🤯 150 WebDev Articles to Satisfy Your Curiosity

Florian Rappl - Mar 13 - - Dev Community

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This year I started a new series on LinkedIn - "Advanced Links for Frontend". Each issue has 10 links to outstanding posts / articles. Having already done 15 issues I thought it's time to make a bundle and post it here.

Issue 1

  1. The Implied Web (https://www.htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2023/21) by Halvor William Sanden

  2. Modern CSS for 2024: Nesting, Layers, and Container Queries (https://dev.to/builderio/modern-css-for-2024-nesting-layers-and-container-queries-4c43) by @hamatoyogi

  3. Pushing the Limits of Styling: New and Upcoming CSS Features (https://blog.openreplay.com/new-and-upcoming-css-features/) by Ebere Frankline Chisom

  4. Bun, Javascript, and TCO (https://www.onsclom.net/posts/javascript-tco) by Austin Merrick

  5. How I'm Writing CSS in 2024 (https://leerob.io/blog/css) by Lee Robinson

  6. HTMX Playground (https://lassebomh.github.io/htmx-playground/) by Lasse H. Bomholt

  7. 15 Most Watched Frontend Conference Talks In 2023 (https://dev.to/techtalksweekly/15-most-watched-frontend-conference-talks-in-2023-194p) by @techtalksweekly

  8. Multithreading functions in JavaScript to speedup heavy workloads (https://github.com/W4G1/multithreading) by Walter van der Giessen

  9. Bun v1.0.21 (https://bun.sh/blog/bun-v1.0.21) by Jarred Sumner

  10. Revolutionizing Angular: Introducing the New Signal Input API (https://netbasal.com/revolutionizing-angular-introducing-the-new-signal-input-api-d0fc3c8777f2) by Netanel Basal

Issue 2

  1. What PWA Can Do Today (https://whatpwacando.today/) by Danny Moerkerke

  2. Interop 2023 Dashboard (https://wpt.fyi/interop-2023) by Web Dev

  3. Announcing Vue 3.4 (https://blog.vuejs.org/posts/vue-3-4) by Evan You

  4. Weird things engineers believe about Web development (https://birtles.blog/2024/01/06/weird-things-engineers-believe-about-development/) by Brian Birtles

  5. When "Everything" Becomes Too Much: The npm Package Chaos of 2024 (https://socket.dev/blog/when-everything-becomes-too-much) by Feross Aboukhadijeh

  6. SolidStart: A Different Breed Of Meta-Framework (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/01/solidstart-different-breed-meta-framework/) by Atila Fassina

  7. Web analytics is badly broken (https://martech.org/web-analytics-is-badly-broken/) by Juan Mendoza

  8. The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Doesn't Exist (https://jakelazaroff.com/words/the-website-vs-web-app-dichotomy-doesnt-exist) by Jake Lazaroff

  9. Front-end testing in 2024 (https://dev.to/imalov/front-end-testing-in-2024-1gjl) by @imalov

  10. "Why would I choose Panda CSS ?" (https://www.astahmer.dev/posts/why-would-i-choose-panda-css) by Alexandre Stahmer

Issue 3

  1. We removed advertising cookies, here’s what happened (https://blog.sentry.io/we-removed-advertising-cookies-heres-what-happened) by Matt Henderson

  2. Rust-Based JavaScript Linters: Fast, But No Typed Linting Right Now (https://www.joshuakgoldberg.com/blog/rust-based-javascript-linters-fast-but-no-typed-linting-right-now) by Josh Goldberg

  3. remote-storage (https://github.com/FrigadeHQ/remote-storage) by Christian Mathiesen

  4. Where have all the websites gone? (https://www.fromjason.xyz/p/notebook/where-have-all-the-websites-gone) by Jason Velazquez

  5. WebSockets Unlocked: Mastering the Art of Real-Time Communication (https://dev.to/raunakgurud09/websockets-unlocked-mastering-the-art-of-real-time-communication-2lnj) by Raunak Gurud

  6. 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars (https://risingstars.js.org/2023/en) by BestOfJS

  7. Is Blazor the Future of Everything Web? (https://www.telerik.com/blogs/is-blazor-future-everything-web) by Ed Charbeneau

  8. Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework? (https://htmx.org/essays/is-htmx-another-javascript-framework/) by Alexander Petros

  9. State of WebAssembly 2023 (https://platform.uno/blog/state-of-webassembly-2023-2024/) by Gerard Gallant

  10. 16 Lesser known Accessibility Issues (https://toward.studio/latest/16-lesser-known-accessibility-issues) by Matthew Jackson

Issue 4

  1. GitHub Readme: Responsive? 🤔 Animated? 🤯 Light and dark modes? 😱 You bet! 💪🏼 (https://dev.to/grahamthedev/take-your-github-readme-to-the-next-level-responsive-and-light-and-dark-modes--3kpc) by @grahamthedev

  2. CSS 3D Clouds (https://spite.github.io/CSS3DClouds/) by Jaume Sánchez

  3. Introducing createPages (https://waku.gg/blog/introducing-create-pages) by Sophia Andren

  4. Derivations in Reactivity (https://dev.to/this-is-learning/derivations-in-reactivity-4fo1) by @ryansolid

  5. Introducing style queries (https://ishadeed.com/article/css-container-style-queries/) by Ahmad Shadeed

  6. Web Components 2024 Winter Update (https://eisenbergeffect.medium.com/web-components-2024-winter-update-445f27e7613a) by Rob Eisenberg

  7. The Bun Shell (https://bun.sh/blog/the-bun-shell) by Jarred Sumner

  8. Top Front-End Tools Of 2023 (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/01/top-frontend-tools-2023/) by Louis Lazaris

  9. 5 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2024 (https://web.dev/articles/5-css-snippets-every-front-end-developer-should-know-in-2024) by Adam Argyle

  10. A Practical Introduction to Scroll-Driven Animations with CSS scroll() and view() (https://tympanus.net/codrops/2024/01/17/a-practical-introduction-to-scroll-driven-animations-with-css-scroll-and-view/) by Adam Argyle

Issue 5

  1. HTMX and Web Components: a Perfect Match (https://binaryigor.com/htmx-and-web-components-a-perfect-match.html) by Igor Roztropiński

  2. Roadmap 2024 from Biome (https://biomejs.dev/blog/roadmap-2024) by Emanuele Stoppa

  3. Vocs - Minimal Documentation Framework (https://vocs.dev) by Jake Moxey

  4. Perfect Web Framework (https://nuejs.org/blog/perfect-web-framework) by Tero Piirainen

  5. We Forget Frontend Basics (https://blog.stackademic.com/we-forgot-frontend-basics-2f9a1c4dabaa) by Pavel Pogosov

  6. All About Dynamic Routing in Single Page Applications (https://blog.openreplay.com/dynamic-routing-in-single-page-applications) by John Abraham

  7. A Guide to Styling Tables (https://dev.to/madsstoumann/a-guide-to-styling-tables-28d2) by @madsstoumann

  8. In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox (https://tonsky.me/blog/checkbox/) by Nikita Prokopov

  9. Type annotations for performance (https://goose.icu/porffor-types/) by CanadaHonk

  10. Web Components in Earnest (https://naildrivin5.com/blog/2024/01/24/web-components-in-earnest.html) by David Bryant Copeland

Issue 6

  1. Why I chose Tauri instead of Electron (https://itnext.io/why-i-chose-tauri-instead-of-electron-e67b34f8857d) by Guilherme Oenning

  2. Zed is now open source (https://zed.dev/blog/zed-is-now-open-source) by Nathan Sobo

  3. Astro 4.2 (https://astro.build/blog/astro-420) by Emanuele Stoppa

  4. Server-side rendering local dates without FOUC (https://blog.6nok.org/server-side-rendering-local-dates-without-fouc) by Fatih Altinok

  5. 12 Modern CSS One-Line Upgrades (https://moderncss.dev/12-modern-css-one-line-upgrades/) by Stephanie Eckles

  6. Describe APIs using TypeSpec (https://typespec.io/) by Timothee Guerin and others at Microsoft

  7. Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal (https://pa11y.org/) by Rowan Manning

  8. Bundle Splitting (https://www.bigbinary.com/blog/bundle-splitting) by Labeeb Latheef

  9. Frontend Masters: Feature-Sliced Design (FSD) Pattern (https://blog.stackademic.com/frontend-masters-feature-sliced-design-fsd-pattern-81416088b006) by Ismail Harmanda

  10. The web just gets better with Interop 2024 (https://webkit.org/blog/14955/the-web-just-gets-better-with-interop/) by Jen Simmons

Issue 7

  1. Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-4-beta) by Daniel Rosenwasser

  2. Nuxt 3.10 (https://nuxt.com/blog/v3-10) by Daniel Roe

  3. Event Loop. Myths and reality (https://blog.frontend-almanac.com/event-loop-myths-and-reality) by Roman Maksimov

  4. Elysia: A Bun-first Web Framework (https://dev.to/oggy107/elysia-a-bun-first-web-framework-1kf3) by @oggy107

  5. Million 3.0: All You Need to Know (https://dev.to/tobysolutions/million-30-all-you-need-to-know-3d2) by @tobysolutions

  6. Deno in 2023 (https://deno.com/blog/deno-in-2023) by Andy Jiang

  7. Adding type safety to object IDs in TypeScript (https://www.kravchyk.com/adding-type-safety-to-object-ids-typescript) by Maciej Kravchyk

  8. Labyrinthos - JavaScript Procedural Generator for Mazes (https://yantra.gg/labyrinthos/) by marak.eth

  9. Discovering the Latest in JavaScript: New Features for 2024 (https://blog.openreplay.com/javascript--new-features-for-2024) by Teslim Balogun

  10. Does HTML Structure Matter for SEO? (https://searchengineland.com/html-structure-matter-seo-437131) by Ryan Jones

Issue 8

  1. CSS Cartoons (https://dev.to/alvaromontoro/css-cartoons-29bp) by @alvaromontoro

  2. Why you don't need React (https://md.jtmn.dev/blog/%F0%9F%92%BB+Programming/PR-007+-+Why+you+don't+need+React) by John Nguyen

  3. 7 Common Front End Security Attacks (https://dev.to/tinymce/7-common-front-end-security-attacks-372p) by @mrinasugosh

  4. Announcing AdonisJS v6 (https://adonisjs.com/blog/adonisjs-v6-announcement) by Harminder Virk

  5. CSS Media Query for Scripting Support (https://blog.stephaniestimac.com/posts/2023/12/css-media-query-scripting) by Stephanie Stimac

  6. What every dev should know about using Environment Variables (https://expo.dev/blog/what-are-environment-variables) by Kadi Kraman

  7. Hot Module Replacement is Easy (https://bjornlu.com/blog/hot-module-replacement-is-easy) by Bjorn Lu

  8. Open Sourcing the Remix Website (https://remix.run/blog/oss-remix-dot-run) by Brooks Lybrand

  9. Browsers Are Weird Right Now (https://tylersticka.com/journal/browsers-are-weird-right-now/) by Tyler Sticka

  10. CSS Formalize (https://www.cssformalize.com/) by Pelin Oleg

Issue 9

  1. APIs testing using HTTP files and Rest Client (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/ise/api-testing-using-http-files/) by Ayman Mahmoud

  2. Vite 5.1 is out! (https://vitejs.dev/blog/announcing-vite5-1) by Evan Yu

  3. Squeezing Last Bit Of JavaScript Performance For My Automation Game (https://ruoyusun.com/2024/01/23/cividle-optimization) by Ruoyu Sun

  4. How we Increased Search Traffic by 20x in 4 Months with the Next.js App Router (https://hardcover.app/blog/next-js-app-router-seo) by Adam Fortuna

  5. React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024 (https://react.dev/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024) by Joseph Savona, Ricky Hanlon, Andrew Clark, Matt Carroll and Dan Abramov

  6. Angular v17.2 is now available (https://blog.angular.io/angular-v17-2-is-now-available-596cbe96242d) by Minko Gechev

  7. Tailwind CSS under the hood (https://m4xshen.dev/posts/tailwind-css-under-the-hood) by Max Shen

  8. How to Use Google Gemini with Node.js (https://dev.to/arindam_1729/how-to-use-google-gemini-with-nodejs-2d39) by arindam_1729

  9. Future of CSS: Functions and Mixins (https://dev.to/link2twenty/future-of-css-functions-and-mixins-229c) by link2twenty

  10. Interaction to Next Paint becomes a Core Web Vital on March 12 (https://web.dev/blog/inp-cwv-march-12) by Jeremy Wagner and Rick Viscomi

Issue 10

  1. 🔒Securing Web: A Deep Dive into Content Security Policy (CSP) (https://dev.to/vashnavichauhan18/securing-web-a-deep-dive-into-content-security-policy-csp-2nna) by vashnavichauhan18

  2. Beyond REST and GRAPHQL: Why You Should Consider RPC (and Why tRPC Makes It Easy) (https://opyjo2.hashnode.dev/beyond-rest-and-graphql-why-you-should-consider-rpc-and-why-trpc-makes-it-easy) by Opeyemi Ojo

  3. Microdot: a web framework for microcontrollers (https://lwn.net//Articles/959067/) by Jake Edge

  4. Web Development Is Getting Too Complex, And It May Be Our Fault (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/02/web-development-getting-too-complex/) by Juan Diego Rodriguez

  5. Express.js Spam PRs Incident Highlights the Commoditization of Open Source Contributions (https://socket.dev/blog/express-js-spam-prs-commoditization-of-open-source) by Sarah Gooding

  6. JSR First Impressions (https://www.kitsonkelly.com/posts/jsr-first-impressions) by Kitson P. Kelly

  7. How to Favicon in 2024: Six files that fit most needs (https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/how-to-favicon-in-2021-six-files-that-fit-most-needs) by Andrey Sitnik

  8. UI = f(statesⁿ) (https://daverupert.com/2024/02/ui-states) by Dave Rupert

  9. JavaScript and TypeScript Trends 2024: Insights From the Developer Ecosystem Survey (https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2024/02/js-and-ts-trends-2024/) by David Watson

  10. Using a CSP nonce in Blazor Web (https://damienbod.com/2024/02/19/using-a-csp-nonce-in-blazor-web/) by Damien Bod

Issue 11

  1. htmz (https://leanrada.com/htmz/) by Lean Rada

  2. How to Streamline Lead Generation with Your Website (https://www.telerik.com/blogs/how-to-streamline-lead-generation-website) by Suzanne Scaca

  3. Why is Prettier rock solid? (https://mrmr.io/til/prettier) by Manav Rathi

  4. Exploring CSS where it doesn't make sense (https://dev.to/samuel-braun/exploring-css-where-it-doesnt-make-sense-417k) by samuel-braun

  5. Building an audio player app with the .NET Uno Platform (https://scientificprogrammer.net/2024/02/19/building-an-audio-player-app-with-the-net-uno-platform/) by Fiodar Sazanavets

  6. Frontend Trends for 2024: CSS Revival, BFF, Ruling Languages and More (https://www.codemotion.com/magazine/frontend/frontend-trends-for-2024-css-revival-bff-ruling-languages-and-more) by Diego Petrecolla

  7. Vanilla JavaScript, Libraries, And The Quest For Stateful DOM Rendering (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/02/vanilla-javascript-libraries-quest-stateful-dom-rendering) by Frederik Dohr

  8. Micro frontends: Shell vs. Micro Apps (https://blog.bitsrc.io/micro-frontends-shell-vs-micro-apps-5ad809a9b85a) by Ashan Fernando

  9. Updates from the 100th TC39 meeting (https://dev.to/hemanth/updates-from-the-100th-tc39-meeting-4j2f) by hemanth

  10. Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide (https://fffuel.co/svg-spinner) by Sébastien Noël

Issue 12

  1. Bloom Filters (https://samwho.dev/bloom-filters/?palette=tol#bf0) by Sam Rose

  2. Towards Qwik 2.0: Lighter, Faster, Better (https://www.builder.io/blog/qwik-2-coming-soon) by the QWIK team

  3. Disillusioned with Deno (https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/2024/disillusioned-with-deno/) by Baldur Bjarnason

  4. JavaScript Bloat in 2024 (https://tonsky.me/blog/js-bloat) by Nikita Prokopov

  5. JSDoc as an alternative TypeScript syntax (https://alexharri.com/blog/jsdoc-as-an-alternative-typescript-syntax) by Alex Harri

  6. The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility (https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/surprising-truth-about-pixels-and-accessibility) by Josh W. Comeau

  7. Catching Up With The Latest Features In Angular (https://ionic.io/blog/catching-up-with-the-latest-features-in-angular) by Mike Hartington

  8. A practical guide to using shadow DOM (https://www.mayank.co/blog/declarative-shadow-dom-guide/) by Mayank

  9. 22 years later, YAML now has a media type (https://httptoolkit.com/blog/yaml-media-type-rfc/) by Tim Perry

  10. Blazor’s Enhanced Navigation Fully Explained (https://www.telerik.com/blogs/blazor-enhanced-navigation-fully-explained) by Ed Charbeneau

Issue 13

  1. Create VS Code Extension with React, TypeScript, Tailwind (https://dev.to/rakshit47/create-vs-code-extension-with-react-typescript-tailwind-1ba6) by rakshit47

  2. Design Systems for 2024 (https://dev.to/leonardorafael/design-systems-for-2024-1pog) by leonardorafael

  3. CSS for printing to paper (https://voussoir.net/writing/css_for_printing) by Voussoir

  4. Bugs I've filed on browsers (https://nolanlawson.com/2024/03/03/bugs-ive-filed-on-browsers/) by Nolan Lawson

  5. Parcel v2.12.0 (https://parceljs.org/blog/v2-12-0) by Parcel Team

  6. Why Vite is the best? Advanced Features of Vite (https://dev.to/codeparrot/why-vite-is-the-best-advanced-features-of-vite-3hp6) by gautam_vaja_8ca93ec2c115d

  7. Can you make your website green 🌳♻🌳? (https://dev.to/fanmixco/can-you-make-your-website-green--1lb7) by fanmixco

  8. OpenJS Launches New Collaboration to Improve Interoperability of JavaScript Package Metadata (https://socket.dev/blog/openjs-improve-interoperability-of-javascript-package-metadata) by OpenJS Foundation

  9. NodeJS Security Best Practices (https://dev.to/mohammadfaisal/nodejs-security-best-practices-34ck) by mohammadfaisal

  10. JSR: First Impressions (https://dbushell.com/2024/02/16/jsr-first-impression) by David Bushell

Issue 14

  1. Mario-Kart3.js (https://github.com/Lunakepio/Mario-Kart-3.js) by Lunakepio

  2. Survey Results and Roadmap (https://deno.com/blog/2024-survey-results-and-roadmap) by Andy Jiang and Alon Bonder

  3. Avoiding Hydration Mismatches with useSyncExternalStore (https://tkdodo.eu/blog/avoiding-hydration-mismatches-with-use-sync-external-store) by Dominik Dorfmeister

  4. CSS Hooks: A new way to style your React apps (https://www.thisdot.co/blog/css-hooks-a-new-way-to-style-your-react-apps) by Jamie Kuppens

  5. Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript (https://lamplightdev.com/blog/2024/01/10/streaming-html-out-of-order-without-javascript) by Chris Haynes

  6. The Wax and the Wane of the Web (https://alistapart.com/article/the-wax-and-the-wane-of-the-web/) by Ste Grainer

  7. CSS :has() Interactive Guide (https://ishadeed.com/article/css-has-guide/) by Ahmad Shadeed

  8. How do I test and mock Standalone Components? (https://dev.to/this-is-angular/how-do-i-test-and-mock-standalone-components-508e) by rainerhahnekamp

  9. Introducing JSR - the JavaScript Registry (https://deno.com/blog/jsr_open_beta) by Luca Casonato, Ryan Dahl, Kevin Whinnery

  10. The FAST and the Fluent: A Blazor story (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/the-fast-and-the-fluent-a-blazor-story/) by Vincent Baaij

Issue 15

  1. CSS Scroll-triggered Animations with Style Queries (https://ryanmulligan.dev/blog/scroll-triggered-animations-style-queries/) by Ryan Mulligan

  2. Open-sourcing our progress on Tailwind CSS v4.0 (https://tailwindcss.com/blog/tailwindcss-v4-alpha) Adam Wathan

  3. My talk on CSS runtime performance (https://nolanlawson.com/2023/01/17/my-talk-on-css-runtime-performance/) by Nolan Lawson

  4. 3 Advanced Framer Motion Effects in React (https://dev.to/salehmubashar/3-advanced-famer-motion-effects-in-react-3nm7) by salehmubashar

  5. Stop Manually Coding UI Components! 🔼❌ (https://dev.to/arjuncodess/stop-manually-coding-ui-components-1h4f) by arjuncodess

  6. Gleam version 1 (https://gleam.run/news/gleam-version-1) by Louis Pilfold

  7. Application Shell for React Micro Frontends (https://blog.bitsrc.io/application-shell-for-react-micro-frontends-daa944caa8f3) by Eden Ella

  8. WASI 0.2: Unlocking WebAssembly’s Promise Outside the Browser (https://thenewstack.io/wasi-0-2-unlocking-webassemblys-promise-outside-the-browser) by Tyler McMullen and Luke Wagner

  9. Why React Server Components Are Breaking Builds to Win Tomorrow (https://www.builder.io/blog/why-react-server-components) by Vishwas Gopinath

  10. CSS Tools for Enhanced Web Design (https://dev.to/lilxyzz/useful-css-tools-17bc) by lilxyzz


Sorry that I only mentioned 10 of the authors from articles that can be found on dev.to. There is a hard-limit and you can only at-mentioned 10.

👉 Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, or here for more to come.

🙏 Thanks to all the authors and contributors for their hard work!

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