Balance is killing your ambition: How to become world class

Praise J.J. - Jul 19 - - Dev Community

Balance is a state of equalizing two or more equal and opposite forces.

You're worried about balancing A and B because they are opposing each other.

What you need is focus. Focus > balance.

Treat yourself like an athlete. Everything the best athletes do is to improve their game performance.

Everything else is a distraction.

A distraction is any information you stumble upon that is not your priority at a given moment.

Distractions slow you down or completely prevent you from achieving your goals.

The food they eat, the place they go, the people they hang out with, the way they sleep.

You can trace almost everything back down to their sportsmanship.

Live like an athlete. If you play several distracting sports, you will end up mediocre at them.

Be the G.O.A.T athlete at your sport.

If you haven't found what your sport is, it's because your sport doesn't exist yet. Create your sport. 

Make "Creating your sport" your sport.

But don't let anybody classify you into a niche, it gives room for replacement or competition.

Create a sport that's so tied and unique to you, nobody can replace or compete with you.

You're unlikely to be the best at a sport that's already named.

If there're other people that do it, you can't be the best if you don't have an unfair advantage or put in more time, more resources, more dedication.

You can't be top 1% in basketball if you don't have enough skills, opportunities and you're 5'1.

Ask yourself, what do you have that others don't? 

There're people that have been doing X since they were 5 years old, and that's all they've been doing till date.

Would you sacrifice everything else you care more about in your life and still not beat them?

But somehow, if you're in the top 20% best at X, top 10% best at Y, top 5% best at Z. When there's an intersection, you can be the best at XYZ.

Maybe not the best engineer or the best designer.

Maybe not the best marketer or the best physicist.

But the best (& only) Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or [put your name here]. Some unique blend of knowledge & traits that's valuable and nobody has.

That's what you want.

You will find it by following your obsessions and passions. Then connect dots to hit all the important birds you need in your life (e.g money, fun, self actualization, etc).

Expose yourself to as much mindful experience as possible. The more dots on the paper, the easier it is to get a straight line that connects many important dots.

Do that Naval's thing: "Become the best at what you do, keep redefining what you do until this is true."

Be consistent.

Peace ✌️ .


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