An example of general protocol contract access on FMZ

FMZQuant - Apr 25 - - Dev Community

An example of general protocol contract access on FMZ

Recently, some users have been talking about the Exchange of AOFEX, considering that there is no example on how to connect to the REST interface of the contract Exchange on FMZ. In this article, we will use AOFEX as an example to explain how to access the contract Exchange.

There is a distinction between spot exchanges and futures exchanges on FMZ. For example, the three well-known exchanges have both spot trading and contract trading. These different market API interfaces are also different, and even some API systems are completely separate and independent. Therefore, when encapsulating these exchanges on FMZ, there is a distinction between spot and futures.

There are already many examples of using FMZ's general protocol to encapsulate the spot Exchange in the FMZ platform community and documentation, but there is no complete example of encapsulating a contract Exchange yet. However, the general protocol plug-in program that encapsulates the futures version is basically the same as the spot one, only with a few more interfaces.

The interface that the spot exchange object and the futures exchange object need to encapsulate

The main interface of the spot exchange object

  • exchange.GetTicker()
    Obtain tick market data, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetDepth()
    Obtain order book data, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetTrades()
    Obtain order flow data (market transaction records), both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetRecords()
    Obtain K-line data, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetAccount()
    Obtain account asset data, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.Buy()
    Place a purchase order, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.Sell()
    Place a sell order, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetOrder()
    Obtain order data for the specified ID, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.GetOrders()
    Obtain pending orders in the current operation, both spot and futures.

  • exchange.CancelOrder()
    Cancel the order with the specified ID, both spot and futures.

The Futures Exchange object needs to encapsulate not only these interfaces of the spot Exchange object, but also additional interface functions used for futures.

  • exchange.SetMarginLevel()
    Set the leverage value of the current product.

  • exchange.SetDirection()
    Set the trading direction of the current product, that is: open long position/open short position/close long position/close short position.

  • exchange.SetContractType()
    Set the current contract code. Because futures have perpetual contracts (swap), delivery contracts (quarter), etc., each of which defined on FMZ has its own contract code, details can be found in the FMZ API documentation. These settings also need to be followed when encapsulating, otherwise the existing old strategies may not work properly.

  • exchange.GetPosition()
    Obtain the position data of the current product. It can be seen here that there is no concept of holding positions in the spot, and the logical position can only be calculated by comparing the changes in the account. But futures have positions.

Body data in the request sent by the docker to the general protocol plug-in when the futures-specific interface is called in the strategy

Taking the AOFEX exchange as an example, if the exchange object of the general protocol is configured on FMZ, the API KEY filled in is:

  • accessKey : 212f54a1-1c88-1bf5-54a1-f7bf52b3256c
  • secretKey : 7RJPKpBJMBkUL87RJPKpkULJPSUpsaKpUL83ysDs

Image description

There are accessKey and secretKey input boxes on the general protocol configuration page on FMZ. After configuring the general protocol exchange object, the value of the accessKey field of the JSON format data of the Body in the request received by the general protocol plug-in program is 212f54a1-1c88-1bf5-54a1-f7bf52b3256c, and the value of the secret_key field is 7RJPKpBJMBkUL87RJPKpkULJPSUpsaKpUL83ysDs.

When the following interfaces are called, the docker will issue an RPC request to the general protocol plugin-in program as follows:

  • When exchange.SetMarginLevel(10) is called in the strategy, the data in the requested Body is:
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Call exchange.SetMarginLevel(10), and the parameter is passed into 10.

  • When exchange.SetDirection("buy") is called in the strategy, the data in the requested Body is:
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Call exchange.SetDirection("buy") , and the parameter is passed into "buy".

  • When exchange.SetContractType("swap") is called in the strategy, the data in the requested Body is:
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Call exchange.SetContractType("swap") , and the parameter is passed into "swap".

  • When exchange.GetPosition() is called in the strategy, the data in the requested Body is:
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When calling exchange.GetPosition(), no parameters are passed.

Observing the JSON data in the Body of the above request, we can see that:

  • When a function specific to the futures exchange object is called, the value of the method field in the requested Body is io . - Distinguishing these functions needs to be judged from the code in the params field, that is: - If code is 0 , it is SetMarginLevel . - If code is 1 , it is SetDirection . - If code is 2 , it is SetContractType . - If code is 3 , it is GetPosition . - When these functions specific to the futures exchange object are called, the parameters passed in are all in the args of the params field in the request Body.

Compared with the stock version of the Go language plug-in program example, it is necessary to make some extensions in the

See the following code where the comment "**Function needed to extend the futures exchange object**" is located.

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func OnPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var ret interface{}
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
if ee, ok := e.(error); ok {
e = ee.Error()
ret = map[string]string{"error": fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)}
b, _ := json.Marshal(ret)

b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {

var request RpcRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &request)
if err != nil {
e := newZG(request.AccessKey, request.SecretKey)

var symbol string 
if _, ok := request.Params["symbol"]; ok {
    symbol = strings.ToUpper(request.Params["symbol"].(string))

var data interface{}
switch request.Method {
case "ticker":
    data, err = e.GetTicker(symbol, "GET")                                        
case "depth":
    data, err = e.GetDepth(symbol, "GET")
case "trades":
    data, err = e.GetTrades(symbol, "GET")
case "records":
    data, err = e.GetRecords(toInt64(request.Params["period"]), symbol, "GET")    
case "accounts":
    data, err = e.GetAccount(symbol, "GET")
case "trade":
    side := request.Params["type"].(string)
    if side == "buy" {
        side = "BUY"
    } else {
        side = "SELL"
    price := toFloat(request.Params["price"])
    amount := toFloat(request.Params["amount"])
    data, err = e.Trade(side, price, amount, symbol, "POST")
case "orders":
    data, err = e.GetOrders(symbol, "POST")
case "order":
    data, err = e.GetOrder(toString(request.Params["id"]), symbol, "POST")
case "cancel":
    data, err = e.CancelOrder(toString(request.Params["id"]), symbol, "POST")
    if strings.HasPrefix(request.Method, "__api_") {
        params := map[string]interface{}{}
        for k, v := range request.Params {
            params[k] = toString(v)
        data, err = e.tapiCall(request.Method[6:], params, "GET")
    } else if request.Method == "io" {              // Functions needed to extend the futures exchange object
        code := toString(request.Params["code"])
        if code == "0" {            
            // Process SetMarginLevel
            // ...
        } else if code == "1" {
            // Process SetDirection
            // ...
        } else if code == "2" {     
            // Process SetContractType
            // ...
        } else if code == "3" {     
            // Process GetPosition
            // ...
        } else {
            panic(errors.New(request.Method + " not support"))    
    } else {
        panic(errors.New(request.Method + " not support"))
if err != nil {
ret = map[string]interface{}{
    "data": data,
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, the three functions are literally used to set the relevant configuration of the current trading species. Among them,




 is designed to set a local variable to record the current order direction (that is, you need to read this setting when placing an order to know which direction to place an order, the reason is that there are two directions for futures buying: open long and short, so they need to be distinguished) and the current contract code (which contract is clearly queried when obtaining market quotations, orders, etc.).


, it needs to be designed specifically according to the leverage mechanism of the exchange (1. Leverage parameters are passed as parameters in the order placement interface. 2. The exchange has a leverage interface).


 is a function to get the current position of the species. When the general protocol plug-in program obtains the data returned from the exchange position interface, it can directly construct the same data structure as [


]( on FMZ.

### Example of the complete AOFEX futures general contract plug-in program:

Go language

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build xxx.go

package main

import (
    // proxy

var isUsedProxy bool = false    
var ct string = ""              
var direction string = "buy"    
var marginLevel float64 = 10    
var currSymbol string = ""      

func toFloat(s interface{}) float64 {
    var ret float64
    switch v := s.(type) {
    case float64:
        ret = v
    case float32:
        ret = float64(v)
    case int64:
        ret = float64(v)
    case int:
        ret = float64(v)
    case int32:
        ret = float64(v)
    case string:
        ret, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(v), 64)
    return ret

func float2str(i float64) string {
    return strconv.FormatFloat(i, 'f', -1, 64)

func toInt64(s interface{}) int64 {
    var ret int64
    switch v := s.(type) {
    case int:
        ret = int64(v)
    case float64:
        ret = int64(v)
    case bool:
        if v {
            ret = 1
        } else {
            ret = 0
    case int64:
        ret = v
    case string:
        ret, _ = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(v), 10, 64)
    return ret

func toString(s interface{}) string {
    var ret string
    switch v := s.(type) {
    case string:
        ret = v
    case int64:
        ret = strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
    case float64:
        ret = strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64)
    case bool:
        ret = strconv.FormatBool(v)
        ret = fmt.Sprintf("%v", s)
    return ret

type Json struct {
    data interface{}

func NewJson(body []byte) (*Json, error) {
    j := new(Json)
    err := j.UnmarshalJSON(body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return j, nil

func (j *Json) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error {
    return json.Unmarshal(p, &

func (j *Json) Get(key string) *Json {
    m, err := j.Map()
    if err == nil {
        if val, ok := m[key]; ok {
            return &Json{val}
    return &Json{nil}

func (j *Json) CheckGet(key string) (*Json, bool) {
    m, err := j.Map()
    if err == nil {
        if val, ok := m[key]; ok {
            return &Json{val}, true
    return nil, false

func (j *Json) Map() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    if m, ok := ([string]interface{}); ok {
        return m, nil
    return nil, errors.New("type assertion to map[string]interface{} failed")

func (j *Json) Array() ([]interface{}, error) {
    if a, ok := ([]interface{}); ok {
        return a, nil
    return nil, errors.New("type assertion to []interface{} failed")

func (j *Json) Bool() (bool, error) {
    if s, ok := (; ok {
        return s, nil
    return false, errors.New("type assertion to bool failed")

func (j *Json) String() (string, error) {
    if s, ok := (; ok {
        return s, nil
    return "", errors.New("type assertion to string failed")

func (j *Json) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
    if s, ok := (; ok {
        return []byte(s), nil
    return nil, errors.New("type assertion to []byte failed")

func (j *Json) Int() (int, error) {
    if f, ok := (; ok {
        return int(f), nil

    return -1, errors.New("type assertion to float64 failed")

func (j *Json) MustArray(args ...[]interface{}) []interface{} {
    var def []interface{}

    switch len(args) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        def = args[0]
        log.Panicf("MustArray() received too many arguments %d", len(args))

    a, err := j.Array()
    if err == nil {
        return a

    return def

func (j *Json) MustMap(args[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
    var def map[string]interface{}

    switch len(args) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        def = args[0]
        log.Panicf("MustMap() received too many arguments %d", len(args))

    a, err := j.Map()
    if err == nil {
        return a

    return def

func (j *Json) MustString(args ...string) string {
    var def string

    switch len(args) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        def = args[0]
        log.Panicf("MustString() received too many arguments %d", len(args))

    s, err := j.String()
    if err == nil {
        return s

    return def

func (j *Json) MustInt64() int64 {
    var ret int64
    var err error
    switch v := {
    case int:
        ret = int64(v)
    case int64:
        ret = v
    case float64:
        ret = int64(v)
    case string:
        if ret, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64); err != nil {
        ret = 0
    return ret

func (j *Json) MustFloat64() float64 {
    var ret float64
    var err error
    switch v := {
    case int:
        ret = float64(v)
    case int64:
        ret = float64(v)
    case float64:
        ret = v
    case string:
        v = strings.Replace(v, ",", "", -1)
        if ret, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64); err != nil {
        ret = 0
    return ret

type headerTuple struct {
    name  string
    value string

type Request struct {
    headers     []headerTuple
    Proxy       string
    Method      string
    Uri         string
    Body        interface{}
    QueryString interface{}
    Timeout     time.Duration
    ContentType string
    Accept      string
    Host        string
    UserAgent   string

func (r *Request) AddHeader(name string, value string) {
    if r.headers == nil {
        r.headers = []headerTuple{}
    r.headers = append(r.headers, headerTuple{name: name, value: value})

type iAOFEX struct {
    accessKey     string
    secretKey     string
    clientID      string 
    currency      string
    opCurrency    string
    baseCurrency  string
    quoteCurrency string 
    apiBase       string
    timeout       time.Duration
    timeLocation  *time.Location

    // ext
    contractTypes []string

type MapSorter []Item

type Item struct {
    Key string
    Val string

func NewMapSorter(m map[string]string) MapSorter {
    ms := make(MapSorter, 0, len(m))

    for k, v := range m {
        if strings.HasPrefix(k, "!") {
            k = strings.Replace(k, "!", "", -1)
        ms = append(ms, Item{k, v})

    return ms

func (ms MapSorter) Len() int {
    return len(ms)

func (ms MapSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return ms[i].Key < ms[j].Key   

func (ms MapSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
    ms[i], ms[j] = ms[j], ms[i]

func encodeParams(params map[string]string, escape bool) string {
    ms := NewMapSorter(params)

    v := url.Values{}
    for _, item := range ms {
        v.Add(item.Key, item.Val)
    if escape {
        return v.Encode()
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
    for k := range v {
        keys = append(keys, k)
    for _, k := range keys {
        vs := v[k]
        prefix := k + "="
        for _, v := range vs {
            if buf.Len() > 0 {
    return buf.String()

func newiAOFEX(accessKey, secretKey string) *iAOFEX {
    s := new(iAOFEX)
    s.accessKey = accessKey
    s.secretKey = secretKey
    s.apiBase = ""
    s.timeout = 20 * time.Second
    s.timeLocation = time.FixedZone("Asia/Shanghai", 8*60*60)
    s.contractTypes = []string{"swap"}
    return s

func (p *iAOFEX) isValidContractType(contractType string) bool {
    for _, t := range p.contractTypes {
        if contractType == t {
            return true
    return false

func (p *iAOFEX) calcContractTypeMap(currency string) (contractTypeMap map[string]string, err error) {
    var baseCurrency, quoteCurrency string 
    contractTypeMap = map[string]string{}
    if arr := strings.SplitN(currency, "_", 2); len(arr) == 2 {
        baseCurrency = arr[0]
        quoteCurrency = arr[1]
    } else {
        err = errors.New("symbol error!")
    contractTypeMap["swap"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", strings.ToUpper(baseCurrency), strings.ToUpper(quoteCurrency))

func (p *iAOFEX) apiCall(method string) (*Json, error) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p.apiBase, method), nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    fmt.Printf("\n %c[1;44;32m%s%c[0m\n", 0x1B, "apiCall GET create req:" + fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p.apiBase, method), 0x1B)
    fmt.Println("req:", req)                                                        
    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json;utf-8")

    // proxy
    strProxy := ""
    client := http.DefaultClient
    if isUsedProxy {
        var auth *proxy.Auth
        proxyAddr := strings.Split(strProxy, "//")[1]
        if strings.Contains(proxyAddr, "@") {
            arr := strings.SplitN(proxyAddr, "@", 2)
            arrAuth := strings.SplitN(arr[0], ":", 2)
            proxyAddr = arr[1]
            auth = &proxy.Auth{}
            auth.User = arrAuth[0]
            if len(arrAuth) == 2 {
                auth.Password = arrAuth[1]
        var dialer proxy.Dialer
        if dialer, err = proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", proxyAddr, auth, proxy.Direct); err == nil {
            client = &http.Client{
                Transport: &http.Transport{
                    Dial:                  dialer.Dial,
                    MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   5,
                    TLSClientConfig:       &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
                    ResponseHeaderTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
                Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
        } else {
            return nil, err

    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var js *Json
    js, err = NewJson(b)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // fault tolerant 
    if _, ok :=[string]interface{}); ok {
        if code, ok := js.MustMap()["code"]; ok {
            if toString(code) != "0" {
                err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v",

    return js, err 

func (p *iAOFEX) GetTicker(symbol string) (ticker interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.apiCall(fmt.Sprintf("/openApi/contract/market?symbol=%s", realCt))
    if err != nil {

    depth, errDepth := p.GetDepth(symbol)
    if errDepth != nil {
        err = errDepth

    ask1 := depth.(map[string]interface{})["asks"].([][2]float64)[0][0]
    bid1 := depth.(map[string]interface{})["bids"].([][2]float64)[0][0]
    mp := js.Get("result").MustMap()
    ticker = map[string]interface{}{
        "time": time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6,
        "buy":  toFloat(bid1),
        "sell": toFloat(ask1),
        "last": toFloat(mp["close"]),
        "high": toFloat(mp["high"]),
        "low":  toFloat(mp["low"]),
        "vol":  toFloat(mp["vol"]),

func (p *iAOFEX) GetDepth(symbol string) (depth interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.apiCall(fmt.Sprintf("/openApi/contract/depth?symbol=%s", realCt))
    if err != nil {

    asks := [][2]float64{}
    bids := [][2]float64{}
    for _, pair := range js.Get("result").Get("asks").MustArray() {                            
        arr := pair.([]interface{})
        asks = append(asks, [2]float64{toFloat(arr[0]), toFloat(arr[1])})
    for _, pair := range js.Get("result").Get("bids").MustArray() {                            
        arr := pair.([]interface{})
        bids = append(bids, [2]float64{toFloat(arr[0]), toFloat(arr[1])})
    depth = map[string]interface{}{
        "time": js.Get("result").Get("ts").MustInt64(),
        "asks": asks,
        "bids": bids,

func (p *iAOFEX) GetTrades(symbol string) (trades interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.apiCall(fmt.Sprintf("/openApi/contract/trade?symbol=%s", realCt))
    if err != nil {

    items := []map[string]interface{}{}
    for _, pair := range js.Get("result").Get("data").MustArray() {
        item := map[string]interface{}{}
        mp := pair.(map[string]interface{})
        item["id"] = toString(mp["id"])
        item["price"] = toFloat(mp["price"])
        item["amount"] = toFloat(mp["amount"])
        item["time"] = toInt64(mp["ts"])
        if toString(mp["direction"]) == "buy" {
            item["type"] = "buy"
        } else {
            item["type"] = "sell"
        items = append(items, item)

    for i := 0; i < len(items); i++ {
        for j := 0; j < len(items)-i-1; j++ {
            if toInt64(items[j]["time"]) > toInt64(items[j+1]["time"]) {
                items[j], items[j+1] = items[j+1], items[j]

    trades = items

func (p *iAOFEX) GetRecords(step int64, symbol string) (records interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var periodDict map[int64]string = map[int64]string{
        1 : "1min",
        5 : "5min",
        15 : "15min",
        30 : "30min",
        60 : "1hour",
        1440 : "1day",
    period, okPeriod := periodDict[step]
    if !okPeriod {
        err = errors.New("period not support")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.apiCall(fmt.Sprintf("/openApi/contract/kline?symbol=%s&period=%s&size=500", realCt, period))
    if err != nil {

    items := []interface{}{}
    recordsData := js.Get("result").Get("data").MustArray()
    for i := len(recordsData) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- {
        mp := recordsData[i].(map[string]interface{})
        item := [6]interface{}{}
        item[0] = toInt64(mp["id"])          // time
        item[1] = toFloat(mp["open"])        // open
        item[2] = toFloat(mp["high"])        // high
        item[3] = toFloat(mp["low"])         // low
        item[4] = toFloat(mp["close"])       // close
        item[5] = toFloat(mp["vol"])         // vol
        items = append(items, item)
    records = items

func JSON_Encode(d interface{}) string {
    buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
    encoder := json.NewEncoder(buffer)
    return buffer.String()

func (p *iAOFEX) tapiCall(httpMethod string, method string, params map[string]string) (js *Json, err error) {
    if params == nil {
        params = map[string]string{}

    nonce := toString(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e9)
    strLetter := "124567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    for i := 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ {
        nonce += string(strLetter[rand.Intn(len(strLetter))])

    arrParams := []string{}
    arrParams = append(arrParams, p.accessKey)
    arrParams = append(arrParams, p.secretKey)
    arrParams = append(arrParams, nonce)

    for k, v := range params {
        arrParams = append(arrParams, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))

    strSign := ""
    for _, ele := range arrParams {
        strSign += toString(ele)
    h := sha1.New()
    signature := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))

    strUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p.apiBase, method)
    if len(params) > 0 {
        strUrl = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s?%s", p.apiBase, method, encodeParams(params, false))

    req, err := http.NewRequest(httpMethod, strUrl, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    req.Header.Add("Nonce", nonce)
    req.Header.Add("Token", p.accessKey)
    req.Header.Add("Signature", signature)

    strProxy := ""
    client := http.DefaultClient
    if isUsedProxy {
        var auth *proxy.Auth
        proxyAddr := strings.Split(strProxy, "//")[1]
        if strings.Contains(proxyAddr, "@") {
            arr := strings.SplitN(proxyAddr, "@", 2)
            arrAuth := strings.SplitN(arr[0], ":", 2)
            proxyAddr = arr[1]
            auth = &proxy.Auth{}
            auth.User = arrAuth[0]
            if len(arrAuth) == 2 {
                auth.Password = arrAuth[1]
        var dialer proxy.Dialer
        if dialer, err = proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", proxyAddr, auth, proxy.Direct); err == nil {
            client = &http.Client{
                Transport: &http.Transport{
                    Dial:                  dialer.Dial,
                    MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   5,
                    TLSClientConfig:       &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
                    ResponseHeaderTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
                Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
        } else {
            return nil, err

    fmt.Printf("\n %c[1;44;32m%s%c[0m\n", 0x1B, "apiCall GET create req:" + fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p.apiBase, method), 0x1B)
    fmt.Println("tapiCall req:", req)  

    resp, err := client.Do(req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    js, err = NewJson(b)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // fault tolerant 
    if mp, ok :=[string]interface{}); ok {
        if errno, ok := mp["errno"]; !ok || toString(errno) != "0" {
            err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v",    
    } else {
        err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v",

    return js, err

func (p *iAOFEX) GetAccount(symbol string) (account interface{}, err error) { 
    symbol = currSymbol
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.tapiCall("GET", "/openApi/contract/walletList", nil)
    if err != nil {

    assets := map[string]map[string]interface{}{}
    for _, ele := range js.Get("result").MustArray() {
        dic := ele.(map[string]interface{})
        if realCt != toString(dic["symbol"]) {
        arr := strings.SplitN(toString(dic["symbol"]), "-", 2)
        if arr[1] == "USDT" {
            if _, ok := assets[arr[1]]; !ok {
                assets[arr[1]] = map[string]interface{}{}
            assets[arr[1]]["currency"] = arr[1]
            assets[arr[1]]["Info"] = dic
            assets[arr[1]]["free"] = toFloat(dic["avail"])
            assets[arr[1]]["frozen"] = toFloat(dic["frozen"])

    accounts := []map[string]interface{}{}
    for _, pair := range assets {
        accounts = append(accounts, pair)

    account = accounts

func (p *iAOFEX) Trade(side string, price, amount float64, symbol string) (orderId interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    params := map[string]string{}

    if direction == "buy" {
        params["contract_type"] = "open"
    } else if direction == "sell" {
        params["contract_type"] = "open"
    } else if direction == "closebuy" {
        params["contract_type"] = "close" 
    } else if direction == "closesell" { 
        params["contract_type"] = "close"
    } else {
        err = errors.New("invalid direction!")

    if (side == "buy-limit" || side == "buy-market") && (direction == "sell" || direction == "closebuy") {
        err = errors.New("invalid direction!")
    } else if (side == "sell-limit" || side == "sell-market") && (direction == "buy" || direction == "closesell") {
        err = errors.New("invalid direction!")

    params["type"] = side
    params["lever_rate"] = toString(marginLevel)
    params["amount"] = toString(amount)
    params["symbol"] = realCt
    if price > 0 {
        params["price"] = toString(price)

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.tapiCall("POST", "/openApi/contract/add", params)
    if err != nil {

    orderId = map[string]string{"id": toString(js.MustMap()["result"])}

func (p *iAOFEX) GetOrders(symbol string) (orders interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    from := ""
    limit := 100
    items := []map[string]interface{}{}
    for {
        params := map[string]string{
            "symbol" : realCt, 
            "limit" : toString(limit),             
        if from != "" {
            params["from"] = toString(from)

        var js *Json
        js, err = p.tapiCall("GET", "/openApi/contract/currentList", params)
        if err != nil {

        arr := js.Get("result").MustArray()
        for _, ele := range arr {
            mp := ele.(map[string]interface{})
            item := map[string]interface{}{}
            item["id"] = toString(mp["order_id"])
            item["amount"] = toFloat(mp["amount"])
            item["price"] = toFloat(mp["price"])
            item["deal_amount"] = toFloat(mp["deal_amount"])
            item["avg_price"] = toFloat(mp["price_avg"])        
            if toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-limit" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-tactics" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market-tactic" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-plan" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market-plan" {
                item["type"] = "buy"
            } else {
                item["type"] = "sell"
            item["status"] = "open"
            item["contract_type"] = ct
            items = append(items, item)
            from = toString(mp["order_id"])

        if len(arr) < limit {
    return items, nil

func (p *iAOFEX) GetOrder(orderId string, symbol string) (order interface{}, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    var js *Json
    js, err = p.tapiCall("GET", "/openApi/contract/historyList", map[string]string{
        "from" : toString(orderId),
        "symbol" : realCt, 
        "limit" : "1",
    if err != nil {

    item := map[string]interface{}{}
    for _, ele := range js.Get("result").MustArray() {
        mp := ele.(map[string]interface{})
        if realCt != toString(mp["symbol"]) || toString(mp["order_id"]) != toString(orderId) {
        item["id"] = toString(mp["order_id"])
        item["amount"] = toFloat(mp["amount"])
        item["price"] = toFloat(mp["price"])
        item["deal_amount"] = toFloat(mp["deal_amount"])
        item["avg_price"] = toFloat(mp["price_avg"])
        item["contract_type"] = ct
        if toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-limit" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-tactics" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market-tactic" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-plan" || toString(mp["type"]) == "buy-market-plan" {
            item["type"] = "buy"
        } else {
            item["type"] = "sell"

        switch toString(mp["status"]) {
        case "1", "2":
            item["status"] = "open"
        case "3":
            item["status"] = "closed"
        case "4", "5", "6":
            item["status"] = "cancelled"
        return item, nil

    err = errors.New("order not found")

func (p *iAOFEX) CancelOrder(orderId string, symbol string) (ret bool, err error) {
    mpCt, mpCtErr := p.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
    if mpCtErr != nil {
        err = mpCtErr
    realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
    if !ok {
        err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")

    _, err = p.tapiCall("POST", "/openApi/contract/cancel", map[string]string{
        "order_ids" : toString(orderId), 
        "symbol" : realCt, 
    if err != nil {

    ret = true

type RpcRequest struct {                                        
    AccessKey string            `json:"access_key"`
    SecretKey string            `json:"secret_key"`
    Nonce     int64             `json:"nonce"`
    Method    string            `json:"method"`
    Params    map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`

func OnPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var ret interface{}
    defer func() {
        if e := recover(); e != nil {
            if ee, ok := e.(error); ok {
                e = ee.Error()
            ret = map[string]string{"error": fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)}
        b, _ := json.Marshal(ret)

    b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
    if err != nil {
    var request RpcRequest
    err = json.Unmarshal(b, &request)
    if err != nil {

    e := newiAOFEX(request.AccessKey, request.SecretKey)
    symbol := strings.ToUpper(toString(request.Params["symbol"]))
    if _, ok := request.Params["symbol"]; ok {        
        currSymbol = symbol        

    var data interface{}
    switch request.Method {
    case "ticker":
        data, err = e.GetTicker(symbol)
    case "depth":
        data, err = e.GetDepth(symbol)
    case "trades":
        data, err = e.GetTrades(symbol)
    case "records":
        data, err = e.GetRecords(toInt64(request.Params["period"]), symbol)
    case "accounts":
        data, err = e.GetAccount(symbol)
    case "trade":
        side := toString(request.Params["type"])
        if side == "buy" {
            side = "buy-limit"
            if toFloat(request.Params["price"]) <= 0 {
                side = "buy-market"
        } else {
            side = "sell-limit"
            if toFloat(request.Params["price"]) <= 0 {
                side = "sell-market"
        price := toFloat(request.Params["price"])
        amount := toFloat(request.Params["amount"])
        data, err = e.Trade(side, price, amount, symbol)
    case "orders":
        data, err = e.GetOrders(symbol)
    case "order":
        data, err = e.GetOrder(toString(request.Params["id"]), symbol)
    case "cancel":
        data, err = e.CancelOrder(toString(request.Params["id"]), symbol)
        if strings.HasPrefix(request.Method, "__api_") {  
            params := map[string]string{}
            for k, v := range request.Params {
                params[k] = toString(v)
            data, err = e.tapiCall("GET", request.Method[6:], params)
        } else if request.Method == "io" {
            code := toString(request.Params["code"])
            if code == "0" {            
                if args, ok := request.Params["args"].([]interface{}); ok && len(args) == 1 {
                    marginLevel = toFloat(args[0])
                } else {
                    err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v", request.Params))
            } else if code == "1" {
                if args, ok := request.Params["args"].([]interface{}); ok && len(args) == 1 {
                    orderDirection := toString(args[0])
                    if orderDirection == "buy" || orderDirection == "sell" || orderDirection == "closebuy" || orderDirection == "closesell" {
                        direction = orderDirection
                        data = orderDirection
                    } else {
                        err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("not support orderDirection: %s", orderDirection))
                } else {
                    err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v", request.Params))
            } else if code == "2" {     
                if args, ok := request.Params["args"].([]interface{}); ok && len(args) == 1 {
                    contractType := toString(args[0])
                    if e.isValidContractType(contractType) {
                        ct = contractType
                        data = contractType
                    } else {
                        err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("not support contractType: %s", contractType))
                } else {
                    err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v", request.Params))
            } else if code == "3" {     
                symbol := currSymbol
                mpCt, mpCtErr := e.calcContractTypeMap(symbol)
                if mpCtErr != nil {
                realCt, ok := mpCt[ct]
                if !ok {
                    err = errors.New("invalid contractType!")
                var js *Json
                js, err = e.tapiCall("GET", "/openApi/contract/position", map[string]string{
                    "symbol" : realCt, 
                if err != nil {

                items := []map[string]interface{}{}
                for _, ele := range js.Get("result").MustArray() {
                    mp := ele.(map[string]interface{})
                    item := map[string]interface{}{}
                    item["MarginLevel"] = toFloat(mp["lever_rate"])
                    item["Amount"] = toFloat(mp["amount"])
                    item["FrozenAmount"] = toFloat(mp["contract_frozen"])
                    item["Price"] = toFloat(mp["open_price_avg"])
                    item["Profit"] = toFloat(mp["un_profit"])
                    if toString(mp["type"]) == "1" {
                        item["Type"] = 0
                    } else {
                        item["Type"] = 1
                    item["ContractType"] = ct
                    item["Margin"] = toFloat(mp["bood"])
                    items = append(items, item)
                data = items
            } else {
                panic(errors.New(request.Method + " not support"))    
        } else {
            panic(errors.New(request.Method + " not support"))
    if err != nil {
    ret = map[string]interface{}{
        "data": data,

func main() {
    var addr = flag.String("b", "", "bind addr")   
    if *addr == "" {
    basePath := "/AOFEX"
    log.Println("Running ", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s", *addr, basePath), "...")
    http.HandleFunc(basePath, OnPost)
    http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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Terabox Video Player