Enhancing Visual Stability - Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Fedor - Aug 11 '23 - - Dev Community


In the world of web development, providing a smooth and visually stable user experience is paramount. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a critical web performance metric that measures the visual stability of a webpage. It quantifies the amount of unexpected layout shifts that occur during the page loading process. In this article, we will explore the concept of CLS, its importance in user experience, and practical strategies to improve it, ensuring a visually seamless browsing experience.

Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS):

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a Core Web Vitals metric that evaluates the visual stability of a webpage. It measures the cumulative impact of all unexpected layout shifts that occur within the viewport as the page loads and interacts with user input. A layout shift happens when page elements change their position or size unexpectedly, causing a jarring visual experience for users.

The Importance of CLS:

CLS plays a crucial role in delivering a positive user experience. Here are a few reasons why it matters:
a. Visual Consistency: Websites with low CLS values provide a more visually consistent experience by avoiding sudden layout shifts that can lead to accidental clicks, misplaced interactions, and confusion.
b. User Engagement: A visually stable website fosters user engagement and encourages users to explore content, interact with elements, and stay longer on your site.
c. Accessibility: Unanticipated layout shifts can disproportionately impact users with disabilities who rely on consistent and predictable interfaces. Optimizing CLS helps create a more inclusive web experience.

Factors Affecting CLS:

Several factors can contribute to CLS issues. Here are a few common ones:
a. Images and Media: Loading images or videos without proper dimensions or aspect ratios can cause layout shifts as they load and adjust dynamically.
b. Advertisements and Embeds: Ads or embedded content that dynamically load and shift the page layout can disrupt the user experience.
c. Dynamic Content: Content that loads asynchronously or is injected into the page dynamically can result in layout shifts.
d. Font Loading: Changing font sizes or late-loading web fonts can trigger unexpected shifts as the text reflows.

Strategies to Improve CLS:

To enhance CLS and achieve visual stability, consider implementing the following strategies:
a. Set Dimensions for Media: Specify dimensions (width and height) for images, videos, and other media elements to reserve the necessary space and prevent layout shifts.
b. Preload Content: Use preload hints to load critical resources early in the page rendering process, reducing the likelihood of layout shifts.
c. Reserve Space for Ads and Embeds: Allocate space for ads or embedded content using CSS aspect ratio boxes or placeholders to prevent sudden shifts upon loading.
d. Optimize Font Loading: Utilize font-display descriptors and preloading techniques to ensure fonts render without causing significant layout shifts.
e. Test on Various Devices: Perform cross-device testing to identify and rectify CLS issues specific to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Measurement and Monitoring:

Tools like Google's Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, and browser developer tools can help measure and monitor CLS. These tools provide insights into the current CLS performance and offer suggestions for improvement.


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) directly impacts the visual stability of your webpages and significantly influences user experience. By applying techniques such as setting dimensions for media, preloading content, reserving space for ads, and optimizing font loading, you can minimize unexpected layout shifts and provide users with a visually consistent browsing experience. Embrace the power of CLS optimization to enhance user engagement, improve accessibility, and create visually delightful websites.

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