Understanding and Resolving ‘Connection Refused’ Error in Docker: A Comprehensive Guide

CodeSolutionsHub - Sep 10 - - Dev Community


The “Connection Refused” error is a common and frustrating issue for developers working with Docker containers. This error occurs when a service running in a Docker container cannot establish a connection with another service or application, either inside or outside the Docker network. The causes can range from misconfigurations in the Docker network settings, application-level errors, to firewall rules blocking the connection.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the common causes of the “Connection Refused” error in Docker, how to diagnose it, and practical steps to resolve it. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how Docker networking works and be better equipped to troubleshoot and fix this issue.

1. Common Causes of the ‘Connection Refused’ Error in Docker

The “Connection Refused” error typically occurs due to one or more of the following reasons:

A. Service Not Running or Misconfigured Inside the Container

If the service you are trying to connect to is not running, is crashing on startup, or is misconfigured, Docker will not be able to establish a connection.


  • Check if the service is running using the command: docker exec -it <container_id> ps aux
  • Inspect the logs to identify errors: docker logs <container_id>
  • Ensure that the service is properly configured and listening on the expected port.

B. Incorrect Docker Network Configuration

Docker uses networks to allow containers to communicate with each other and with the host. An incorrectly configured Docker network can result in a “Connection Refused” error.


  • Verify the Docker network configuration using: docker network ls
  • Inspect the specific network’s settings: docker network inspect <network_name>
  • Ensure that the container is connected to the correct network and that the network allows the desired traffic.

C. Incorrect Port Mapping or Exposed Ports

When running Docker containers, you need to map the container’s internal ports to the host machine’s ports using the -p option. If the ports are not correctly mapped, connections to the container may be refused.


  • Check the port mappings using: docker ps
  • Ensure that the correct ports are exposed in the Dockerfile using: EXPOSE <port_number>
  • Make sure to map the ports correctly: docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>

D. Firewall or Security Group Rules Blocking the Connection

Firewalls, security groups, or network policies may block traffic between Docker containers or between containers and external services.


  • Check the firewall rules or security group settings on the host machine.
  • Allow incoming and outgoing traffic on the necessary ports.
  • Verify network policies or security configurations that could be blocking the connection.

2. How to Diagnose the ‘Connection Refused’ Error in Docker

To effectively resolve the error, it’s crucial to diagnose the root cause accurately. Here’s a step-by-step approach to diagnosing the issue:

A. Check the Docker Container Status

Use the following command to check the status of your Docker containers:

docker ps -a
What to Look For:

  • Ensure that the container is running and not in an “Exited” state.
  • Look for any error messages in the STATUS column.

B. Inspect Container Logs for Errors

Container logs can provide valuable insights into why a service inside the container is failing.

docker logs <container_id>
What to Look For:

  • Search for error messages, stack traces, or configuration issues in the logs.
  • If the logs indicate a failure to bind to a port, the service may not be correctly configured.

C. Test Network Connectivity Inside the Container

Enter the container and use networking tools like curl, telnet, or ping to test connectivity.

docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
curl http://<hostname>:<port>
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What to Look For:

  • Ensure the service is reachable within the container network.
  • If the connection is refused, there may be an issue with the service configuration or network settings.

D. Verify Docker Network Settings

Check the Docker network settings to ensure the container is connected to the correct network.

docker network inspect <network_name>

What to Look For:

  • Ensure the container is listed under the correct network.
  • Verify the IP addresses and subnet configurations.

3. Practical Solutions to Resolve the ‘Connection Refused’ Error

Based on the diagnosis, here are practical solutions to resolve the “Connection Refused” error:

  • Checkout the detailed guided solution here
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