How to Make a Stripe API Call?

John Doe - Sep 3 - - Dev Community

Stripe is a powerful online payment platform that simplifies the process of accepting payments for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging its API, developers can integrate Stripe's payment capabilities into their applications, creating a seamless and secure checkout experience for customers.

This article will guide you through the essential steps of making Stripe API calls, from setting up your account and obtaining API keys to executing common payment operations. Whether you're building an e-commerce website, a subscription service, or a mobile app, understanding how to interact with the Stripe API is crucial for achieving successful payment processing.

A reminder that for readers who do not have an API development platform ready, you will need to download one! If you are confused about which one to pick, I suggest using Apidog.

Understanding Stripe API Basics

What is an API Call?

An API (Application Programming Interface) call is a request sent from one software application to another, typically over a network, to interact with its features or data. In the context of Stripe, an API call is a request made to Stripe's servers to perform specific actions related to payments, such as creating customers, processing charges, or managing subscriptions.

How Stripe API Works

Stripe website dashboard

The Stripe API operates on a RESTful architecture, which means it uses HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to interact with resources. Each resource represents a specific entity within Stripe, such as a customer, a charge, or a payment intent.

When you make an API call, you send a request to a specific endpoint, which is the URL that identifies the resource you want to interact with. Along with the request, you typically provide necessary parameters or data, such as customer information or payment details. Stripe's servers process the request, perform the requested action, and return a response, usually in JSON format, containing the result of the operation or any relevant information.

Authentication and API Keys

To make API calls to Stripe, you need to authenticate your requests using API keys. These keys are unique identifiers that provide access to your Stripe account. You can obtain API keys from the Stripe Dashboard.

There are two types of API keys:

  • Test keys: Used for development and testing purposes, these keys provide access to a test environment where you can experiment with API calls without affecting real transactions.
  • Live keys: Used for production environments, these keys provide access to your live Stripe account, allowing you to process real payments.

When making an API call, you typically include your API key as a header or query parameter in the request.

Making Your First API Call

Setting Up a Stripe Account and Obtaining API Keys

  1. Create a Stripe account: Visit the Stripe website and sign up for a free account.

  2. Access the Dashboard: Once your account is created, log in to the Dashboard.

  3. Obtain API keys: Navigate to the API keys section in the Dashboard. You'll find options to create test and live API keys.

  4. Copy and store your keys: Carefully copy your API keys and store them securely. Avoid sharing them publicly or with unauthorized individuals.

Using a Programming Language to Make a Simple API Call

Choose a programming language that suits your project's requirements. Here's a basic example using Python and the stripe library:

import stripe

# Replace 'your_secret_key' with your actual secret key
stripe.api_key = 'your_secret_key'

# Create a customer
customer = stripe.Customer.create(
    name='John Doe'

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In this example, we:

  1. Import the stripe library.
  2. Set the API key using stripe.api_key.
  3. Create a new customer using the Customer.create method, providing the customer's email and name.
  4. Print the created customer object to the console.

Example Code and Explanation

The provided Python example demonstrates how to make a simple API call to create a new customer. You can modify the code to perform different actions, such as creating charges, managing subscriptions, or processing refunds.

Remember to replace 'your_secret_key' with your actual API key before running the code.

Advanced API Concepts

Webhooks and Event Handling

Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that allow Stripe to notify your application of specific events, such as successful charges, failed payments, or subscription updates. By setting up webhooks, you can create custom workflows and automate actions based on these events.

Key considerations:

  • Webhook endpoints: Define the URLs where Stripe will send webhook events.

  • Event types: Specify the events you want to receive webhooks for.

  • Event handling: Implement logic in your application to process webhook events and take appropriate actions.

API Versions and Compatibility

Stripe periodically releases new API versions with additional features and improvements. It's important to be aware of the API version you're using and to consider compatibility when upgrading.

Key points:

  • API versioning: Check the Stripe documentation for the latest API version and compatibility information.
  • Backward compatibility: Stripe generally maintains backward compatibility, but there may be exceptions.
  • Upgrade planning: Plan for upgrades to newer API versions to benefit from new features and security enhancements.

Error Handling and Troubleshooting

When making API calls, it's essential to handle potential errors gracefully. Stripe returns error responses with detailed information to help you identify and resolve issues.

Key techniques:

  • Error handling: Implement error handling mechanisms in your code to catch and handle exceptions.
  • Error codes: Refer to Stripe's documentation for a list of error codes and their meanings.
  • Debugging tools: Use debugging tools to inspect API requests and responses.
  • Stripe support: If you encounter persistent issues, reach out to Stripe's support team for assistance.

Best Practices for API Calls

Security Considerations

  • API key security: Store your API keys securely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Data encryption: Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted over the network.
  • Input validation: Validate user input to prevent malicious attacks, such as injection attacks.
  • Rate limiting: Implement rate limiting to protect your application from excessive API usage.

Rate Limits and Throttling

  • Understand rate limits: Be aware of Stripe's rate limits and adjust your API usage accordingly.
  • Implement throttling: If you exceed rate limits, implement throttling mechanisms to avoid being blocked.
  • Monitor usage: Monitor your API usage to identify potential issues and optimize performance.

Testing and Validation

  • Unit testing: Write unit tests to verify the correctness of your API calls and error handling.
  • Integration testing: Test your application's integration with Stripe to ensure it functions as expected.
  • End-to-end testing: Perform end-to-end testing to simulate real-world scenarios and identify any issues.

Code Organization and Maintainability

  • Modularization: Break down your code into well-defined modules for better organization and maintainability.
  • Comments and documentation: Use comments and documentation to explain the purpose and functionality of your code.
  • Error handling: Implement clear error handling mechanisms to make your code more robust.
  • Version control: Use a version control system to track changes and collaborate effectively.


In summary, making Stripe API calls is a fundamental aspect of integrating payment processing into your applications. By understanding the basics of API calls, common use cases, and advanced concepts, you can effectively leverage Stripe's powerful features to create seamless and secure payment experiences.

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