A few weeks ago, we released a survey to learn more about your thoughts on The State Of The Web. Today, we're sharing all of the data we collected with the community. Why? Because this sort of thing is more fun with more participation and analysis.
We'll also be returning to the Google Chrome Developers studio this week to share some of our findings. If you're interested in digging through the data, we'd love to include any of your interesting/fun insights in the episode!
Here is an Excel file or CSV of the raw data, and below are the survey questions for your reference.
If you'd like your insights to be shared before the next taping, please comment here or publish a post by Wednesday 08/29 with the tag #sotwsurvey
Multiple Choice
1. Which is your primary browser for development?
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Other
- Opera
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Edge
2. Which of the technologies have you made use of?
- Content Distribution Network (CDN)
- Browser Push Notifications
- Service Workers
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
3. How old are the apps you frequently work on? (Choose as many as you like)
- Less than 1 year
- 1-3 years
- 3-8 years
- More than 8 years
4. What is your typical Internet connection speed?
- Less than 500kbps
- 500kbps to 2mbps
- 2mbps to 5mbps
- 5mbps to 10mbps
- 10mbps to 15mbps
- Over 15mbps
- I don't know
For the following section, indicate how strongly you agree with the following statements (scale of 0-10)
5. Web innovation is outpacing native
6. I am satisfied with the state of browser tooling for web dev
7. Building for the web is becoming easier over time
8. I feel safe while browsing the web
9. I am satisfied with browser standards adoption
10. The web is improving for end-users
11. I am satisfied with the communication between the software side and the business side of my organization
12. I am satisfied with the communication between the design side and the engineering side of my organization
13. I am satisfied with the state of analytics tooling for the web
14. I am satisfied with the state of a/b test tooling for the web
15. I am satisfied with the current user interface design trends for the web
16. I am familiar with the laws associated with GDPR
17. The desktop web is typically slow and sluggish
18. Accessibility is an important concern in my web development
19. The mobile web is typically slow and sluggish
20. I dislike ads on the web
21. I am optimistic about the future of progressive web apps
22. Artificial intelligence advancements are having a big impact on the web
23. I am satisfied with the development libraries my team and I use
Now for some more multiple choice and yes/no, etc.
24. Which software development roles do you assume on a regular basis?
- Front-end web development
- Back-end web development
- Web designProduct manager for web team
- Web tooling development
- Admin/ops for web team
- I am a developer but not for web
- I am a manager but not for web
- I am a designer but not for web
- None of the above
25. Which of these front-end JavaScript frameworks do you work currently work with?
- React
- Angular
- Polymer
- Vue
- I use frameworks but none of these
- I don't use any JavaScript frameworks
- I don't write front-end JavaScript
26. When working with CSS, which of the following do you make use of?
- flexbox
- grid
- preprocessors
- None of the above
- I don't work with CSS
27. How does your team/project do a/b testing in your projects?
- Custom built solution
- Open source library/framework
- Third party product/service
- My team doesn't practice a/b testing
28. Which desktop operating system do you use for development?
- MacOS
- Windows
- Linux
29. Does your team/project support IE 10 and under? (Y/N)
30. Should browsers still allow users to disable JavaScript? (Y/N)
31. Do the apps/sites you work on typically import custom fonts? (Y/N)
32. Does your team create design mockups before coding? (Y/N)
33. Does your team use a package manager such as npm, yarn, bower, etc.? (Y/N)
34. Do your projects currently serve WebP-formatted images to supporting browsers? (Y/N)
35. Does your team write code tests for front-end code? (Y/N)
36. Does your team write code tests for back-end code? (Y/N)
37. Do you typically practice test-driven-development? (Y/N)
38. What is your age in years? (fill in)
39. How long have you been working in software (in years)? (fill in)
40. Which mobile device ecosystem you use for personal use?
- iOS
- Android
- Other
- Other
41. What is your gender identity?
- Man
- Woman
- Prefer Not to Answer
- Other
42. Which of the following educational programs have you made use of?
- A computer science degree
- An in-person bootcamp/coding school graduation
- An intensive online learning program
- A self-paced online learning program
- None of the above
43. Are you a...
- Cat person
- Dog person
- Neither