Top 35+ Kubernetes interview questions and answers for all levels

gameon gameover - Oct 31 - - Dev Community

Are you preparing for a Kubernetes interview? To help you out, we have compiled over 35 top questions that cover a range of topics from beginner to advanced levels. These questions will help you prepare for Kubernetes-related interview discussions, spanning foundational to advanced operational aspects of the platform.

Kubernetes interview questions and answers for all levels

Top 35+ Kubernetes interview questions with detailed answers

  1. What is Kubernetes, and why is it used?
  2. What are the main components of Kubernetes architecture?
  3. What are Pods in Kubernetes?
  4. How does Kubernetes handle Service Discovery?
  5. What is a Kubelet?
  6. Explain ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes.
  7. What is the role of the Scheduler in Kubernetes?
  8. What is a StatefulSet in Kubernetes?
  9. How do Deployments differ from StatefulSets?
  10. What are Namespaces, and why are they used?
  11. Explain the concept of a ReplicaSet.
  12. What are DaemonSets, and when should they be used?
  13. How does Kubernetes handle load balancing?
  14. What is Helm, and how is it used in Kubernetes?
  15. What is a Kubernetes Ingress?
  16. Explain the concept of Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs).
  17. What is the role of etcd in Kubernetes?
  18. What are Taints and Tolerations?
  19. What is a Kubernetes Service Mesh?
  20. How does Kubernetes manage secrets?
  21. What are Kubernetes Operators?
  22. Explain Kubernetes RBAC.
  23. What is Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)?
  24. What is a Kubernetes ClusterIP Service?
  25. What is the difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes?
  26. How does Kubernetes handle updates with Rolling Updates and Blue-Green Deployments?
  27. What is a Custom Resource Definition (CRD)?
  28. What is Kubernetes Network Policy?
  29. How does Kubernetes manage resource quotas?
  30. What is the purpose of Liveness and Readiness Probes?
  31. Explain Kubernetes Persistent Volume Lifecycle.
  32. What are the Kubernetes Init Containers?
  33. Describe Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs.
  34. What is an Admission Controller in Kubernetes?
  35. Explain Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB).

All these are prepared by experts in the field. For answers, please visit Fdaytalk Careers.Kubernetes interview questions and answers for all levels

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