Centralised Resource Display for Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

Gianluca - Jul 13 '23 - - Dev Community

Nowadays it is common to have multiple Kubernetes clusters. There are a number of reasons why organisations might choose to have multiple clusters, including:

  • To isolate different environments: For example, you might have one cluster for development, one for staging, and one for production. This can help to prevent problems in one environment from affecting other environments.

  • To meet compliance requirements: Some organisations may have compliance requirements that dictate that certain applications must be deployed to separate clusters.

  • To support different regions: You can deploy applications to different clusters in different regions to improve performance and availability for users in those regions.

Importance of having a centralized location for viewing resource summaries

Managing multiple Kubernetes clusters effectively requires a centralised location for viewing a summary of resources. Here are some key reasons why this is important:

  • Centralised Visibility: A central location provides a unified view of resource summaries, allowing you to monitor and visualise resources from all your clusters in one place. This simplifies issue detection, trend identification, and problem troubleshooting across multiple clusters.

  • Efficient Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution: With a centralised resource view, you can swiftly identify the affected clusters when an issue arises, compare it with others, and narrow down potential causes. This comprehensive overview of resource states and dependencies enables efficient troubleshooting and quicker problem resolution.

  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Centralised resource visibility strengthens security and compliance monitoring. It enables you to monitor cluster configurations, identify security vulnerabilities, and ensure consistent adherence to compliance standards across all clusters. You can easily track and manage access controls, network policies, and other security-related aspects from a single location.

Sveltos solution

Sveltos is an open source project that provides a Kubernetes add-on controller that simplifies the deployment and management of add-ons across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

It can also collect and display information about resources in managed clusters from a central location.

Sveltos: provides a single pane of glass for viewing resources from all managed clusters

To do this, Sveltos uses three main concepts:

  • ClusterHealthCheck is the CRD used to tell Sveltos from which set of clusters to collect information;

  • HealthCheck is the CRD used to tell Sveltos which resources to collect;

  • Sveltosctl is the CLI used to display collected information.

For example, you could use ClusterHealthCheck to specify that you want Sveltos to collect information from all of your Kubernetes clusters that are running in the env=prod environment. You could then use HealthCheck to specify that you want Sveltos to collect information about all of the pods, deployments, and services in those clusters. Finally, you could use Sveltosctl to display the collected information in a human-readable format.

Here is an example of the output of the sveltosctl show resources command:

./sveltosctl show resources --kind=pod --namespace=nginx
|           CLUSTER           |      GVK      | NAMESPACE |               NAME                |      MESSAGE      |
| default/clusterapi-workload | /v1, Kind=Pod | nginx     | nginx-deployment-85996f8dbd-7tctq | Deployment: nginx |
|                             |               | nginx     | nginx-deployment-85996f8dbd-tz4gd | Deployment: nginx |
| gke/pre-production          |               | nginx     | nginx-deployment-c4f7848dc-6jtwg  | Deployment: nginx |
|                             |               | nginx     | nginx-deployment-c4f7848dc-trllk  | Deployment: nginx |
| gke/production              |               | nginx     | nginx-deployment-676cf9b46d-k84pb | Deployment: nginx |
|                             |               | nginx     | nginx-deployment-676cf9b46d-mmbl4 | Deployment: nginx |
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This output shows from all the managed clusters. It contains the name of the cluster, the GVK (group, version, kind) of the resource, the namespace, the name of the resource, and a message about the resource.

In the next sections, we will cover all three of these concepts in detail with concrete examples.


A ClusterHealthCheck instance is a Kubernetes custom resource (CRD) that specifies which clusters Sveltos should collect information from. It has two main fields:

  • clusterSelector: This field is a Kubernetes label selector that specifies which clusters Sveltos should collect information from. For example, the clusterSelector field in the example provided specifies that Sveltos should collect information from all clusters that have the label env=fv.

  • livenessCheck: this field references an HealthCheck instance. The HealthCheck instance contains detailed instruction on which resources to collect.

apiVersion: lib.projectsveltos.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterHealthCheck
  name: production
  clusterSelector: env=fv
  - name: deployment
    type: HealthCheck
      kind: HealthCheck
      apiVersion: lib.projectsveltos.io/v1alpha1
      name: deployment-replicas
  - name: event
    type: KubernetesEvent
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When a ClusterHealthCheck instance is created in the management cluster, Sveltos will collect information specified in the referenced HealthCheck in all managed clusters matching clusterSelector.


A HealthCheck instance is a Kubernetes custom resource (CRD) that specifies which resources Sveltos should collect.

It has the following fields in its Spec section:

  • Group: This field specifies the group of the Kubernetes resources that the HealthCheck is for.

  • Version: This field specifies the version of the Kubernetes resources that the HealthCheck is for.

  • Kind: This field specifies the kind of the Kubernetes resources that the HealthCheck is for.

  • Namespace: This field can be used to filter resources by namespace.

  • LabelFilters: This field can be used to filter resources by labels.

  • Script: This field can contain a Lua script, which defines a custom health check. The script must contain an evaluate method which is passed an instance of resource collected (obj) and must return a struct (hs).

apiVersion: lib.projectsveltos.io/v1alpha1
kind: HealthCheck
 name: deployment-replicas
 group: "apps"
 version: v1
 kind: Deployment
 script: |
   function evaluate()
     hs = {}
     hs.status = "Progressing"
     hs.message = ""
     if obj.spec.replicas == 0 then
       return hs
     if obj.status ~= nil then
       if obj.status.availableReplicas ~= nil then
         if obj.status.availableReplicas == obj.spec.replicas then
           hs.status = "Healthy"
           hs.message = "All replicas " .. obj.spec.replicas .. " are healthy"
           hs.status = "Progressing"
           hs.message = "expected replicas: " .. obj.spec.replicas .. " available: " .. obj.status.availableReplicas
       if obj.status.unavailableReplicas ~= nil then
          hs.status = "Degraded"
          hs.message = "deployments have unavailable replicas"
     return hs
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In above examples deployments in all namespaces are collected. Deployments with requested replicas set to zero are ignored. Any other deployment is collected and the message indicates whether all requested replicas are active or not.

This is another example of HealthCheck to collect the pod-to-deployment relationships.

apiVersion: lib.projectsveltos.io/v1alpha1
kind: HealthCheck
 name: pod-in-deployment
 group: ""
 version: v1
 kind: Pod
 script: |
   function setContains(set, key)
    return set[key] ~= nil

   function evaluate()
     hs = {}
     hs.status = "Healthy"
     hs.message = ""
     hs.ignore = true
     if obj.metadata.labels ~= nil then
       if setContains(obj.metadata.labels, "app") then
         if obj.status.phase == "Running" then
           hs.ignore = false
           hs.message = "Deployment: " .. obj.metadata.labels["app"]
     return hs
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Sveltosctl is Sveltos’ CLI. sveltosctl show resources command displays collected information.

Here are some examples:

./sveltosctl show resources --kind=deployment 
|           CLUSTER           |           GVK            |   NAMESPACE    |                  NAME                   |          MESSAGE           |
| default/clusterapi-workload | apps/v1, Kind=Deployment | kube-system    | calico-kube-controllers                 | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kube-system    | coredns                                 | All replicas 2 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kyverno        | kyverno-admission-controller            | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kyverno        | kyverno-background-controller           | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kyverno        | kyverno-cleanup-controller              | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kyverno        | kyverno-reports-controller              | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | projectsveltos | sveltos-agent-manager                   | All replicas 1 are healthy |
| gke/pre-production          |                          | gke-gmp-system | gmp-operator                            | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | gke-gmp-system | rule-evaluator                          | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kube-system    | antrea-controller-horizontal-autoscaler | All replicas 1 are healthy |
|                             |                          | kube-system    | egress-nat-controller                   | All replicas 1 are healthy |
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./sveltosctl show resources  
|           CLUSTER           |           GVK            | NAMESPACE |       NAME       |       MESSAGE       |
| default/clusterapi-workload | apps/v1, Kind=Deployment | nginx     | nginx-deployment | Image: nginx:1.14.2 |
| gke/pre-production          |                          | nginx     | nginx-deployment | Image: nginx:latest |
| gke/production              |                          | nginx     | nginx-deployment | Image: nginx:1.14.2 |
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Here are the available options to filter what show resources will display:

--group=<group>: Show Kubernetes resources deployed in clusters matching this group. If not specified, all groups are considered.
--kind=<kind>: Show Kubernetes resources deployed in clusters matching this Kind. If not specified, all kinds are considered.
--namespace=<namespace>: Show Kubernetes resources in this namespace. If not specified, all namespaces are considered.
--cluster-namespace=<name>: Show Kubernetes resources in clusters in this namespace. If not specified, all namespaces are considered.
--cluster=<name>: Show Kubernetes resources in the cluster with the specified name. If not specified, all cluster names are considered.
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This feature can also be used for auditing purposes. For example, if we have Kyverno in each managed cluster with a Kyverno audit policy that reports each Pod that is using an image with the latest tag, we can then instruct Sveltos to collect the audit results from all managed clusters using the following HealthCheck instance:

apiVersion: lib.projectsveltos.io/v1alpha1
kind: HealthCheck
 name: deployment-replicas
 collectResources: true
 group: wgpolicyk8s.io
 version: v1alpha2
 kind: PolicyReport
 script: |
   function evaluate()
     hs = {}
     hs.status = "Healthy"
     hs.message = ""
     for i, result in ipairs(obj.results) do
       if result.result == "fail" then
          hs.status = "Degraded"
          for j, r in ipairs(result.resources) do
             hs.message = hs.message .. " " .. r.namespace .. "/" .. r.name
     if hs.status == "Healthy" then
       hs.ignore = true
     return hs
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Once the HealthCheck instance is created, we can use the sveltosctl show resources command to see consolidated results from all managed clusters:

/sveltosctl show resources  
|               CLUSTER               |              GVK               | NAMESPACE |           NAME           |                 MESSAGE                 |
| default/sveltos-management-workload | wgpolicyk8s.io/v1alpha2,       | nginx     | cpol-disallow-latest-tag |  nginx/nginx-deployment                 |
|                                     | Kind=PolicyReport              |           |                          | nginx/nginx-deployment-6b7f675859       |
|                                     |                                |           |                          | nginx/nginx-deployment-6b7f675859-fp6tm |
|                                     |                                |           |                          | nginx/nginx-deployment-6b7f675859-kkft8 |
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