Transmute negative emotions into personal growth

Bojan Stanojevic - Jul 8 - - Dev Community

I had a bad day at work today. Corporate games, lazy management, and unmeaningful work is what got me. There's no need to go into details but this situation left me with a lot of anger. It did help that I was biking from work so a lot of that steam went out, but it also got me thinking, what's the point of this state? After all, this is just another form of energy that I can convert into something useful, and that's just what I'm doing right now with this post. I think this is the healthiest way to handle these situations that anyone can use and train themselves. Here's the list of common negative emotions with examples how you can transmute them into something useful.


Like I mentioned from the first example, anger is one of the most powerful emotions you can use because it's very actionable. Whenever you notice you are feeling mad, just start coding or working on something else. For me, I notice this is when I'm feeling the most productive. It's like your brain is on fire and you just want to crush whatever's in front of you, and that is just free energy you get, so why not use it for something beneficial for you. Ultimate state is when you can call upon this energy whenever you want when you need it, Goggins style.

Goggins Meme


Fear is also a common one, it's important to recognize fear in certain situations, it can be in the form of anxiety, I usually feel it in the gut. Previously I would just ignore it and let it pass, but now I try to analyze why I feel that way and try to take action. In most cases it's related to fear, and for this emotion the best medicine is action. Scared of speaking with your users? Contact one right away. Afraid of cold calling? Get that phone and call. The point is, fear is just pointing out where you need to grow.

Current relationship

This is more related to men than women but I'm sure some women can relate too. If you had a fight with your significant other instead of going into those little wars trying to win, try to take the other person's view. You'll be able to recognize your shortcomings and take action instead of just fighting. It's like playing chess with yourself - you might lose, but you'll definitely learn something.

Previous relationships

Love is one of the most powerful energies there is. If you were in a relationship that broke your heart, don't waste your time with wishful thinking, instead use that energy to better yourself and improve. Hit the gym, learn a new skill, or code that new app nobody will use. Nothing says "I'm over you" like becoming a better version of yourself.

Greed & Jealousy

These emotions often get a bad rap, but they're just signposts pointing to what you really want. Jealous of your friend's new job? That's your subconscious telling you it's time for a career change. Greedy for more money? Maybe it's time to start that side hustle you've been dreaming about. The trick is to use these feelings as motivation, not let them eat you up inside. Turn that green-eyed monster into a money-making machine.

Doubt from others

I don't know about anyone else, but one of the greatest motivators for me is when someone is doubting me or thinks I can't achieve something. Use this doubt from others as an energy source to become even better. It's like they're handing you free rocket fuel. Next time someone says "You can't do that," mentally thank them for the boost and prove them wrong. Nothing tastes sweeter than success seasoned with a little "I told you so."

Remember, emotions are just energy. And energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. So next time you're feeling down, angry, or scared, don't waste that energy - transmute it. Turn that frown upside down, and then use it to power your personal growth rocket. Who knows? You might just find that your worst days become the launching pad for your best self.

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