GBase 8a Implementation Guide: Parameter Optimization (2)

Cong Li - Jul 1 - - Dev Community

1. SQL Execution Parameters

1.1 Insert Value Data Distribution Parameter


This parameter controls how data is distributed across nodes when executing insert value on a randomly distributed table. The default value is 0, and the recommended configuration is 1.

  • 0: All insert value data is inserted into a single node (if the executing node is a composite node, data is inserted there; otherwise, it is inserted into a random node).
  • 1: insert value data is evenly distributed across all nodes randomly.

1.2 Parameter for Supporting insert into select from dual


This parameter controls whether GCluster uses the new implementation of the dual table, which supports insert into ... select ... from dual.

  • Range: 0, 1
  • Default: 0
  • 0: Uses the old implementation, does not support insert into ... select ... from dual.
  • 1: Uses the new implementation, supports insert into ... select ... from dual.
  • Scope: session, global

1.3 Data Redistribution Parameter for group by


This parameter enables hash redistribution for group by operations across all columns. The default value is 0 (disabled). It can be optimized for SQL where the first group by field is a constant or has few distinct values.

1.4 Join/Materialized Result Set Size Parameter


This parameter limits the size of JOIN result sets and materialized result sets. It needs to be configured in both GCluster and GNode. The default value is large, at 137,438,953,472. It is recommended to set it to twice the number of rows in the largest table. This helps avoid Cartesian products by erroring out if the resulting row count exceeds this value.

1.5 Parallel Materialization Threshold for Result Sets


This parameter defines the threshold for parallel materialization of result sets. When the result set row count is greater than or equal to this value, multiple threads are used for parallel materialization; otherwise, it is done serially. The default value is 10,000. Adjusting this parameter can optimize performance for serial materialization stages that are time-consuming.

1.6 Allow Binary/Varbinary Column Creation


The default value is 1, allowing the creation of binary/varbinary columns. When set to 0, binary/varbinary columns are not allowed, and varchar type must be used. Adjust based on business needs.

1.7 Parameter for Table and Column Names with Chinese Characters


This parameter controls whether table and column names can include Chinese characters and special characters. The default value is 0 (disabled). It is generally not recommended to enable this parameter unless necessary.

1.8 Optimization Parameter for group by with Window Functions


When enabled, this parameter optimizes group by rollup/cube/grouping sets by converting them into union all executions. The default value is 0 (disabled), and the recommended value is 1. Note that this optimization does not work if the grouping column in the projection is a function.

Example SQL rewrite to bypass the current optimization limitation:

SELECT func(a), b, COUNT(*) FROM t GROUP BY rollup(a, b);
-- Change to
SELECT func(a), cnt FROM (SELECT a, b, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM t GROUP BY rollup(a, b)) tmp;
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1.9 One-pass Hash Group Optimization


This optimization is suitable for cases where the source table has a large number of rows relative to the group buffer, and the distinct values in the group by columns are numerous. There are three partitioning methods: RR, original hash, and one-pass hash, with the evaluation criteria as follows:

  • DistinctRatio < 10: Uses RR partitioning (requires two aggregations).
  • Otherwise: Uses hash partitioning. If the group buffer can hold 50% of the source data, original hash partitioning is used; otherwise, one-pass hash partitioning is used.

Note: The algorithm might not be optimal due to inaccurate sampling results or when only considering data volume without data characteristics.

1.10 Recursive Call Depth for Stored Procedures


This parameter specifies the maximum depth for recursive calls in stored procedures. The range is [0-255], with a default value of 0. Adjust this parameter based on the need for recursive calls in stored procedures. Increasing the value may also require increasing the thread_stack parameter in GCluster.

1.11 CTE Support Parameter


This parameter controls whether the common table expression (CTE) syntax (with as) is supported. It is a session-level parameter, with a default value of 0 (disabled) and 1 enabling CTE syntax support.

1.12 Recursive Query Parameter for connect by start with


This parameter controls whether connect by start with recursive queries can be executed on tables after data deletion. The default value is 0 (OFF). Enabling this parameter allows such queries even after deletions.

1.13 Recursion Depth Limit for or Operator in Correlated Subqueries


This parameter limits the maximum depth of nested conditions with the or operator in correlated subqueries. The default value is 10, and exceeding this value results in an error. The parameter is session-level in GNode.

1.14 Distinct Row Count Limit for in Subquery Results


This parameter limits the distinct row count for in subquery results. The range is [0-100 million], with a default value of 10 million. Adjust based on business scenarios.

2. dblink Parameters

2.1 Retaining Intermediate Temporary Results


This parameter is related to transparent gateways and controls how data is transferred between two GBase 8a clusters during insert select operations. The default value is 1, using select into server for cross-cluster data distribution. When set to 0, the select results are converted into insert values statements.

Note: For significantly different GBase 8a cluster versions, set gcluster_dblink_direct_data_exchange to 0 for compatibility, despite the reduced performance.

2.2 Controlling Table Generation Method with dblink


This parameter controls how interim tables are generated during table pulls with dblink. It is a global and session-level parameter.

  • Range: 0, 1
  • Default: 1
  • 0: Uses automatic evaluation based on the data type of the projection expression results.
  • 1: Requests the gateway to use create ... select ... limit 0 to determine the interim table structure, resulting in more accurate column data type evaluation.
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