more effective and efficient and make sure that safe releases go to production environments.

How to Tell If UI Automation Testing Worked

Setting clear measurements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the usefulness, speed, and impact of automation testing efforts is necessary to figure out how successful UI automation testing is. Some of the most important ways to measure how well UI automation testing is working are:

Code Example:

// Example of UI automation testing with Cypress in JavaScript

describe(‘Example Test’, () => {

it(‘Visits the website’, () => {





1. Test Coverage: The amount of program code or functionality that is covered by automatic tests is called test coverage. A test suite that covers a lot of ground and checks most of an application’s features and cases is said to have high test coverage. To reduce the chances of bugs and other problems, make sure that a lot of tests are run on all of the important and dangerous parts of the application.

2. Defect Detection Rate: The defect detection rate tells you how many bugs or other problems were found by automatic tests during the testing process. A high defect discovery rate means that the test automation is working well and finding and reporting defects early in the development process. This lowers the cost and effort needed to fix flaws.

3. Test Execution Time: This is the amount of time it takes to run automatic tests from beginning to end. Shorter test run times make it possible to get feedback on changes to code more quickly, which speeds up iterations and releases. Regularly check the times it takes to run tests and make sure that test scripts, test settings, and test systems are working at their best to reduce the time it takes to run tests.

4. Test Automation ROI: The return on investment (ROI) for test automation shows how much money or time is saved by using automation testing instead of human testing. Figure out the return on investment (ROI) by looking at things like less testing work, better test coverage, faster time to market, and lower costs for fixing bugs. Do regular ROI analyses to show that the money you spend on automation testing is worth it and to find ways to make things even better and more efficient.

**5. False Positive Rate: **The false positive rate shows what number of failed automatic tests are not really bugs or problems with the program. High rates of false positives mean that the tests aren’t reliable and give uneven or wrong results. To make tests more reliable and cut down on false positives, keep an eye on the number of false positives and look into why tests fail.

6. Maintenance Effort for Tests: The amount of time and money used to keep automatic test scripts up to date and in good shape.

*How UI Automation Testing Will Change in the Future

Since software development is always changing, here are some new ideas and trends that will likely affect the future of UI automation testing:

Code Example:

Example of AI-powered testing with Applitools Eyes in Python

import applitools

Set up Applitools Eyes

eyes = applitools.Eyes()

Open the website


Take a screenshot and validate it

eyes.open(driver, “Example App”, “Home Page”)

eyes.check_window(“Home Page”)

Close the browser


1. AI-Powered Testing: Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are changing the way testing is done by handling different parts of the testing process. AI-powered testing tools can look at huge amounts of test data, find trends, and guess what problems might happen next, making the testing process more efficient and effective. Teams can improve test coverage, cut down on fake results, and get the most out of their testing efforts by using AI.

**2. Shift-Left Testing: **This is a new way of thinking about testing that focuses on moving testing tasks earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), starting with the objectives and design phase. By testing early on in the development process, teams can find and fix bugs faster, which lowers the cost and effect of problems later on in the process. Shift-left testing encourages coders and testers to work together, builds a culture of quality, and speeds up feedback loops.

3. Test-Driven Development: TDD is a fast method for making software that encourages writing tests before writing code. They write failed tests (red), write code to pass the tests (green), and then modify the code to make it better designed and easier to manage. This is called the “red-green-refactor” cycle. TDD supports flexible, loosely tied designs and pushes developers to test their work before writing it.

4. DevOps and Continuous Testing: During the whole software development process, DevOps methods stress cooperation, automation, and continuous release. Continuous testing is an important part of DevOps As part of the CI/CD process, automatic tests run all the time. Teams can speed up feedback loops, cut down on cycle times, and increase the number of deployments while keeping quality and dependability high by automating testing and blending it into the development process.

5. Shift-Right Testing: This type of testing focuses on testing in production or near-production settings, which is different from shift-left testing. Shift-right testing includes keeping an eye on and studying real user interactions, feedback, and tracking data to find problems, make sure theories are correct, and keep making software better. Teams can learn a lot about user behavior, speed, and usefulness by using shift-right tests. This lets them make changes and come up with new ideas more quickly.

6. Codeless Test Automation: Codeless test automation tools are becoming more popular because they let people who aren’t tech-savvy make and run automatic tests without writing code. Most of the time, these tools have easy-to-use interfaces, drag-and-drop features, and visible processes for creating and running tests. Codeless test automation makes testing more open and allows people from all over the company to take part in testing. It also speeds up the adoption of automation techniques.

7. Testing Environments that are Containerized: Containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes are changing how testing environments are set up, controlled, and provided. Containerized testing environments make it easy to run automatic tests on a variety of systems and setups by providing infrastructure that is small, movable, and repeatable. Teams can improve resource use, scaling, and stability by containerizing testing settings.

Developers can stay ahead of the curve, improve testing methods, and make sure that users get high-quality software that meets their changing needs and expectations if they follow these future UI automation testing trends and innovations. When AI is used, shift-left and shift-right methods are used, and containerization and codeless automation are used. The future of UI automation testing looks exciting, transformative, and full of possibilities.


To sum up, UI automation testing is an important part of getting safe releases to production settings. We’ve talked about how UI automation testing has changed over time, its benefits, application strategies, challenges, measurement methods, and possible future trends in this in-depth guide. It’s clear that UI automation testing has many benefits, such as better test coverage, shorter time-to-market, less human work, and higher dependability. Using best practices and adding UI automation testing to the software development lifecycle (SDLC), development teams can lower risks, speed up testing, and confidently produce high-quality software.

In the near future, UI automation testing trends like AI-powered testing, shift-left testing, and test-driven development (TDD) will change the way software is tested and make testing more efficient and effective. Development teams can keep making things better and giving their customers more value by following industry trends and being open to new ideas.

UI automation testing is more than just a tool or a process; it’s a way of thinking, a way of life, and a dedication to making software that works well. In today’s competitive market, companies can build trust, make customers happier, and be more successful by using routine testing and putting security first in updates. When development teams use UI automation testing as a guide, they can confidently get through the complicated process of making software and deliver software that meets the highest quality and dependability standards.

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