Self-Hosting vs. Serverless: A Deep Dive into the Debate

Developer Service - Oct 8 - - Dev Community

In software development, there's one big debate: self-hosting versus serverless.

Both methods have pros and cons, and developers often have strong opinions about which is better.

But why are there so many different views on this topic?

This article looks at the technical and psychological reasons behind these different opinions, clears up some common misunderstandings, and compares both hosting models to help you make a well-informed choice.

What Is Self-Hosting?

Self-hosting refers to managing and running your own servers, whether they are physical or virtual, to host applications, databases, and services.

This means you have control over the entire infrastructure, from the hardware to the software stack.

Benefits of Self-Hosting:

  • Complete Control: With self-hosting, developers can fine-tune their infrastructure. This includes performance optimizations, security customizations, and meeting compliance requirements, especially in highly regulated industries.
  • Customization: Since you own the servers, you can install any software, libraries, or tools required for your specific use case. This level of control is particularly appealing for complex or unique applications.
  • Cost Efficiency at Scale: Self-hosting can be more cost-effective, particularly for larger businesses with sustained traffic. Once the infrastructure is set up, the ongoing costs of maintaining servers are predictable and stable, as opposed to paying per use with (some) serverless models.
  • Data Privacy: For organizations concerned about data sovereignty or compliance, self-hosting provides full control over where and how data is stored, ensuring it meets specific legal or regulatory standards.

Challenges of Self-Hosting:

  • Maintenance Overhead: Managing your own servers involves handling software updates, security patches, and hardware failures, which require technical expertise and time.
  • Scaling Difficulty: As demand grows, scaling a self-hosted environment can be complex. You’ll need to invest in more servers, load balancers, and performance monitoring tools to handle increased traffic.
  • Security Responsibility: With self-hosting, all aspects of security—such as protecting against attacks and ensuring data privacy—are (almost) entirely your responsibility.

What Is Serverless?

Serverless architecture abstracts away the infrastructure layer, letting cloud providers manage it.

Developers only need to focus on the application code, while the cloud provider automatically handles provisioning, scaling, and maintaining servers.

Benefits of Serverless:

  • No Infrastructure Management: Developers don’t have to worry about maintaining or scaling servers. This is a big time-saver for teams that want to focus on building features rather than managing infrastructure.
  • Automatic Scaling: Serverless platforms automatically scale resources to match demand. This is especially helpful for applications with unpredictable workloads, as it eliminates the need to plan for traffic spikes.
  • Pay-as-You-Go: Serverless platforms charge based on actual usage rather than renting server space upfront, which can be highly cost-effective for projects with sporadic traffic.
  • Rapid Deployment: Serverless allows for faster deployment cycles, which can (sometimes) speed up development and innovation. Updates can be pushed quickly without downtime, enabling agile workflows.

Challenges of Serverless:

  • Vendor Lock-In: One of the biggest risks with serverless is reliance on specific cloud providers. Migrating away from a platform like AWS or Azure can be costly and complicated due to the proprietary APIs and services.
  • Cold Starts: When serverless functions haven’t been used in a while, they can experience cold starts, leading to latency as the system initializes. This can impact the user experience in time-sensitive applications.
  • Execution Time Limits: Many serverless platforms impose limits on how long functions can run. For example, AWS Lambda limits execution to 15 minutes, which may not be sufficient for long-running processes.
  • Cost Inefficiencies at Scale: While serverless can be cost-effective for small applications, it can become prohibitively expensive as workloads grow. Constantly paying per function invocation may end up costing more than running dedicated servers.

The Roots of Differing Opinions

Experience Levels and Backgrounds

The divide between serverless and self-hosting advocates is often shaped by the experiences of developers:

Older developers or those with a background in system administration often favor self-hosting. They’ve built their careers managing servers, configuring hardware, and optimizing infrastructure. For them, having full control over the stack is a crucial advantage.

Newer generations of developers, especially those trained in coding boot camps or cloud-native environments, are more inclined toward serverless.

They appreciate the simplicity and speed of deploying applications without needing to manage hardware, often seeing serverless as the future of development.

Misconceptions About Data Centers and Infrastructure

One common misconception is that data centers are fragile and susceptible to failure.

Some believe that self-hosted servers are volatile and easily taken down by power outages or disasters like lightning strikes.

However, modern data centers are highly resilient, with redundant systems in place to ensure high availability and uptime.

These misconceptions are often fueled by cloud marketing, which emphasizes the risks of self-hosting while promoting cloud platforms as the solution.

In reality, most data centers are designed to withstand power failures, hardware issues, and even natural disasters.

The downtime experienced by self-hosters is often minimal when proper systems are in place.

Moreover, server failures are rare once the infrastructure is configured

Cost and Scalability Misconceptions

Many proponents of serverless argue that it offers cost savings due to its pay-as-you-go model.

This is particularly true for applications with low or variable traffic.

However, at scale, serverless can become expensive.

For applications with sustained high traffic, the constant per-function charges can surpass the costs of running your own servers.

Another misconception revolves around scalability. Many developers believe they need the complex, distributed infrastructure offered by serverless platforms.

However, many projects can scale vertically—by adding more powerful servers—before they need horizontal scaling across multiple data centers.

Some developers running self-hosted systems have managed to handle millions of requests per day using just a few servers, demonstrating that for most applications, scaling doesn’t need to be as complex or expensive as serverless solutions imply.

Security Concerns and Solutions

Another strong opinion in the debate is that serverless is more secure than self-hosting.

Cloud providers like AWS or Google Cloud do indeed have large security teams and robust defenses, but self-hosting can be equally secure when best practices are followed.

By securing servers with strong SSH keys, disabling password authentication, and following other security best practices, self-hosted systems can achieve high levels of protection.

Moreover, tools like Cloudflare can add extra layers of security to self-hosted infrastructure, providing DDoS protection, edge caching, and IP masking at minimal cost.

Psychological Factors and Marketing Influence

Cloud Syndrome

Many developers who are deeply invested in cloud platforms exhibit what could be described as cloud syndrome—they defend cloud platforms despite rising costs and limitations because they’ve invested so much into optimizing and learning the system.

This creates a form of sunk cost fallacy, where it becomes difficult to abandon the cloud even when more cost-effective solutions exist.

Aggressive Cloud Marketing

The dominance of cloud services today is largely the result of an aggressive marketing push in the 2010s.

Companies like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure targeted startups and developers with free credits and emphasized how their platforms would solve all infrastructure challenges.

This strategy was highly successful in convincing developers to embrace the cloud, often without fully understanding the benefits of self-hosting.

However, in recent years, there’s been a growing counter-movement, with the rise of several self-hosting solutions like for instance Coolify.

This movement argues that most businesses don’t need the complexity and cost of serverless systems and can benefit from simpler, self-hosted setups.

Real-World vs. Enterprise Needs

One of the most significant divides in this debate is between real-world needs and enterprise-scale requirements.

Many serverless advocates argue that businesses need features like multi-zone replication, distributed systems, and automated failovers—features designed for large-scale operations like Netflix or Amazon.

In reality, most software businesses are small and don’t require such advanced infrastructure.

For these businesses, self-hosting is a more practical and cost-effective solution.

Vertical scaling, where a business upgrades to more powerful servers as needed, can handle significant traffic loads without requiring the complex infrastructure of cloud platforms.

Conclusion: Weighing Your Options

The self-hosting vs. serverless debate is multi-faceted and often influenced by personal experiences, misconceptions, and psychological factors.

Self-hosting offers control, customization, and cost-efficiency at scale, while serverless simplifies deployment and scaling at the expense of potential vendor lock-in and long-term costs.

I have written an article about self-hosting on How to Deploy Django on a Budget with Hetzner and Dokku, which shows how you can self-host a Django application.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific needs, the scale of your project, and the technical expertise available to you.

For many businesses, a hybrid approach—using serverless for certain components and self-hosting for others—may provide the best of both worlds.

Regardless of which approach you choose, understanding the trade-offs and recognizing the influence of marketing and experience will help you make the best decision for your application.

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