How My First Coding Project Gets 2,179 Visitors Every Month

Florian Wüest - Aug 27 - - Dev Community

I'm a late starter at coding. I have never written a single line of code until the end of 2022.

I started coding because I was bored. And because I felt I've got ripped off by a previous developer I worked with at a startup I've founded.

"This can't be THAT hard. In 30 days I should know how to code and prove him wrong." - I thought to myself.

Oh boy, was I wrong.

Learning Coding: The Reality Check

30 days in and I couldn't write a cohesive function. My naming was off. I didn't even know what 'npm' is.

Github? Sounds like an online forum... right? Wrong.

After 30 days of watching random Youtube videos, a more professional strategy needed to be brought in: Codecademy.


I started with Python. Then did some "Deep Learning Models" (AI, whoa) - and then did the Github stuff.

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If it shows like I had no clue what I was doing, it's because I had no clue what I was doing.

The strategy was not working.

Seeking Mentorship

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"Hi, Abrar, can we do weekly calls?" - I reached out to a great programmer that I've worked with.

"Sure thing, Florian" - he replied.

I've met with Abrar for 6 months, every single week. I've also did Codecademy in my 'free time'.

As you can see, it looks more structured after the first three trials:

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Abrar also emphasized the importance of project-based learning.

My First Project

"If you really want to get good at programming, you have to build your own projects." - Abrar mentioned on a call.

So... a to-do list it is? Yep, a to-do list it is.

A few days of slaving away on the to-do list and I couldn't motivate myself to push further.

"This s*cks. If I use that much energy on something, it needs to have some sort of meaning."

I thought about a project I could build that would add value to people. So I went on Reddit forums about niches I feel interested in, and then I decided to build...

... drum roll ...

... an interactive language world map.

Language World Map

Yep, the first project I've ever coded was an interactive language world map.

Abrar was a big fan right from the beginning: "Man, that sounds great!"

So I started slaving away more, on something that was worth the struggle (to me).

About 3 months later (10x more than a to-do list app would have taken me), it got done:

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I've launched the language world map on the 14th of July 2023 to HackerNews, expecting applause:

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But like most other good projects on Hackernews, I got verbally lynched:

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But instead of seeing the negative comments as 'landmines', I tried to see them as feedback.

I improved the project step-by-step - and responded to (almost) all of the comments.

When I checked my analytics for the project a few days later, I was positively surprised: It's growing!

The Aftermath

Like most coders, I've lost interest in the project after I've overcome the initial challenge.

In April 2024, after almost forgetting the project, I've checked the analytics again, and saw that 2,000 visitors are visiting it! Yay!

And also, Nay!

Why? Because if the project keeps growing (beyond 50,000 visitors), I'll get charged by Mapbox (the provider I use for the Map).

So I tried looking for ways to monetize it to keep the site online.

  • I've signed up for affiliate programs for language sites: Didn't work.
  • I've signed up for affiliate programs for flights: Didn't work.
  • I've signed up for affiliate programs for hotels: Didn't work.

I even tried to sell it: Didn't work.

Then re-applied for the language affiliate program and I've received another beautiful rejection email:

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And that's when it hit me!

I could use it as a free tool for a bilingual job site! So, I started a new project:

The past LanguageWorldMap was written using basic JS, HTML and CSS. No framework, and no fundament for a 'real' website.

I still have the old code:

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A 'real' website needed to be here. After consulting with Abrar, I decided to go for a Next.Js project, along with React, Tailwind and all the other good stuff.

Oh boy, that was difficult.

About 3 months later, the new Language World Map was online, now as a subdirectory for

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The code now looks a bit more fancy (almost 2 years into coding):

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And the free tool alone generates about 2,179 visitors every month for the page:

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You can check it out here if you're remotely interested:


Learning coding was one of the hardest things I've ever did.

It is intellectually challenging and frustrating at times, and for the first six months of coding, I had no clue what I could ever use this skill for.

About 2 years later, I feel immense gratitude for pushing myself to learn to code. I don't want to sound cheesy, but it really does expand your mind to new possibilities.

I'm incredibly proud of my project, and I can encourage everyone to learn how to code.

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