Why You Should Hang Around People Doing Better Than You 💪🏽

Tanmay Patil - Oct 3 - - Dev Community

I’ve learned something crucial over the years—who you hang around with matters a lot. It shapes your thinking, your actions, and ultimately, your success in every area of life. Whether it’s at work, with family, friends, in the gym, or even in relationships, I’ve seen firsthand how being around people who are doing better than you can shape you in ways you may not even realize.

How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Helped Me 🌟

1. At Work: Pushing My Limits

In my early years as a software engineer, I used to stick around people who were at my level or, sometimes, even less ambitious. Sure, it was comfortable, but it didn’t push me to grow. One day, I started interacting with people who were killing it in their careers—leaders, senior engineers, and even my boss.

What happened?

I began to challenge myself more. I took on projects that I thought were out of my reach. Their ambition rubbed off on me, and I began to see work not just as a job but as a way to push my limits.


I noticed that when I hung around senior engineers, I picked up on their problem-solving approaches and mindset. They wouldn’t just solve the immediate issue—they would think about long-term solutions. I started doing the same, and my work improved drastically. 🚀

2. At Home: Family Dynamics

At home, we tend to stick with who we are comfortable with. But I’ve seen the difference between families who support each other’s growth and those who pull each other down. Hanging out with family members who are goal-oriented and positive shaped my own family values.


I have a cousin who’s always looking for new ways to grow his business, stay fit, and balance family life. Every time I chat with him, I get inspired to set better routines, to dream bigger, and to think of ways I can be a better person at home.

In contrast, I’ve seen family members who constantly complain about their situations, and guess what? Nothing ever changes for them. Staying around people like that would have drained me and probably made me negative too.

3. Social Life: Uplifting vs. Draining People

Your friends shape a huge part of who you are. You might not realize it, but the conversations you have with them influence your thoughts, your decisions, and even your confidence.

When I started spending more time with friends who were doing better in life—financially, mentally, or even just in their energy and attitude—I began to notice a shift in myself. I started thinking bigger and became more goal-oriented. Hanging with people who have a positive mindset makes life feel more like an opportunity and less like a series of problems.


One of my close friends runs a successful startup, and every time we talk, I walk away feeling like I can take on the world. On the flip side, when I spent time with friends who constantly complained about their jobs or the economy, I noticed it drained my energy and left me feeling negative.

4. In the Gym: You Get What You Surround Yourself With

This one’s simple but powerful. If you’re working out with people who are fitter than you, guess what happens? You push yourself harder. Hanging with gym buddies who are more disciplined has made me more consistent with my workouts and helped me reach goals I thought were out of my reach.


I have a gym buddy who’s way ahead in terms of fitness. I used to dread leg day (don’t we all? 😅), but seeing him crush it made me realize I could do better. Now, I actually look forward to it because I’m seeing gains I never thought possible. 🏋️‍♂️

The Flip Side: The Danger of Negative People ⚠️

Now, what happens when you hang around people with a negative mindset? They drain your energy, time, and even your resources. It’s not just about wasted hours; it’s about wasted opportunities. You could be investing your time in growth, learning, or building something meaningful, but instead, you’re pulled into a cycle of complaints and excuses.


A while back, I used to hang out with a group of friends who were always complaining—about their jobs, their relationships, even the weather! I noticed that after spending time with them, I’d feel unmotivated and less productive. It was almost like I was taking on their negative energy.

Eventually, I distanced myself and started hanging out with people who were hustling, growing, and challenging themselves. The difference was night and day. My mood, productivity, and mindset shifted dramatically. ✨

The Investment That Compounds Over Time 📈

Think of surrounding yourself with the right people as an investment. The benefits don’t show up immediately, but over time, they compound. Every conversation, every shared experience with someone who is doing better than you is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Spending time with successful people helped me improve how I present myself in meetings. I started paying attention to how they communicate, how they handle challenges, and how they think ahead. Slowly but surely, it transformed the way I approached work, and I started getting noticed for it.

How It Shaped My Character and Intellectual Conversations 🧠

One of the most significant changes I noticed was in my conversations. When you hang around people who think critically, who are ambitious, and who are positive, your conversations become more intellectual and thought-provoking.

I found myself engaging in deeper conversations about business strategy, self-improvement, and even global issues. This shaped my character and expanded my worldview. I’m no longer just a participant in conversations; I actively contribute, and I can hold my own in discussions with people far more experienced than I am.

Final Thoughts: Find Opportunities in Problems 🌱

At the end of the day, it’s all about who you choose to surround yourself with. Yes, we all face challenges, whether it’s at work, home, or in the gym, but if you spend time with the right people, you’ll see those challenges as opportunities for growth.

Stop wasting time with people who drain you, and instead, seek out those who inspire you, who challenge you, and who make you want to be better. That’s how

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