Best Practices for Writing Clean and Efficient JavaScript

Erasmus Kotoka - Sep 24 - - Dev Community

Let talk about Best Practices for Writing Clean and Efficient JavaScript

  1. Use Clear Variable Names 🏷️

Choose meaningful names for your variables and functions so that anyone reading your code knows what they do.

  1. Keep Functions Simple✂️

Break big tasks into small functions. Each function should do one thing.

This makes your code easier to read and fix if something goes wrong.

  1. Avoid Using Global Variables🌍

Global variables can cause problems in your code. Use let and const to keep variables inside a specific scope.

  1. Prefer const and let Over var 🔒

Use const for values that won’t change, and let for values that will. Avoid var because it can cause bugs due to hoisting.

  1. Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) 🚫🔄

Don’t write the same code twice.

Use functions and reusable code blocks to avoid repeating yourself. This makes updates easier.

  1. Use Template Literals for Strings📝

Instead of joining strings with +, use template literals to make your code cleaner:

  const message = `Hello, ${name}!`;

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  1. Optimize Loops🔄

Avoid unnecessary or complicated loops. Use built-in methods like map(), filter(), or reduce() to handle arrays more efficiently.

  1. Handle Errors Properly⚠️

Use try...catch to manage errors without breaking your code. This is especially important for handling asynchronous operations.

  1. Write Modular Code🛠️

Split your code into small, reusable modules. This makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

  1. Use Comments Wisely📝

Only comment where necessary to explain why you’re doing something.

Don’t add obvious comments, but help others understand tricky parts of the code.

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