The complete django-allauth guide

Gajesh - Jul 17 '19 - - Dev Community

User registration and authentication is one of the most essential components of a web application. This tutorial deals with setup, configuration, and customization of django-allauth along with advanced tweaks and social login setup for your django web app. This tutorial intends to serve as a guide for new users who want to get started quickly with django-allauth and make useful customizations along the way without much pain.

Why this guide?

django-allauth is a very well written library thanks to Raymond Penners. However, it can be overwhelming to a django novice or advanced users using django-allauthfor the first time. Although it is well documented, due to time and resource constraints of the developers involved, there has not been many articles and in-depth tutorials on the library. So this tutorial tries to solve that problem by making a comprehensive guide to get started quickly and also learn about advanced customization.

Basic Setup

You can download the files used in the tutorial to get a head start. The steps below guide you through the setup in detail.

  1. Create a Django project if you already don’t have one.

  2. Install django-allauth using the command pip install django-allauth

Add,allauthallauth.account, allauth.socialaccount and all the social login features you need to INSTALLED_APPS section in

You can view the entire list of supported API's here.

The social login feature is described later in the post. You can scroll down to that subheading if you would like to just read that. After you configure your installed apps section, it should be similar to the code given below.

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Configure the template context processor settings in and also add the url pattern in the project’s

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')),
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
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Add the following authentication backend.

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Copy the template files from the django-allauth repository or you can also use my custom repository(I have made some modifications and some good structuring) and paste it in the folder templates in your project directory.

Add the allauth urls in of your main project directory. After adding the allauth urls the urls file should look similar to,

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from django.conf.urls import url, include

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
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You can also add the custom CSS yourself or my CSS (Well commented and documented but simple) that I have created during my use of the allauth templates. It includes styling for almost all the pages, and even mobile-friendly email templates for confirmation and password reset emails. You can do that by creating a static folder in the project directory and placing the CSS in the folder accounts.

Run python makemigrations and python migrate to make all the necessary migrations and run python runserver to start the django server.

Follow the URL patterns to display the registration form.
Eg: Visit localhost:8000/accounts/login to display the login page.

Basic Configuration

Most django-allauth features are can be configured using the built-in adapters and variables by placing them in the file Although the documentation has tons of such options with good explanations, I have highlighted some important ones below.

Email confirmation expiry: Sets the number of days within which an account should be activated.


Email required for activation: This option allows you to set whether the email address should be verified to register. Set False to disable email requirement.


Account email verification: This option can be used to set whether an email verification is necessary for a user to log in after he registers an account. You can use ‘mandatory’ to block a user from logging in until the email gets verified. You can set options for sending the email but allowing the user to log in without an email. You can also set none to send no verification email. (Not Recommended)


Login Attempt Limit: This is an important feature which can be used to prevent brute force attacks on the user login page on your website. The maximum number of login attempts can be set, and the user gets blocked from logging back in until a timeout. This feature makes use of ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_TIMEOUT setting.


Login Attempt Limit timeout: This setting should be used with setting ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT. The value set is in seconds from the last unsuccessful login attempt. Please note that this does not protect admin login.

Eg: ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_TIMEOUT = 86400 # 1 day in seconds

Login and Logout URL redirection: When user logs in or logs out, you might want to redirect the user to a particular URL or page and the below settings can be used to set that URL. By default, allauth redirects login to /accounts/profile/ URL and logout to the localhost:8000 or any localhost homepage.

Eg: ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL ='/accounts/login/'
Eg: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/email/'

When you are done, your allauth settings should look similar to the below settings.

ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_TIMEOUT = 86400 # 1 day in seconds
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/email/' # default to /accounts/profile 
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Extending the django-alluth class and advanced customizations

This section deals with customizing django-allauth signup forms, intervening in registration flow to add custom process and validations of your own.

One of the most common queries about allauth is about adding additional fields or custom fields to the signup form. You can extend the SignupForm class from allauth.account.forms. All you need to do is create a custom class pass the SignupForm to the custom class and define the custom fields and save it. It's vital to return the user object as it will be passed to other modules for validations. You also need to include variables ACCOUNT_FORMS in

Let us see this using an example. In

from allauth.account.forms import SignupForm
from django import forms

class CustomSignupForm(SignupForm):
    first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label='First Name')
    last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label='Last Name')
    def signup(self, request, user):
        user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
        user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
        return user
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In the above snippet CustomSignupForm is an extended class which inherits all the features of SignupForm class and adds the necessary features. Here custom fields by the name first_name and last_name are created and saved in using the signup module in the same class.

The ACCOUNT_FORMS in for the above code is

'signup': 'YourProject.forms.CustomSignupForm',
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Any other custom forms created can be extended in ACCOUNT_FORMS. The list is illustrated in the documentation.

Similarly, LoginForm UserForm AddEmailForm and others can be extended. However, remember that when you extend these forms and link them in Do Not forget to pass the original form (For example SignupForm) as a parameter to your class and sometimes you might have to handle custom validations and return user or some other value. Please refer to the source code to follow the correct flow.

User Intervention and Custom validations

I recently encountered some good questions on stack overflow and on the repository issue section with regards to adding custom validations and intervening in the user registration flow. When researching for a solution and scanning through the documentation, I found the DefaultAccountAdapter very useful and indeed can be used to solve most of the customization problems that a user might encounter while using django-allauth. I reproduce the answers and with some instructions below.

Example 1: Allow restricted list of email’s

After figuring out a way to store and fetch the restricted list, you can use the adapters and raise validation error in the registration form when a restricted email tries to register. Extend a DefaultAccountAdapter and override the clean_email method. Create an in your project directory and extend the default adapter class. You can also restrict the email providers (such as temporary email providers) from registering using Regular expressions. I will not cover identifying the email prover ( as it is out of the scope of this article. But the flow remains the same.

from allauth.account.adapter import DefaultAccountAdapter
from django.forms import ValidationError

class RestrictEmailAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter):
    def clean_email(self,email):
        RestrictedList = ['Your restricted list goes here.']
        if email in RestrictedList
            raise ValidationError('You are restricted from registering. Please contact admin.')
        return email
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Finally, point the account adapter in the file to your extended class. ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'YourProject.adapter.RestrictEmailAdapter'

Example 2: Add a Maximum length to a username

As ACCOUNT_USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH does not exist in the allauth library, DefaultAccountAdapter can be used to achieve this feature without much pain. Extend the DefaultAccountAdapter class and overriding the clean_username method. You need to also reference the clean_username once again after the custom validation to complete other inbuilt validations.

Note: The Last sentence in the above paragraph is the key to work with DefaultAccountAdapter. You should never forget to reference the original module name for the module to complete other validations.

from allauth.account.adapter import DefaultAccountAdapter
from django.forms import ValidationError

class UsernameMaxAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter):
    def clean_username(self, username):
        if len(username) > 'Your Max Size':
            raise ValidationError('Please enter a username value less than the current one')
        return DefaultAccountAdapter.clean_username(self,username) # For other default validations.
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Finally, point to the subclass in your
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'YourProject.adapter.UsernameMaxAdapter'

You can refer to the file in the source code and extend other modules and add a processor to change its flow. The modules such as populate_username, clean_password (which can be customized to restrict commonly used passwords) can have a custom process and flow without rewriting them.

DefaultAccountAdapter can be a potent tool if used in the right circumstances to intervene in allauth's default process. allauth comes with a vast variety of inbuilt settings, and they can all be viewed here. You can also download the entire source code from the link in the references.

Setting up social login using django-allauth

Adding the necessary apps:

As illustrated in the allauth-documentation and in the previous section we need to add the necessary apps related to logins that we are going to be using. This section demonstrates the use of Google API configuration using and Facebook API configuration using allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook. You need to add them to INSTALLED_APPS.

After you do so, your installed apps should look like,

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Set SOCIALACCOUNT_QUERY_EMAIL=ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED , SOCIALACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED=ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED and SOCIALACCOUNT_STORE_TOKENS=False.if required and you can read more about those settings here. We will also configure some settings for Facebook and Google under SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS. On details about settings see the documentation here.

Your SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS settings should look similar to,

    'facebook': {
        'METHOD': 'oauth2',
        'SCOPE': ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_friends'],
        'AUTH_PARAMS': {'auth_type': 'reauthenticate'},
        'INIT_PARAMS': {'cookie': True},
        'FIELDS': [
        'EXCHANGE_TOKEN': True,
        'LOCALE_FUNC': '',
        'VERIFIED_EMAIL': False,
        'VERSION': 'v2.12',
     'google': {
        'SCOPE': [
        'AUTH_PARAMS': {
            'access_type': 'online',
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Run python make makemigrations and python migrate to create database entries. We can now create Facebook and Google API keys. I have briefly described the process below. I recommend you follow instructions on their respective official websites as their services and policies are subjected to change.

API Creation and Configuration:

Follow the below steps and seek out extra referees or tutorials on how to do this on the internet. A brief description is below.


  1. Create a test app by visiting and filling in all the details.

  2. Copy the App Id and Secret Key.

Click Setup on Facebook Social Login option.<br>
Leave all the other settings default and finish app creation.<br>
In basic settings add localhost to App Domains.<br>


  1. Create Login API and copy the secret credentials.
  2. Don’t forget to place the correct callback URL while creating the API. Place http://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/callback/ in callback URL.

Adding Google API

Admin Configuration
  1. Create a superuser(admin) by running python createsuperuser and fill out the details.
  2. Go to http://localhost:8000/admin and log in to the admin console.
  3. Go to the site and change to http://localhost:8000 in both domain name and display name.
  4. Now go to Social Applications and Add social applications and fill in the details.
  5. Repeat the same for Facebook and Google.

Adding localhost to Sites

You are set and done. You can now go ahead and use Facebook and Google logins.

This is one of the first most comprehensive posts on Feel free to send hugs or bugs my way.

References and further reading:

  1. django-allauth GitHub page
  2. django-allauth official documentation
  3. My custom templates and CSS
  4. Stack Overflow thread on Example 1
  5. Stack Overflow thread on Example 2
  6. File in Source code
  7. Facebook API and Google API all-auth documentation.
  8. Full source code for the guide
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