Guide: Creating Triggers in PostgreSQL

Nnaemeka Daniel John - Aug 23 '23 - - Dev Community

In the world of relational databases, PostgreSQL stands out as a powerful and versatile option. It offers a lot of features that allow developers to implement sophisticated solutions for various data management challenges. One of these features, triggers, plays a crucial role in automating actions based on events occurring within a database. In this article, we will take a look at the triggers in PostgreSQL, exploring their purpose, implementation, and potential use cases.

Understanding Triggers

A trigger in PostgreSQL is a procedural code block that gets executed automatically in response to specific events occurring within a database table. These events can include data manipulation language (DML) actions like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Triggers provide a way to enforce business rules, maintain data integrity, and carry out complex actions without requiring explicit user intervention.

The Components of a Trigger

Before we dive into creating triggers, let's break down the essential components that make up a PostgreSQL trigger:

- Event: This is the database operation that triggers the execution of the trigger. Events can include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or even a combination of these.

- Trigger Function: A trigger function is a block of code written in PL/pgSQL, which is PostgreSQL's procedural language. This function is executed when the trigger's associated event occurs.

- Trigger Constraint: This is an optional condition that determines whether the trigger function should be executed. It is specified using a WHEN clause in the trigger's definition.

Creating a Trigger

Now that we understand the components, let's walk through the process of creating a trigger step by step.

Step 1: Create a Trigger Function
First, we need to define the trigger function. This function encapsulates the logic that should be executed when the trigger's event occurs. Here's an example of a trigger function that logs a message when a new row is inserted into a table:

    RAISE NOTICE 'New row inserted with ID: %',;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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Step 2: Create the Trigger
Once the trigger function is defined, we can create the actual trigger that associates the function with a specific event on a table. Here's how you can create a trigger that fires after an INSERT operation on a table named "trigg_table":

CREATE TRIGGER after_insert_trigger
AFTER INSERT ON trigg_table
EXECUTE FUNCTION log_insert();
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Step 3: Test the Trigger
With the trigger in place, you can now test its functionality by performing an action that triggers the event. In this case, inserting a new row into the "trigg_table" table will cause the trigger function to execute and log the inserted row's ID.

  • For example: Given table
my_db=# CREATE TABLE trigg_table(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20));
my_db=# INSERT INTO trigg_table(name) VALUES('Daniel');
NOTICE:  New row inserted with ID: 1
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As you can see, a NOTICE was raised indiating the insertion of a new row into the trigg_table table.

Use Cases for Triggers

Triggers can be immensely useful in various scenarios. Here are a few common use cases:

- Audit Trail: Triggers can be employed to track changes made to critical data. By capturing before-and-after values, you can maintain an audit trail of all modifications.

- Data Validation: Triggers can enforce complex data validation rules that go beyond simple constraints, ensuring that only valid data is inserted, updated, or deleted.

- Derived Data: When certain columns depend on others, triggers can automatically calculate and update these derived values whenever the base data changes.

- Notifications: Triggers can be used to send notifications or alerts based on specific events, keeping stakeholders informed in real-time.

- Archiving: Triggers can facilitate data archiving by moving old records from one table to another based on predefined criteria.

Best Practices

While triggers offer powerful automation capabilities, they should be used judiciously. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

- Keep Logic Simple: Triggers should focus on lightweight tasks. Complex operations are better suited for application code.

- Document Thoroughly: Clearly document the purpose, behavior, and logic of your triggers. This will aid in maintenance and troubleshooting.

- Testing is Crucial: Thoroughly test triggers before deploying them in production to avoid unexpected behaviors or performance bottlenecks.

- Monitor Performance: Triggers can impact database performance, especially if they involve complex operations. Regularly monitor their impact on query performance.


Triggers in PostgreSQL provide a mechanism for automating actions based on database events, making them a powerful tool for maintaining data integrity, enforcing business rules, and reducing manual intervention. By understanding their components, creating well-defined trigger functions, and adhering to best practices, developers can harness the full potential of triggers to streamline their database operations and achieve more efficient data management.


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