🗣️Speaking Their Language: Tips for Developers to Talk to Non-Technical Audiences

Dalvir - Oct 6 - - Dev Community

💻 As a developer, communicating with non-developers—whether it's customers, project managers, or other non-technical stakeholders—is essential for successful project outcomes. However, it can be challenging to explain technical concepts in a way that everyone understands. This article will guide you through actionable steps to improve communication with non-developers, offering real-world examples and practical tips for translating complex tech talk into clear, business-focused language.

đź’¬Why You Should Read This Article

If you're a developer struggling to bridge the gap between the technical world and the business side, this article is tailored for you! Here's what you'll find:

  • Actionable Strategies: Get step-by-step methods to improve how you explain complex concepts to non-technical team members, from clients to project managers.
  • Key Tips for Explaining Technical Concepts Clearly: Learn the best practices for simplifying technical jargon and focusing on what matters most to your audience.
  • Real-World Scenarios: Explore practical examples of how to approach common situations, making it easier to explain tech-related challenges in everyday conversations.

🛠️Actionable Strategies for Developers to Improve Communication :

  • Tailor your language based on your audience.
  • Translate tech terms into business impact.
  • Use analogies that make sense to the listener.
  • Always clarify the objective of the conversation.

đź“ťKey Tips for Explaining Technical Concepts Clearly :

1. Use Analogies Instead of Technical Jargon

When explaining a concept, use real-world analogies that non-developers can relate to.

Developer Speak: "React allows for reusable components, so we can abstract logic into smaller, manageable parts."
Non-Developer Speak: "Imagine each part of the page is like a Lego block. Instead of building everything from scratch, we can reuse the same block across different pages, making development faster and easier to maintain."

2. Focus on the Benefits, Not the Technical Details

Non-developers care about how a feature benefits the project, not necessarily how it's built.

Developer Speak: "We use TypeScript for static typing, which catches potential runtime errors at compile-time."
Non-Developer Speak: "TypeScript helps us catch bugs early in the process, meaning fewer errors when the product goes live, which improves reliability and reduces the time needed for fixing issues."

3. Relate Technical Decisions to Business Goals

When discussing technical choices, tie them to business objectives like time-to-market, user satisfaction, or cost savings.

Developer Speak: "Node.js is non-blocking, event-driven, and handles asynchronous requests well, making it suitable for I/O-heavy operations."
Non-Developer Speak: "Node.js allows us to handle more requests at the same time, so we can ensure the website runs smoothly, even with lots of traffic, which is crucial for a good user experience."

4. Show, Don't Tell, Use Visuals and Diagrams

Whenever possible, show non-developers what you're explaining instead of describing it in abstract terms.

Developer Speak: "State management allows us to store and update data within a component."
Non-Developer Speak: Open the app and demonstrate: "See how when you fill out this form, the information gets stored and displayed here? That's what we mean by state—it keeps track of what's going on as the user interacts with the app."

5. Translate Code Impact Into Business Terms

When talking about the implications of a piece of code or technical challenge, translate it into business outcomes.

Developer Speak: "Linting tools like ESLint ensure our JavaScript code follows best practices and avoids common mistakes."
Non-Developer Speak: "Using these tools helps us write cleaner code, which reduces bugs and makes it easier for other developers to work on the project, saving time and money in the long run."

6. Ask Clarifying Questions to Understand Their Needs

Sometimes, non-developers may not articulate their requirements clearly. Ask clarifying questions to get to the heart of what they really need.

Non-Developer: "The website feels slow."
Developer: Instead of explaining rendering pipelines, ask: "Are there specific pages that are slow, or is it across the whole site? Is it slow when loading images, or is it more about how long it takes to open the page?"

7. Be Patient and Avoid Assumptions

Lastly, never assume that non-developers will understand what you're saying, even if it seems simple to you. Be patient and explain concepts in the simplest way possible without being condescending.

đź’ˇReal-World Scenarios: Bridging the Technical-Non-Technical Divide

Here’s how you can rephrase these technical questions in simpler language for non-developers, while providing real-world scenarios to help them understand:

1. The integrated API is throwing a 500 error?

"How can we tell if something went wrong with the API connection?"

Imagine the API (like a service that gets data from a third party) is not working properly. A 500 error means something went wrong on the server side, which the system detects automatically.

Explanation: "When the API fails, our system gets an error message called a '500 error.' It means there's an issue with the server handling the request, and we need to investigate to find out what's causing it."

2. It's very hard to provide sorting options for all attributes because it will impact database performance, and we need to add an index.

"Adding sorting for every data field can slow down the system because we need to optimize how the database handles it."

If a user requests the ability to sort by any column in a table (e.g., sorting a customer list by name, age, or date), explaining the performance impact is key.

Explanation: "Adding sorting for all columns means the system has to do extra work every time someone searches. To avoid slowing things down, we have to carefully design how the data is accessed. That's why we need to add an index—think of it like a shortcut that helps the system find things faster."

3. Why do we need to clear the browser cache?

"Why do we need to refresh or clear saved data in the browser?"

When a user reports that the website isn’t updating correctly or showing old information, this is often due to cached data.

Explanation: "Browsers store parts of the website to load pages faster next time. But sometimes, this stored data gets outdated, so clearing the cache is like getting a fresh version of the website to fix any issues."

4. Why do I see a 503 error whenever you deploy something? We need to restart the server.

"Why does the website show an error 503 after each update? It happens because the system needs a restart."

Users often notice disruptions during deployments or updates to the system.

Explanation: "After we deploy changes, the server needs a quick restart to make sure everything works with the latest updates. During this short downtime, you might see an error page (like a 503), but it’s normal and gets resolved once the server is up again."

5. The npm packages were working before, but after the upgrade, the copy feature broke.

"The xyz npm packages we use to build the app were fine before, but after an update, some features (like copy-pasting) stopped working."

After updating project dependencies, certain features can break unexpectedly.

Explanation: "The tools (npm packages) we rely on are updated from time to time. Sometimes, these updates introduce changes that affect features (like copy-pasting in this case). We need to investigate and fix these issues to make sure everything works smoothly again."

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