How to Become a Docker Captain

Ajeet Singh Raina - Jan 2 '23 - - Dev Community

It’s been 7 amazing years since the launch of the Docker Captain Program. The Docker Captain program has grown significantly since its inception and now includes a wide range of Captains from around the world who are experts in different aspects of Docker and containerisation.

The program recognises Docker experts who are doing an exceptional job of spreading knowledge and best practices about Docker and containerisation technologies. Docker Captains are experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. They are selected and honoured by Docker, Inc. based on their contributions to the Docker community, including through activities such as writing blog posts, speaking at conferences, contributing to open-source projects, and helping others learn about Docker.

Captains are Docker ambassadors, not employees


According to Docker, Captains are Docker ambassadors (not employees) and their commitment to sharing their expertise has a huge impact on the Docker community – whether they are blogging, writing books, speaking, running workshops, creating tutorials and classes, offering support in forums, or organising and contributing to local events – they help make Docker’s mission of democratizing technology possible.

This program is designed to foster Docker advocates and promote the creation of high-value content by connecting program members with Docker engineering and marketing resources. Program participants will be established as high-profile community leaders to inspire and educate the Docker community.

Duties and Responsibilities of Docker Captain


Captains are advisors, ambassadors, coders, contributors, creators, tool builders, speakers, mentors, maintainers and super users and are required to be active stewards of Docker in order to remain in the program.

In addition to sharing their knowledge with the community, Captains provide insight and feedback to Docker. They have direct access to our technical teams, and are first to hear about and try upcoming features, product releases and big announcements.

How are Docker Captains nominated?


Membership in this program is based on:

  • Recommendation by Docker employee
  • Demonstrated competence in Docker technology
  • Being a positive presence in the tech community and ecosystem

What are the Benefits of the Docker Captains program?


  • Briefings prior to product updates and other announcements with Docker engineers and special guests
  • Ability to list program membership on personal profiles
  • Promotion of relevant content created by members through Docker’s social channels
  • Access to conversations with Docker staff as-needed
  • Slack channel
  • Free admission to Docker-organised events(upon the company's decision)
  • Invitations to biannual program summits
  • Networking at 3rd-party events
  • Admission to all Docker Beta programs
  • Access to sample content, demos, templates and CFPs
  • Swag exclusive to program members
  • Complimentary tickets to conferences sponsored by Docker (upon availability)

As part of the Docker Captain's programme, you also get a chance to join briefings with other Docker Captains. The topics range from product briefings to technical deep dives with plenty of time for questions at the end. These briefings are usually one hour long and are scheduled on average every two weeks. Each briefing is recorded and shared with the program members after being held.

How shall I become a Docker Captain?


The Docker Captain program is unique in the sense that it is driven by the nomination and recommendations coming from Docker experts and Docker staff. The easiest route to becoming a Docker Captain is to start collaborating with the existing Captains or Docker staff and contribute to the exciting projects they are working on.

If you are interested in becoming a Docker Captain, here are a few tips that might be useful:

  • Build your strong social media presence: Once you have a deep understanding of Docker and its related technologies, it’s time to share your expertise with the Docker community. You can do this by sharing the best practices and tips on social media sites like Twitter, and LinkedIn on a regular basis.
  • Start contributing code: Figure out your area of expertise and if possible, start contributing code to the Docker community projects. For Example, you can start contributing to the Awesome Compose repository. Find ways to give back to the Docker community by contributing code, improving the docs, testing the PRs and so on.
  • Get involved in the Docker community forum: Docker Community Forum provides a space for developers to connect with fellow developers and Docker experts as you give and receive help on a wide variety of development topics, from implementing new technologies to.
  • Attend Meetup and conferences – As a Docker expert, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time with the community. Speaking at the online communities, and engaging with other Docker users and experts will help you build confidence. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the Docker ecosystem and make connections with other members of the community.
  • Apply to become a Docker Captain: When you feel ready, you can apply to become a Docker Captain through the Docker website. The application process involves completing a form and submitting examples of your contributions to the Docker community. If your application is accepted, you will be invited to join the Docker Captains program.

How do I learn more about each Captain?


Docker Captains are eager to bring their technical expertise to new audiences both offline and online around the world – don’t hesitate to reach out to them via the social links on their Captain profile pages. You can filter the captains by location, expertise, and more.

Docker introduced “Docker Captains Take 5”, a regular blog series where you get a closer look at the Docker experts who share their knowledge online and offline around the world. A different Captain gets featured each time and Docker community manager ask them the same broad set of questions ranging from what their best Docker tip is to whether they prefer cats or dogs.


Becoming a Docker Captain requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for those who are passionate about Docker and committed to contributing to the community.

Need help? Ping me over Slack or Discord and I shall help you with useful tips for becoming a Docker Captain.


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