Developing Web Applications Using Php and Mysql

Devshi bambhaniya - Feb 14 '23 - - Dev Community

To create dynamic websites and programmes, PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used. It is sufficient to install PHP on the server hosting the web application; from there, clients may use web browsers to get access to the server's resources. In the following diagram, you can see the basic structure of a PHP-based website.

MySQL, in the simplest sense, is a database management system for high-level administration. Building databases into a site's framework has a number of advantages. For the most part, the most eye-catching web assets our clients commission from us are database-driven email lists, online journals, and content management systems (CMS). To create dynamic websites, hire php developers and MySQL are inseparable partners.

This course covers a wide range of PHP tasks as well as MySQL inquiries, with more than 8 hours of substance and more than 70 addresses, and it guides you through the right procedure so that you can function as a PHP and MySQL engineer. Both PHP and MySQL are open source and free to use, and the combination of the two makes it the best solution for web designers.

Why use PHP?

The scripting code in PHP is run on the server, which creates HTML that is then delivered back to the client. This is the defining characteristic of PHP and sets it apart from other programming languages. The outcome of running the script is sent to the client, who is kept in the dark about the underlying code. The web server may be configured by the developers to handle each and every HTML file (containing the PHP script).

Methods of Responsible Growth and Development

One thing to keep in mind is that it does not matter how impressive the development tools are that you are using to create the application; the final product may not be useful if the programme is not designed appropriately.

PHP and MySQL were designed from the ground up to make it possible for almost anybody with even a basic understanding of programming to put together a browser-based online application. This easy entry to PHP development can also create problems when an inexperienced programmer takes on a large Web Application project and does not consider the security implications, scalability, and the SQL execution time when there are a large number of concurrent connections, just to start. These are just some of the issues that can arise.

Examples of bad code and SQL queries include the following:

  • Not following the recommended coding standards
  • Combining HTML with the functionality of PHP.
  • Inconsistencies in the coding
  • Utilizing a variety of distinct types of function calls
  • Disordered logic

Using PHP in conjunction with a database system

The capability of PHP as a scripting language to communicate with database management systems such as Oracle and MySQL is one of the primary reasons for its widespread adoption among hire web developers.

This article examines how the PHP programming language may be used in conjunction with the MySQL database. Any website may need a variety of data or information in order to show it and to obtain it from the database. This may include the presentation of a straightforward list throughout the operation of the website, which is determined by the data that is saved in the database.

The following is a list of examples that demonstrate how PHP and MySQL may be used together:

  • Digital Ad banners, where the PHP script may be used to obtain a digital banner from the database, which then picks a random banner from its table records and delivers it back to the script that called it. Additionally, the PHP script may keep a tally of how many times the banner has been seen and clicked on from the website.
  • Internet forums or digital boards that make use of PHP and MySQL to store and retrieve user messages are referred to as "social networking sites."
  • Website design, in which the layout of a complete website may be altered by modifying just a few PHP scripts as opposed to each individual web page being edited and uploaded individually. The PHP script has the capability of connecting to the MySQL database in order to obtain any and all information pertaining to the website.

Configuring the MySQL database

The process of installing the MySQL database on a new host might seem quite different depending on the configuration of that server. Access to any database would need providing a user name and a password, since this is standard practice.

Managing a database may be accomplished via the use of PHP scripts or using the application known as PHPMyAdmin.

The next thing that needs to be done is to construct the database tables that will be used to store the information pertaining to the website. Using PHPMyAdmin to create a database table is likewise a rather straightforward process. Alternately, one may construct and set up the whole of the database by using the PHP script that is listed below:

CREATE TABLE tablename {
Where the Fields are coded as field name type(length) extra_info
Example: first varchar(15) NOT NULL

In order to connect to the MySQL database, the PHP script makes use of the command that is listed below:



  • localhost is the address of the server on which the website is now being hosted.
  • The user name for accessing the database is denoted by $username.
  • The database access password is specified by the $password variable.

Putting PHP instructions into action

You will be able to begin running PHP commands on the server after the MySQL database has been configured and a connection has been established.

The following are the two ways that a PHP command can be carried out:

  • Using the following syntax to enter the command into PHP:


Changing the variable in this form of the command is all that is required to execute the command again and again.

  • The command will be defined as a variable now. The value of the variable will be set to reflect the outcome of the operation.

Input and output of data

The technique for entering data using PHP is exactly the same as the procedure for entering data using HTML pages. The script does not need to be altered for each new piece of input data when PHP is used, which is one of the advantages of utilizing PHP. In addition, users are able to enter their own data directly into the website.

The following is an example of a page written in HTML that has text boxes and may be used to input data in a form:

form action="insert php" method="post">
First Name: input type="text" name="first">
Last Name:
Web: input type="text" name="web">
input type="Submit">

You also have the option of using variables in order to enter information into the database. Example:


$query = “INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (”,’$first’,’$last’,’$phone’,’$mobile’,’$fax’,’$email’,’$web’)”;

This script is stored in the insert.php file, and the HTML form is the place from which it can be accessed. When using this approach, the data that is put into the form on the web page is saved in the variables that have been specified, and these variables are then sent to PHP.

Using PHP, you may perform the following MySQL command with the result being assigned to the variable. This will allow you to show (or print) the data that was input.

$query=”SELECT * FROM contacts”;

In order to incorporate the data that was entered into the form into your PHP script, PHP offers two submission methods: GET and POST. In the case of the GET method, the variables and data are made visible in the page URL, however in the case of the POST method, they remain hidden. For instance, a script might be written to show a variety of web pages, each of which would be determined by the link that was clicked.

yourpage.php?user=david (to show David’s page)
yourpage.php?user=tom (to show Tom’s page)


If you're looking for affordable and high-quality PHP MySQL development services, our team of committed professionals is here to help. Our PHP web apps and websites are known for their intuitive interfaces, robust functionality, and adaptability across a wide range of sectors. CMarix can assist you in getting the most out of your present server infrastructure (ROI). The time and money spent on development may be cut significantly by working with our company.

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