Advanced LINQ queries in C#

Abhishek - Oct 11 '23 - - Dev Community

It allow you to manipulate, filter, and transform data in complex ways. Here are some examples of advanced LINQ queries:

1. Grouping Data:
You can use the group clause to group data based on a specific property. For example, you can group a list of students by their grades:

var groupedByGrade = students.GroupBy(student => student.Grade);
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2. Joining Data:
You can join data from multiple collections using the join clause. For instance, you can join a list of customers with their orders based on a shared property like CustomerID:

var query = from customer in customers
            join order in orders on customer.CustomerID equals order.CustomerID
            select new { customer.Name, order.OrderDate };
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3. Aggregating Data:
You can use LINQ to perform aggregations, such as calculating the sum, average, maximum, or minimum values within a collection. For instance, calculating the average age of a list of people:

var averageAge = people.Average(person => person.Age);
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4. Filtering with Predicates:
You can filter data with custom conditions using the where clause. For example, you can filter a list of products to find those with prices above a certain threshold:

var expensiveProducts = products.Where(product => product.Price > 100);
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5. Selecting and Transforming Data:
You can project data into a new shape using the select clause. For example, you can select only the names of students from a list:

var studentNames = students.Select(student => student.Name);
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6. Ordering Data:
You can sort data using the orderby and descending keywords. For instance, sorting a list of books by their titles in descending order:

var sortedBooks = books.OrderByDescending(book => book.Title);
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7. Using Method Syntax:
Advanced LINQ queries can also be written using method syntax, which is a more compact way to express queries. For instance, you can group data using method syntax like this:

var groupedByGrade = students.GroupBy(student => student.Grade);
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8. Combining Query Operators:
You can combine multiple LINQ operators in a single query, allowing for complex operations. For example, you can filter, group, and project data in a single query:

var result = students
    .Where(student => student.Age > 18)
    .GroupBy(student => student.Grade)
    .Select(group => new { Grade = group.Key, Count = group.Count() });
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Advanced LINQ queries are powerful tools for data manipulation and are widely used in C# applications, especially when working with collections of data. They provide a concise and expressive way to work with data in a variety of scenarios.

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