Why is AI useless?

Ezpie - Aug 13 - - Dev Community

OK enough of this crap once and for all! All this news that keeps coming up about AI, what the heck is wrong with everyone? Have we lost our minds? Or well have those humans lost their mind!?! I am so angry that in this blog I will show you that how dumb AI really is and why it's not even a tool but another stupid good for nothing piece of crap!

A back track

OK, first let's start with the history of AI shall we? Let's go back to 2015 when AI wasn't really known by those humans and we used to say AI would be the future.

In 2015 something funny happened, ycombinator's then president Sam Altman, who turns out to be gay(no reason why not to mention), along with that dude who has no idea how production ready code is written... Elon musk(no I am not jealous), Ilya Sutskever the god of AI in my opinions, and a bunch of other crocs started a non-profit, keep this in mind, company named openAI, their mission was simple, create AI that is free and open-source, and that's what they did, they created the first ever GPT model and their GPT-2 released in 2019 was the best one.

Non-profit or just for-profit

Let's be real, OpenAI is crap, its not even Open, it's more CloseAI, and as per "Official" data, they say that, "GPT-3 could be misused and therefore shouldn't be available for open-source use." But let's be real, they don't want to let other competitors take their best model and make money out of it.

"But Ezpie, isn't OpenAI non-profit?"

And you would be right, that is, only less then even 1%, so welcome to the 1% club.

What makes you think that a company that made the world's, probably, the first ever fully human like functioning text generating, copy paste TL;DR model would not make money out of it? Yes facebook might be open-sourcing, but how sure are you it's nothing money driven? I mean, I can't say that, this is true, but all I can say is, this can be true, or might be true. What part of FAANG do you think is telling the truth? They all are big tech for a reason you know?

So how is OpenAI... oh my bad, I mean CloseAI, for-profit?

Well OpenAI is a non-profit company, but OpenAI LLC the holding company of the non-profit is for-profit, so basically saying, legally it's non-profit, but owned by a for-profit, of course I don't do law.

Taking this into account this clearly shows that OpenAI is nothing more then another average company now, it had traction in it's GPT-3 release on 2022, after that many noticed, many got worried because of microsoft's big move of using OpenAI as it's other pawn, Google, Apple and many other companies started getting into the AI race, because their CEOs were absolute idiots who have no idea how AI works, all they want is that bonus they get for increasing company revenue.

And now it's time to see what exactly happens when you want big bonuses.

AI - Just another big word for hype

Who here thinks that AI is a tool?

YOU ARE AN IDIOT! What kind of developer are you who uses AI in your code, do you uses AI as a tool? How much? How often? And for how long!

If you use AI for everything, summarizing emails or news or any of the stuff, writing emails or any of the other stuff, writing code(this is missed up now), well then I hope you sleep well tonight, cause either you are going to make yourself jobless or you are making a fool out of yourself.

We are programmers! WE SHOULD KNOW OUR TECH! I get it when a non-tech guy uses AI, but I don't get it that there are so many stupids who focus on creating AI tools for developers, in case you forgot before 2022 we used to write code from logic and not AI! We used to use our brains, or what I call, CPU! Stop using something you know about, believe me, I will get to it how AI works in simple English, but wait, when I say that you will find it easier to write code, in fact you will get faster when you will write code on your own, ever wondered why some say AI will take my job? That's because you idiots just keep using it yourself, now I will agree that I used to use AI too, but when I realized how dumb it was to just stop after every time I hit the spacebar, I realized that I was being dumb, I used to type fast, like blazing fast, now I hardly can type a word without taking a pause, of course pausing is good, but really? Pausing because your copilot is going to answer your question? Your little punk copilot is going to solve your issue?

This brings us to the next part

How do they work?

I get it, you saw it in action, you tried it, you tried it again, and you kept doing it so long that now you are used to using it for ever. Believe me, you are being an idiot.


Well here's how, let me explain you how AI works in simple English, I won't go much in details, but if you want to read a research paper... more like this one: Attention is all you need... who the heck came up with that title.

On an overview, models like GPT work using simple principle, they predict! Just that their predictions are at higher accuracy then that of yours.

GPT would take your query and try to pick words it find accurate enough to be the answer, all it does it take a word, run predictions, top one get's picked, here's an example.

Cridit: Bea Stollnitz

As you can see from this, there's nothing much, it just predicts, and if you drop the amount of data it has, it will preform just as much as a human trying to solve the field equations, it just doesn't work you idiots!

It's all about the data, and where does that data come form? FROM US! We crazy programmers wrote >1000 lines of code and published them in GitHub, all CloseAI did was use GitHub's API and make GPT copy paste that code as output as per predictions, so when a non-tech dude says, we don't know who AI works, laugh at his face and walk out, BECAUSE THAT IDIOT HAS NO IDEA! WHO THE HECK WOULD TRUST AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER TO SOLVE A CODING PROBLEM!

The real problem

OK, let's get to the real problem now that I have got into full rage mode.

Let's be real, whos the idiot in today's world? Me? Probably. You? Mostly. Non-tech people who think AI is the future? I can make predictions, more then 100% that it's not you or me, but those human species that has no idea how things work here.

It's nothing to do with me and you, we are safe, being a programmer is difficult, the layoffs, the no reasonable layoff, the "Company can't afford paying you" layoff, and did I mention layoff? OK, but the real thing is creativity, that's something only programmers have, not even an artist is that creative, or is it? That's debatable.

The real problem with why AI is hype is that no one knows how it works, only those in the field have an idea about it, take the YouTube algorithm, I can give you a detail about it, but on the other hand, a human would never be able to, that's because they don't know even an array means, to them it's all magic, to us, it's all logic, and of course to electricians it all bulbs... fun fact, the world's first computer was made using bulbs, the electricity passing through them acted as 0s and 1s, and it's analog.

So, you see what's the problem? It's not you and I, it's those humans, they just find everything exciting. In fact here in India, many have started workshops on how to use AI in your daily job!

An example of an AI workshop... why not

In fact do the maths, now before you call me poor take this as a POV, imagine that at least 100k people sign up for this, and the price is, $1.18, this would mean that he made a total of $118,000 out of thin air, of course you got something in return, it can't be that it's all useless, that's because it's finance, finance is all about predictions isn't it? I never did that but I can assure you that, this is just simple entrepreneur skill scam here. By skill scam, what I mean is, his course is entirely recorded(no its not live stream he lied) and the course isn't one, but rather a list of courses, the master course is about $167.30, he makes money out of each course and you get something in return, just basic entrepreneur skill scam as I like to call it, now of course this in particular is a scam because he lied it's a live stream, but ignore that, more in developer perspective, it's just never going to happen that a developer would need AI.

So you are getting what I am saying now? AI is nothing without hype, the same goes for social media... yeah advertisement time!... If Facebook doesn't make a market out of people watching other people doing stuff that's just stupid in a whole another level, like for instance who the heck want's to watch a guy watching a bunch of videos? Reaction channels to be exact, who wants to do that? Well market, that's just something everyone does so everyone else does, if you do it, your friend does it, he does it, more people do it, views make other people view, more view make more people view, catchy aka clickbait title and thumbnails(like this blog's) attract's people to watch, read blogs like this, and do anything that the content says, of course if this is applied to a programmer this won't work, because you don't sell to a programmer, it doesn't works, unless it's a lambo... PHP rules! Mon est JS dev BTW.

What's the proof that AI Sucks?

Well you want proof do you? Well then here's your proof. Here's a 9th grader mental ability question I got, ask GPT to solve it, if it does, good you embarrassed me and now I feel sad, but if it doesn't...


121 : 12 :: 25 : ?

Now now, I know this is simple, square root of 121 is 11, plus 1 and 12, that's the pattern, square root of n, plus 1. sqrt(n) + 1 that's it, GPT won't mess this up right?


"To solve the analogy
121:12::25:?, we need to determine the relationship between the pairs of numbers.

First, let's look at the relationship between 121 and 12:

121 = 11^2

The sum of the digits of 121 is 1 + 2 + 1 = 4

The sum of the digits of 11 is 1 + 1 = 2, and 2 × 2 = 4

Now, let's apply this logic to the second pair:

25 = 5^2

The sum of the digits of 25 is 2 + 5 = 7
The sum of the digits of 5 is 5, and 5 × 2 = 10

Therefore, the relationship
121 : 12

where the sum of digits of 121 is divided by 3 (4/3) doesn't seem to apply directly to 25. But we can see a simpler relationship where the digits of 25 are 2+5=7

So the relationship that 25 maps to 7.

Thus, 25:7.

So, the answer is 7."

... Yeah you were saying? I am sorry I was busy laughing at all those AI guys saying that AI will take our jobs, the reality is AI isn't capable of doing anything if it isn't in it's data, it needs data to just learn patterns on which it can predict.

This question isn't easy for AI, but easy for you and I, because we have seen this pattern, we know what square root means and what +1 means, we have done it, so we learned it. But for something that's having no idea what's going on, its just running numbers on what can be the most accurate string of characters to return, think of it like a programmer, not as a human, well that's I know weird, but you know what I mean, if you think programmatically, you will find out, that AI is dumb, it's just a simple function that we programmers wrote, and it just ran simple if else statements on the problem. SO the next time a human says, "AI is getting dangerous, I should learn AI and become a prompt engineer." You know what to do, laugh and walk out, or even better, get him by the throat!

The solution

There's only one simple solution.


Humans are idiots, we programmers are geniuses, they don't know how things work, and once they get worried, they all jump into being programmers too, and because of that, we don't have enough job offers, take this for instance, there are only 5 companies everyone for no good reason wants to work for, FAANG to be exact, yeah we can add micrsoft but that guy is having a hard time after the blue screen of death so let him rest for now. Assuming that there are only 100K developers(10K to be real) in each that means in total they have 500K positions(120K to be real) for us, that too, most are already filled, but let's ignore that, as per honest google search(why would they lie?), I found out there are 26M developers worldwide, this means more then 25.5M developers are jobless, because they have too, there are only 500K jobs after all. Now this calculation has been done with assumptions that are quite unrealistic, but it's to give you all an idea about how rig this system feels.

The only way for all this to stop is run a car over AI, there are, as per google search once again, 22,000 AI engineers, and around 200K AI researcher who never wrote a single code to production(as always). This means there is so much hype about AI, humans think that AI is the future, but the reality is, AI is the future only if you believe it's the future, that's what Big Tech wants to you think also.

How big tech makes Big $?

Hype! Yeah that's the answer! Believe it or not, it's not innovation, it's not imagination, it's not anything that you think, it's hype! Why do you think Apple is called the god of marketing? Because it knows how to make humans do what they want, why do you think humans buy IPhone? I mean what's the big difference between Iphone 12 and 15? There's literally no difference! They both are the same. In fact Apple and Samsung competed who would make the first flipable phone, no not the 90s ones, the Galaxy Z Flip5 Retro, it was made in 2003, and now it's the root of Galaxy Z 4 and 5, the first flip phones, Apple failed in this innovation, but to see, Apple knows how to do marketing better then Samsung, that's why Apple has a large market cap and Samsung does not.

So a company needs to create hype around its products, as Apple once said, it's product are for good not for bad, by this they mean, in movies, they want their products to be used by only the good people not the bad guys, this makes android kind of look bad but yeah, I still own an android and I am proud of it!

But hype is something that companies cannot make when they are new, this only happens when it's properly established, would you trust Facebook or would you trust the world's best open-source privacy based social media app Lambda? Of course Lambda! Now that's just bias, but the reality is, Facebook doesn't has any more trust among many people you would of course choice the world's best open-source privacy based social media app(so much for hype huh?) lambda right?

The same goes for everything else, you would pick Google because you trust it, it's a established company, it's long been there, it's old just like you(no offense to primeagen), and you trust it because it... well it's the only thing, you know Yahoo, you know DuckDuckGo, but you use google search, because that's the only one you, know. Why? You don't know!

It's hype, google created a hype around itself, it built trust in it's early days, it was what everyone wanted, it became what it is today because of you all following the hype, the same is going for AI, follow the hype, die with the hype, and you will see that Sundar Pichai just crossed $1B valuation like it was nothing.

OK what's the real solution?

STOP USING AI! That's it, the same for social media BTW, stop using stuff you don't want, and when I mean you don't want, I mean you don't need, there's a difference between the two words, you don't need AI to write your code, you don't need social media to make connections... well this is debatable, but the reality is, if there is hype, which also has a fancy word for it in English called Market(totally didn't saw that one coming did you?), everyone would do it because everyone else is doing it. So stop doing what everyone else is doing, just because a random Youtuber said, "use AI because it makes your work easier." You are just braking the law! You are doing what everyone else is doing and not doing what you want to do, you want to code and work at google, then code and apply for google, don't use AI to write your code and create dumb projects that GPT suggested, after all, all that data comes for GreekForGreek, the most useless site ever, ads are everywhere.

A bit too much of me

OK I took a moment to consider it, I believe I got a bit to much into backlashing AI, to be real, AI is useful, but only at a limit, it's useful for those jobs that are static, that is they don't require much work, only repeated task like accounting and finance, new CFO named CFO-GPT, jobs that require imagination like programming sure are safe and will always be, but let's be real, we don't need AI to do our work do we? If you are afraid AI will take your job, then don't learn AI, stop using AI, then you will realize, it's all been a bad dream.

In my support, I would like to share neetcode's youtube video that showcases just how hyped this AI crap is, and I believe it's really not much technical so even your non-tech friend working in KFC can watch this.

Tell then keep using lambda and help me kill facebook once and for all, and then I will become the next Zuck Muckerberg...

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