Setting up `pre-commit` in a Django project

DoriDoro - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

Step 1: Install Required Tools

First, make sure you have the required tools installed in your Python environment:

pip install isort black flake8 pre-commit
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Save the dependencies in your requirements.txt file:

# requirements.txt (28.06.2024)

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Step 2: Create a Pre-Commit Configuration File

Create or update a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml in the root of your project:

# .pre-commit-config.yaml (28.06.2024)

  - repo:
    rev: v4.6.0
      - id: trailing-whitespace
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: check-added-large-files

  - repo:
    rev: 5.13.2
      - id: isort

  - repo:
    rev: 24.4.2
      - id: black

  - repo:
    rev: 7.1.0
      - id: flake8

  - repo: local
      - id: django-check
        name: Run Django Check
        entry: python check
        language: system
        pass_filenames: false
        types: [python]
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Step 3: Configure flake8

Create or update a setup.cfg configuration file to customize flake8 and isort behavior:

_Ensure that isort is configured to be compatible with black. isort has a setting to make it play nicely with black.

Include the following configuration for isort to make it work with black. You can place these settings in an isort configuration file like .isort.cfg, pyproject.toml, or any other configuration file isort supports._

# setup.cfg (28.06.2024)

max-line-length = 99
exclude = **/migrations/*,venv
extend-ignore = E203, W503

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Step 4: Set up Pre-Commit

Run the following command to set up the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install
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This command installs the pre-commit hooks defined in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file. Now, every time you try to commit code, the hooks will run automatically to ensure the code adheres to the specified quality checks and formatting rules.

results in something like:

(venv) ➜  project git: ✗ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
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Step 4.1: Update all pre-commit hooks:

Ensure all hooks are up-to-date by running:

pre-commit autoupdate
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Step 5: Running Pre-Commit Manually (Optional)

You can also run the pre-commit hooks manually at any time with the following command:

pre-commit run --all-files
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By following these steps, you create a robust pre-commit hook system that enforces code quality and style consistency across your Django project. This helps catch issues early and ensures a more maintainable codebase.

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