"Dive into the World of <SVG> Animation!": Part 1!

Michael Amachree - Aug 17 '23 - - Dev Community

Introduction: Let's talk SVGs

SVG animations can add life to your vector graphics, making your web experiences interactive and engaging. You can animate SVG shapes, strokes, and transforms to create anything from bouncing balls to intricate infographics and motion graphics.

There are two ways to animate SVGs:

  1. SMIL Animation:
    Utilize the SVG animation standard and the SMIL animation language. This allows you to gradually animate specific SVG attributes using the <animate> element.

  2. CSS Animation:
    Use CSS animations, a cutting-edge method compatible with both HTML and SVG elements. With CSS, you can animate SVG attributes such as stroke, fill, and transform.

It's helpful to be familiar with both SMIL and CSS animation techniques because they each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, you'll discover:

  • What SVG animation is and why it's awesome
  • How to use SMIL to animate SVG elements
  • How to use the <animate> element and its attributes
  • How to create and animate a complex SVG with <animate>

By the end, you'll have the know-how to add motion and interactivity to your SVG illustrations, enhancing the user experience on your websites.

What is SVG animation?

SVG animation brings a lively touch to vector-based graphics by applying dynamic and captivating effects. It creates interactive and engaging experiences for users, making websites come alive.

At its core, SVG animation involves animating different aspects of SVG elements like shapes, strokes, fills, and transforms. By manipulating these attributes over time, designers and developers can achieve a wide range of effects, from simple transitions to complex motion graphics.

There are two primary techniques commonly used for SVG animation: the SVG animation standard with the SMIL animation language and CSS animations.

The SVG animation standard and SMIL animation language provide a powerful way to bring SVG elements to life. It involves using the element along with the SMIL syntax to define the animated properties and their values. This approach allows for precise control over timing, duration, and easing functions, resulting in smooth and seamless animations. However, it's worth noting that SMIL animations are gradually being phased out and may not be widely supported across all browsers.

On the other hand, CSS animations have gained popularity for animating SVG elements. They offer a more flexible and widely supported approach. With CSS animations, SVG attributes can be animated using keyframes and various CSS properties like @keyframes, animation, and transition. This allows for easier integration with existing CSS styles and provides extensive control over the animation effects. CSS animations also seamlessly work with both HTML and SVG elements, making them a versatile choice for animating SVG graphics.

When deciding on a technique, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each is important. SMIL animations offer precise control but have limited browser support, while CSS animations provide broader compatibility, though they may require some additional CSS knowledge.

SVG animation opens up endless possibilities for enhancing web design. It enables the creation of engaging and interactive visuals, ranging from subtle transitions to complex animated storytelling. It is particularly useful for conveying information, illustrating concepts, or guiding users through a web interface.

There are various examples of SVG animation, including morphing between shapes, animating paths to create intricate illustrations or infographics, simulating dynamic effects like bouncing or pulsating elements, and creating interactive user interfaces with animated buttons or interactive elements.

Also, SVG animation has some pretty neat benefits. One cool thing is that it can be scaled to infinity without looking blurry or pixelated. Unlike regular images, SVG graphics are based on math, not tiny squares, so they stay sharp and clear no matter how big or small you make them. That means the animated graphics will look awesome on any device, from big desktop screens to little mobile ones.

Another great thing about SVG animation is that it doesn't hog up your file space. SVG files are usually small compared to other image formats, which means they load faster and make your website run smoother. So you can have cool animations without sacrificing speed or annoying your visitors.

But wait, there's more! SVG animation lets you get creative and do things your way. You can tweak stuff like colors, sizes, timings, and how things move to make unique and personalized animations. It's like being the boss of your own little animated world, adding that special touch to your web design projects.

Oh, and guess what? SVG animation is also friendly to people with disabilities. It plays nicely with assistive technologies, so everyone can enjoy your animated content. By adding text descriptions and managing the focus properly, SVG animation makes the web a more inclusive and accessible place for everyone.

And here's the best part: you don't need to be a coding wizard to do SVG animation. There are cool tools and libraries like GreenSock (GSAP) and anime.js that make it super easy. They give you ready-made functions and animations, so you can create mind-blowing stuff without breaking a sweat.

So, to sum it all up, SVG animation is an awesome technique that turns boring vector graphics into exciting and interactive experiences. Whether you use the SVG animation standard with SMIL or CSS animations, you can bring your creations to life with smooth transitions, cool effects, and user interaction. With its scalability, small file size, customization options, and accessibility compatibility, SVG animation is a must-have tool for making your websites and apps visually stunning and user-friendly. And as the web keeps evolving, SVG animation will keep rocking the digital world with immersive and engaging experiences!

Animating with SMIL

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a powerful tool for creating high-quality graphics that can be scaled without losing quality. Animating SVG with SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) is a great way to create dynamic and interactive graphics. Here are some things to keep in mind when using SMIL for SVG animations:

  • SMIL is a W3C Recommendation that enables authors to specify and control the precise timing of animations in SVG.
  • SVG incorporates the animation features defined in the SMIL Animation specification.
  • SMIL allows you to animate various attributes of SVG elements, such as numeric attributes (x, y, etc.), transform attributes (translation or rotation), and color attributes.
  • You can also create animations that follow a motion path or a specific path defined in your SVG.
  • SVG animations with SMIL offer several advantages, including scalability, interactivity, and accessibility.

To get started with SMIL animation in SVG, you can define your SVG element and attributes, add the animation elements and attributes to specify the animation behavior, set the timing and duration of the animation, and preview and test your animation. Here is an example of animating an SVG element using SMIL:

<svg width="300" height="100">
  <rect x="0" y="0" width="300" height="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" />
  <rect x="0" y="50" width="15" height="34" fill="blue" stroke="black" stroke-width="1">
    <animateTransform attributeName="transform" begin="0s" dur="20s" type="rotate" from="0 60 60" to="360 100 60" repeatCount="indefinite" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the second rectangle element is animated to rotate continuously for 20 seconds.

There are many different types of SMIL animations that you can use to create unique and visually appealing effects. Here are some examples:

  • Animate a circle to change color:
<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red">
    <animate attributeName="fill" values="red;blue;green;yellow;red" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the circle changes color from red to blue to green to yellow and back to red again, continuously repeating for 5 seconds.

  • Animate a rectangle to move along a path:
<svg width="300" height="300">
  <path id="path" d="M 50 50 L 250 50 L 250 250 L 50 250 L 50 50" stroke="black" fill="none" />
  <rect x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="blue">
    <animateMotion dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite">
      <mpath xlink:href="#path" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the rectangle moves along a path defined by the path element, continuously repeating for 5 seconds.

  • Animate a polygon to change shape:
<svg width="100" height="100">
  <polygon points="50,10 70,90 10,40" fill="red">
    <animate attributeName="points" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" values="50,10 70,90 10,40; 10,10 90,10 50,90; 50,10 70,90 10,40" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the polygon changes shape from a triangle to a line to a triangle again, continuously repeating for 5 seconds.

The element <animate>

Animating SVG elements using the <animate> element is a super cool and imaginative way to make your vector graphics come alive. Take note of these important points when working with the <animate> element:

  • With the <animate> element, you can gradually animate specific SVG attributes over a certain period of time.
  • Simply use the attributeName attribute to specify the attribute you want to animate. For example, if you want to animate the position of a circle, use attributeName="cx" and attributeName="cy".
  • The values attribute defines the attribute's values during the animation. For instance, to animate the fill color of a rectangle from red to blue to green, use values="red;blue;green".
  • Use the dur attribute to determine the duration of the animation. For a 5-second animation, use dur="5s".
  • The repeatCount attribute decides how many times the animation should repeat. To repeat the animation indefinitely, use repeatCount="indefinite".

Check out this example that uses the <animate> element to animate the position of a circle:

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red">
    <animate attributeName="cx" values="50;80;50" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <animate attributeName="cy" values="50;20;50" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the circle moves back and forth between two positions, creating a playful and fun animation effect.

The <animate> element is just one of the many awesome animation elements available in SVG. Other elements like <set> and <animateTransform> offer even more animation capabilities.

Don't forget, using the <animate> element to animate SVGs adds personality and interactivity to your web designs. Let your creative juices flow and have a blast experimenting with different animations to enhance the user experience on your websites. Enjoy!

Timing Attributes (begin, dur, repeatCount, etc.)

When it comes to animating SVG elements using the <animate> element, timing attributes play a vital role in controlling how the animation behaves. Let's take a closer look at these timing attributes in a friendly tone:

  • begin: This attribute determines when the animation starts. You have the flexibility to use various values for this attribute. You can specify a specific time, a number of seconds, or even an event trigger. For instance, you can set begin="0s" to start the animation right away or begin="click" to begin when the user clicks on the SVG element.

  • dur: This attribute sets the duration of the animation. You can use different values like seconds or milliseconds. For example, if you want the animation to last for 5 seconds, you can use dur="5s".

  • repeatCount: This attribute controls how many times the animation repeats. You can specify a specific number or use the value "indefinite" to make the animation repeat indefinitely. For instance, if you want the animation to repeat three times, you can set repeatCount="3".

  • repeatDur: This attribute determines the total duration of the animation, including all the repeats. You can use various values such as seconds or milliseconds. If you want the animation to last for 20 seconds, including all repeats, you can use repeatDur="20s".

  • end: This attribute sets the end time of the animation. You have the flexibility to use different values for this attribute, such as a specific time, a number of seconds, or even an event trigger. For example, you can specify end="10s" to conclude the animation after 10 seconds.

Here's an example that demonstrates how you can use the begin, dur, and repeatCount attributes to create a simple animation:

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red">
    <animate attributeName="cx" values="50;80;50" dur="2s" repeatCount="3" begin="0s" />
    <animate attributeName="cy" values="50;20;50" dur="2s" repeatCount="3" begin="0s" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the circle moves back and forth between two positions three times, with each animation lasting for 2 seconds.

To sum it up, timing attributes like begin, dur, repeatCount, and others play a crucial role in controlling the behavior of animations created with the <animate> element for SVG elements. By experimenting with different timing values, you can craft unique and captivating animations that enhance the overall user experience on your websites.

Example: Let's Create and Animate a Complex SVG with <animate>!

Hey there! In this example, we'll dive into the exciting world of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) by learning how to create and animate a complex SVG using the <animate> element and its handy timing attributes. SVG is a fantastic technology that lets us create captivating and interactive graphics for the web. With the power of the <animate> element, we can bring our SVGs to life with dynamic animations. So, without further ado, let's jump into the code and see the magic happen!

<svg width="500" height="500">
  <rect x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100" fill="blue">
    <animate attributeName="x" from="50" to="350" dur="2s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <animate attributeName="y" from="50" to="350" dur="2s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <animate attributeName="width" from="100" to="300" dur="2s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <animate attributeName="height" from="100" to="300" dur="2s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
    <animate attributeName="fill" values="blue; red; green; yellow" dur="4s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this code snippet, we have an awesome SVG element that contains a rectangle. Initially, the rectangle rests at the coordinates (x=50, y=50) with a cool blue color. Let's break down the <animate> elements and their timing attributes:

  1. The first <animate> element makes the rectangle's x attribute come alive! It starts at 50 and smoothly animates to 350 over a delightful span of 2 seconds. This animation begins instantly (begin="0s") and keeps playing indefinitely (repeatCount="indefinite").

  2. Our second <animate> element gives wings to the rectangle's y attribute. It follows a similar pattern to the first one, animating the y attribute from 50 to 350 in exactly 2 seconds.

  3. Now, hold your breath, because the third and fourth <animate> elements control the width and height attributes of the rectangle. Both of these extraordinary animations start at 100 and gracefully animate to 300, taking a total of 2 seconds.

  4. Brace yourself for a burst of creativity because the fifth <animate> element animates the fill attribute, which determines the rectangle's color. With the help of the mighty values attribute, we define a mesmerizing sequence of colors ("blue; red; green; yellow") that the fill attribute will effortlessly cycle through. This captivating animation spans 4 seconds and plays on loop.

When you run this code, the magic begins! You'll witness the rectangle smoothly gliding from its starting point of (x=50, y=50) to an enchanting location of (x=350, y=350). Not only that, the rectangle will also grow in width and height, mesmerizing the audience. And as if that's not enough, the fill color of the rectangle will gracefully transition through the defined colors, creating a stunning and visually appealing animation.

This example beautifully showcases how we can combine timing attributes to create captivating and dynamic animations in SVG. By manipulating different attributes and their timing, the possibilities are endless for bringing your SVG graphics to life with various effects.

In conclusion, the <animate> element and its timing attributes open up a world of possibilities for creating captivating animations within SVGs. By mastering these attributes and exploring different values and configurations, you'll unlock the full potential of SVG animations, making your websites visually stunning and delighting your visitors with an enhanced user experience. Get ready to unleash your creativity and have fun with SVG animations!


Hey there!

Thanks for joining us on this exciting journey exploring SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and its awesome animation capabilities. We started by introducing SVGs, highlighting their flexibility and scalability, which makes them a perfect choice for creating captivating and responsive graphics on the web.

We then dove into the world of SVG animation, understanding its importance in enhancing user experiences and bringing static visuals to life. Through SVG animation, we can create dynamic and interactive content that engages users and adds a touch of interactivity to our designs.

We discussed the numerous benefits of animating SVGs, including the ability to create smooth transitions, draw attention to important elements, and present complex information in a visually appealing way. SVG animation empowers developers and designers to go beyond static graphics and create immersive experiences that captivate and thrill users.

One of the key methods we explored for animating SVGs is through the use of SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language). SMIL provides a declarative approach to animation, allowing us to define animations using XML syntax. This approach simplifies the animation process and gives us precise control over timing and synchronization, resulting in seamless and synchronized animations.

Within SMIL, the <animate> element takes center stage. It enables us to animate specific attributes of SVG elements like position, size, color, and more. By using the <animate> element, we can define the animation's duration, timing, and repetition, allowing for fine-grained control over the visual effects we create.

We also explored attribute animation, which focuses on animating individual attributes of SVG elements. This technique provides developers with the flexibility to create intricate and customized animations, tailoring each attribute's behavior to achieve the desired visual effect.

To reinforce our understanding, let's take a look at an example of animating an SVG circle using the <animate> element. This practical demonstration will showcase how timing attributes like begin, dur, and repeatCount can be used to control the animation's initiation, duration, and repetition. The result? A visually captivating animation that demonstrates the power and potential of SVG animation.

In summary, SVG animation opens up a whole new world of possibilities for creating amazing graphics on the web. By getting a grasp of the basics of SVG animation, the advantages it offers, and the techniques involved, developers and designers can make the most of this powerful technology to craft captivating and immersive user experiences.
In the next installment of this series, we'll dive into the realm of animating SVG with CSS. CSS presents an alternative approach to animating SVGs, providing a wide array of animation properties and keyframe animations. We'll explore how CSS animations can help us create smooth and responsive SVG animations, expanding our toolkit for designing captivating visuals.

So, get ready for Part 2, where we'll explore the exciting world of animating SVGs with CSS and uncover innovative techniques for bringing our designs to life. Together, we'll unleash the full potential of SVG animation and elevate our web experiences to the next level.

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