Maps in JavaScript

Ericawanja - Aug 3 '22 - - Dev Community

Map data structure was introduced in ES6. It has a similar key-value pair syntax as the objects.

How to create a map

You can create a map by passing an array of the key-value pairs into the new Map constructor

const fruits = new Map([
    ["apples", 500],
    ["bananas", 300],
    ["oranges", 200]

  //  Map(3) { 'apples' => 500, 'bananas' => 300, 'oranges' => 200 }

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Alternatively, you can use set() method to add elements into the map.

const fruits = new Map();
fruits.set("apples", 500);
fruits.set("bananas", 300);
fruits.set("oranges", 200);

  //  Map(3) { 'apples' => 500, 'bananas' => 300, 'oranges' => 200 }
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What are the differences between a map and object

Same as objects, maps store key, value pair elements. However, the two are significantly different

Feature Map Objects
Keys A map key can be any value. This includes objects, functions or primitives Strictly, objects key must be a string or symbol data type
Lengh Map has a size property which returns the length of the map The length of an object can only be determined by iterating and counting all the elements manually
Iteration Directly iterable You cannot iterate an object directly. However you can do so by implementing other methods
Default keys Map only contains keys that are explicitly declared. Hence, does not contain default keys Since objects has a prototype, it contains default keys which can collide with other keys

Map operations

  1. add element

set() method is used to add elements to a map. The set method receives the key-value pair of the new element as a parameter.

fruits.set("apples", 500);
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  1. get element get() method receives the a key parameter of the element
fruits.get("apples") // outputs 50
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  1. Remove element delete() method deletes element from the map.
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  1. Clear Map clear() method removes all the elements from a map
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  1. Trasverse a map forEach() can be used to access the items in a list sequentially
const fruits = new Map([
    ["apples", 500],
    ["bananas", 300],
    ["oranges", 200]

  fruits.forEach((key, value)=>{
    console.log(key, value)
  apples 500
  bananas 300
  oranges 200
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keys() returns an iterable list of the keys. Similarly, values() returns an iterable list of the values

const fruits = new Map([
    ["apples", 500],
    ["bananas", 300],
    ["oranges", 200]

 { 'apples', 'bananas', 'oranges' }
{ 500, 300, 200 }
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entries() transverses the map and returns an array of key-value pair [key, values]

const fruits = new Map([
    ["apples", 500],
    ["bananas", 300],
    ["oranges", 200]


  [ 'apples', 500 ],
  [ 'bananas', 300 ],
  [ 'oranges', 200 ]
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  1. Find size of a map size property returns the length of the map
fruits.size //outputs 3
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Even though objects and maps look quite similar, they are quite different. Map have size property and the keys can be anything including functions and objects.
Objects do not have size property while the keys must be strictly strings.

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