A Software Developer's Guide to Working with Storyblok

Jafaru Emmanuel - Nov 8 '23 - - Dev Community


Are you a software developer looking for a powerful content management solution that seamlessly integrates with your projects? Look no further than Storyblok! This article will guide you through the process of working with Storyblok as a software developer. We'll cover everything from setting up your project to creating dynamic content, making it easier for you to build and manage content-rich applications.

What is Storyblok?

Storyblok is a headless content management system (CMS) that provides developers with a flexible and intuitive way to manage content for web and mobile applications. Unlike traditional monolithic CMS systems, Storyblok decouples content from the presentation layer, allowing you to build websites and applications using the programming languages and technologies you prefer.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Storyblok Account: First, sign up for a Storyblok account at https://www.storyblok.com. You'll find different pricing plans to suit your needs, including a free plan for smaller projects.

  2. Setting Up Your Project: Once you've created an account, create a new space in Storyblok. A space is where you manage your content. You can create a separate space for each project to keep things organized.

  3. Define Content Structures: In Storyblok, content is organized using a flexible and customizable structure. Define your content types, such as articles, products, or pages. These structures help you keep your content organized and consistent.

Content Creation and Management

  1. Creating Content Entries: After defining your content structures, you can start creating content entries. Each entry represents a piece of content. You can add text, images, videos, and more.

  2. Rich Text Editor: Storyblok provides a user-friendly rich text editor for creating and formatting content. It's easy for content creators to use, and you can customize the editor's options to fit your needs.

  3. Versioning and Drafts: Storyblok offers versioning and draft support, allowing you to save changes and preview content before publishing it.

  4. Localization: If your project requires multiple languages, Storyblok makes it easy to manage and translate content across different locales.

Integrating Storyblok with Your Project

Integrating Storyblok with your project is a crucial step in harnessing the power of this headless content management system. In this section, we will explore three essential aspects of integration: the Content Delivery API, Custom Fields, and Webhooks.

Content Delivery API

The Content Delivery API in Storyblok is a powerful tool that allows developers to retrieve structured content from the headless content management system. This API provides a straightforward way to access content and integrate it into your web or mobile application. Let's delve into the key features and benefits of the Content Delivery API in Storyblok:

Key Features:

  1. Structured JSON Content: The Content Delivery API serves content as structured JSON data, making it easy for developers to work with. Each content entry is delivered as a JSON object, which can be effortlessly parsed and used in your application.

  2. Custom Queries: The API supports custom queries, enabling you to retrieve specific content or subsets of content based on your application's needs. This flexibility allows you to tailor content requests to match your project's requirements.

  3. Versioning: Storyblok's versioning is integrated into the Content Delivery API. This means you can retrieve both published and draft versions of your content, which is invaluable for previewing changes or maintaining multiple content versions.

  4. Caching: Caching can be configured to optimize the performance of your application. By setting cache intervals, you can minimize the number of requests to the API, ensuring that your application loads content quickly.

  5. Image Service: The Content Delivery API includes an image service that allows you to manipulate and optimize images on-the-fly. You can resize, crop, and apply various transformations to images in your content entries, reducing the need for manual image processing.

  6. Localization: The API fully supports localization, allowing you to fetch content in multiple languages if your project is multilingual. Content entries can be retrieved in the desired locale, making it easier to manage content for diverse audiences.


  1. Efficiency: Separating content management from content delivery using a headless CMS like Storyblok ensures efficient application loading. You only request and receive the data you need, reducing loading times and improving performance.

  2. Framework Agnostic: The Content Delivery API is framework-agnostic, meaning you can use it with any frontend technology or platform, whether it's React, Vue, Angular, or mobile app frameworks. This provides developers with the freedom to choose the tools they are most comfortable with.

  3. Scalability: Storyblok's infrastructure is designed for scalability, ensuring that your application can grow alongside your content needs. You don't need to worry about server maintenance or scalability concerns; Storyblok handles it for you.

  4. Consistency: With structured JSON content, you can ensure that the data displayed in your application remains consistent, maintaining design and layout integrity across different parts of your site or app.

  5. Customization: The Content Delivery API is versatile and can be tailored to meet your project's specific requirements. You can create custom queries to retrieve content in the exact format and structure that your application needs.

The Content Delivery API in Storyblok simplifies the process of accessing structured content for your web or mobile application. Its features, such as structured JSON data, custom queries, versioning, caching, and localization, empower developers to efficiently integrate and display content, regardless of the technology stack they are using. This flexibility and efficiency make it an excellent choice for projects of all sizes, ensuring that your application loads quickly and delivers a consistent and engaging user experience.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields in Storyblok provide developers with a powerful tool for extending and customizing the content management experience. These fields allow you to add additional data and attributes to content entries, tailoring the content structure to your specific project requirements. Let's explore the key features and benefits of using Custom Fields in Storyblok:

Key Features:

  1. Additional Data Points: Custom Fields enable you to add extra data points to your content entries. These can be in the form of text, numbers, dates, links, or other data types, depending on your project's needs.

  2. Customization: You have full control over the naming, types, and usage of Custom Fields. This flexibility allows you to create fields that match your project's requirements precisely.

  3. Field Types: Storyblok offers a variety of field types, including text fields, number fields, date fields, select fields, and more. You can choose the field type that best suits the data you want to store.

  4. Localization: Custom Fields support localization, meaning you can provide different values for the same field in multiple languages. This is particularly useful for multilingual projects.

  5. Validation Rules: You can set validation rules for Custom Fields, ensuring that the data entered is in the correct format. This helps maintain data quality and consistency.

  6. Default Values: Custom Fields allow you to define default values, which can save time and effort when creating new content entries. Default values are automatically filled in when a new entry is created.


  1. Versatility: Custom Fields make Storyblok versatile and adaptable to a wide range of projects. Whether you're building a blog, e-commerce site, portfolio, or any other type of application, you can create custom fields to match your specific content needs.

  2. Meta Data: Custom Fields are ideal for storing metadata and additional information related to content entries. For instance, you can use custom fields to store SEO-related data, such as meta titles, descriptions, keywords, or any other metadata your project requires.

  3. Structured Data: By adding custom fields to content entries, you can structure the data more effectively. This structured data helps ensure that the content remains consistent and organized across your application.

  4. Content Enhancements: Custom Fields enable you to enrich content entries with additional details, making it possible to provide users with more context and information in your application.

  5. Tailored Content Entry Forms: For content creators, Custom Fields mean content entry forms are tailored to the specific needs of your project. This simplifies the content creation process and ensures that content creators provide the right information.

  6. Data Validation: Validation rules in Custom Fields help maintain data quality. You can set rules to ensure that the data entered adheres to specific formats or standards, reducing errors and inconsistencies.

Custom Fields in Storyblok provide developers with the flexibility to extend and customize the content structure, making it suitable for a wide array of projects. Whether you need to store metadata, enrich content entries, or maintain data consistency, Custom Fields offer a robust solution. With their various field types, validation rules, and localization support, Custom Fields are a valuable asset in building content-rich, organized, and tailored applications that cater to your specific needs.


Webhooks in Storyblok are a powerful feature that allows you to automate actions in your application whenever content changes in the CMS. They serve as a bridge between your content management and your application's functionality, ensuring that your app stays in sync with content updates. Let's explore the key features, benefits, and real-world use cases of Webhooks in Storyblok:

Key Features:

  1. Event-Based Triggers: Webhooks in Storyblok are event-based triggers that listen for specific events related to content changes. These events can include content creation, update, deletion, or publication.

  2. HTTP Integration: Webhooks are typically HTTP POST requests sent to a specified endpoint in your application, allowing you to execute custom actions or workflows when content events occur.

  3. Custom Payloads: You can customize the payload data sent with each webhook, providing your application with information about the content change, such as the content ID, type, and the nature of the event.

  4. Real-time Updates: Webhooks enable real-time updates in your application, ensuring that it stays current with the latest content changes, which is especially valuable for dynamic, frequently updated content.

  5. External Integrations: You can use Webhooks to integrate Storyblok with other external services, such as analytics platforms, email marketing tools, or e-commerce systems.


  1. Automation: Webhooks automate manual tasks and actions in your application. For instance, you can set up a webhook to trigger an automated email notification whenever a new blog post is published.

  2. Real-time Updates: Webhooks ensure that your application receives updates immediately after content changes occur, which can be critical for real-time or live applications.

  3. Custom Workflows: You can create custom workflows based on specific content events. For example, you might create a webhook to notify your team or initiate a code deployment whenever a critical piece of content is updated.

  4. Third-party Integrations: Webhooks make it easy to integrate Storyblok with third-party services. For instance, you can use a webhook to send user data to a marketing automation platform when a user profile is updated in your CMS.

  5. Content Syndication: Webhooks are useful for syndicating content to other platforms or websites. When a new article is published in your CMS, a webhook can be configured to automatically send that content to social media platforms or content aggregators.

Use Case: Real-time Content Updates

Scenario: You are developing a news website with Storyblok as your content management system. When journalists and editors create or update articles, you want to ensure that the latest content is displayed in real time to your readers.

Solution: Set up a webhook in Storyblok to trigger an HTTP POST request to your application's endpoint whenever an article is created or updated. Your application's backend can then receive this request, fetch the latest content data from Storyblok, and update the live content on your website immediately. This ensures that readers always see the most current news.

Use Case: Automated SEO Optimization

Scenario: You manage an e-commerce website, and you want to optimize your product listings for search engines automatically. This includes generating SEO meta tags based on product details.

Solution: Create webhooks in Storyblok to trigger events when a new product is added or when existing product details are updated. When the webhook event occurs, your application can automatically generate SEO meta tags based on the product information, such as the product name and category. This ensures that your product pages are SEO-friendly without manual intervention.

Webhooks in Storyblok offer a seamless way to automate actions and maintain real-time updates in your application when content changes occur in the CMS. They empower you to build custom workflows, integrate with external services, and ensure that your application remains synchronized with the latest content, ultimately enhancing the user experience and streamlining content management processes.

Building with Storyblok

Frontend Framework Agnostic

One of the standout features of Storyblok is its frontend framework agnosticism. This means that you are not tied to a specific frontend technology when working with Storyblok. Whether you are a fan of React, Vue, Angular, or any other JavaScript framework, Storyblok is designed to seamlessly integrate with all of them.


  1. Freedom of Choice: As a developer, you have the freedom to choose the frontend framework that best suits your project's needs and your personal preferences. You are not locked into a particular technology stack, which fosters flexibility and adaptability.

  2. Easier Collaboration: If you are working in a team with developers who have varying framework expertise, Storyblok ensures that everyone can work with the CMS without having to learn a new framework just for content management.

  3. Legacy Integration: If you are working on an existing project, you can easily integrate Storyblok into it without needing to overhaul your existing codebase.

Storyblok Bridge

Storyblok Bridge is a valuable tool provided by Storyblok to facilitate the integration of your frontend application with Storyblok's content. It's a JavaScript library that simplifies the connection between your frontend and Storyblok's content management capabilities.

Key Features:

  1. Real-time Editing: Storyblok Bridge enables real-time editing, making it possible for content creators to see their changes reflected instantly in the frontend application. This is a powerful feature for collaborative content creation and editing.

  2. Custom Components: You can define custom components in Storyblok that correspond to the components in your frontend application. Storyblok Bridge allows these components to be easily used and edited by non-technical users.

  3. Preview Mode: Storyblok Bridge offers a preview mode that allows content editors to view how their content will look in the frontend, ensuring accuracy before publishing.

  4. Visual Editor: With the visual editor, content creators can see their content as it will appear in the frontend. It simplifies content management for non-technical users.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is a fundamental aspect of Storyblok that allows you to create and manage reusable components and templates within your web and mobile applications. This feature provides flexibility and efficiency in handling complex, content-rich projects. Let's explore dynamic content in Storyblok in more detail:

1 Reusability and Modularity: Dynamic content enables you to create content components that can be reused throughout your application. This means that you can define and maintain content structures, templates, and components separately, making it easier to build complex layouts and designs.

  • Example: Suppose you have an e-commerce website, and you want to showcase product cards on various pages, such as the homepage, category pages, and search results. By creating a dynamic product card component, you can maintain a consistent design and structure across all these pages without duplicating efforts.

2 Content Synchronization: With dynamic content, changes made to a dynamic component are automatically synchronized across your entire application. This ensures consistency and saves you from manual updates in multiple places.

  • Example: If you update the product card component to display additional product details or change its styling, these changes are reflected everywhere the component is used in your application without the need for manual adjustments.

3 Efficient Development: Dynamic content promotes efficient development by reducing redundancy and code duplication. It streamlines content creation and management while enhancing collaboration between developers and content creators.

  • Example: Your marketing team may want to highlight different products or promotions at various times. By creating a dynamic "promotional banner" component, they can easily update the content without needing development assistance.

4 Customization and Flexibility: You have full control over the structure and design of dynamic content. You can create custom fields for dynamic components, allowing you to store additional data specific to each component.

  • Example: For a news website, you can create a dynamic article component with custom fields for author, publication date, and related articles. This customization ensures that each article can have its own set of data while maintaining a consistent structure.

5 Versioning and Drafts: Dynamic content is fully integrated with Storyblok's versioning and draft support. This means you can make changes to dynamic components, save drafts, preview them, and then publish the final version when ready.

  • Example: If you're updating the dynamic "testimonial" component on your website, you can create a draft, make changes, preview how it looks in your application, and then publish the updated component without affecting the live version until you're satisfied.

Dynamic content in Storyblok is a game-changer for building content-rich applications. It allows you to create reusable components and templates, synchronize content changes, work efficiently, customize content structures, and leverage versioning and drafts. By incorporating dynamic content into your development workflow, you can create robust, flexible, and easy-to-manage applications that adapt to evolving content requirements and provide a seamless experience for both developers and content creators.


Working with Storyblok as a software developer can significantly streamline the content management process for your web and mobile applications. With its developer-friendly features, such as the Content Delivery API, versioning, and flexible content structures, Storyblok empowers you to focus on what you do best – building amazing applications. Whether you're developing a blog, e-commerce site, or any other content-rich project, Storyblok is a valuable tool in your arsenal. Give it a try and see how it can enhance your development workflow. Happy coding!

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