What i actually do to stay productive

Fullstack Dev - May 7 - - Dev Community

It's no secret that sometimes work can be overwhelming. It's no secret either that sometimes you'd have so much work you don't even know where to start. It is like that for everyone, some people can manage just fine, and other times you just have to put in a little or A LOT MORE extra effort to get things done.

It took me some time to figure out what works for me, even the things and techniques I saw online looked stupid to me, and even though they wouldn't work until I tried them. I am now going to share what worked for me and to be completely honest what worked for me might now work for you, but that is OKAY don't be discouraged. It's a trial and error kind of thing, you keep trying things until you find and stick to what works for you.

1. Learn the ins and outs of your environment

Learn how your IDE/code editor works. Learn the hot keys and the navigation shortcuts. You might be asking "What's the big deal?". Trust me it is a big deal, using fewer mouse movements and more shortcuts will move a lot faster and lessen the chances of making errors, and will also reduce the strain on your wrist.

2. Make a list

"Make a list" as in not in actually making a list. Take a task and break it into smaller chunks. Take a chunk and estimate how much time it would take you.

  • Prioritize Your tasks and break them down
  • Do the chunk that takes less time
  • If a chunk is taking more time than expected then It can be broken into smaller chunks
  • Write off the finished chunks on the list.

3. Time management

When I first heard of this technique, I laughed at it and was very doubtful it would work. The Pomodoro Technique turned out to be very useful to me. We all know how it works, but in case you don't know it here's how it works.

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes
  • Work for 25 minutes without any interruptions
  • After 25 minutes take a small break preferably between 3 to 5 minutes
  • After 4 pomodoros, meaning after 2 hours of work take a longer break which would be between 20 to 35 minutes.

If you are a doom-scroller aka someone who likes to spend time on social media and get stuck scrolling you can use your longer breaks to scroll through social media😂

** Do not use the small breaks to scroll through social media it will interrupt your productivity. Instead, get up and move around. Walk around and drink water! It is important to stay hydrated to keep your mind sharp. More importantly, give your eyes a break from the screen during your short breaks.**

4. Notifications

Put your phone on Do not disturb while working or silence all the apps in your settings so that you do not receive notifications. Unless It is urgent calls or urgent texts do not interrupt your workflow, it will really be hard to regain focus after that. You can also leave your phone in another room (That doesn't mean you can open social media in the browser😂)

5. Stay Physically active

Try to find some time to work out during the day or at night. Working out doesn't just keep your body in shape but also keeps your brain sharp. Staying physically active will improve your memory and keep you creative. It is also a way to relieve your stress and keep your mental health in check.

6. Listen to your body

When you feel like you are tired and need a break, take a break. Do not push beyond what you can handle. It is a bad idea that will lead to burnout. Burnout is very real and it can be difficult to recover from if you do not listen to your body. So When you feel like you need a break, take a break.

At the end of the day, You have to learn how to prioritize your tasks and how to make your life easier. Work smarter not harder right? Experiment with all the techniques you can find you might find some that work for you if my advice isn't fit for you.
You can also try all the tools out there on the internet but Focus and dedication come from within you and not from outside and certainly not from an app.

I hope you found this useful! Thank you for reading! Would love to hear your opinions.

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