Data buffer

João Godinho - Feb 3 - - Dev Community


  • In this article, we will understand more about Buffers, what they are, and why we need them.
  • This article is for those who already heard about Buffers when programming but have no idea about what is it and how it works.

What is it? An "intermediate storage"

  • Buffer is not a specific Computer Science term. Buffer means "temporary storage".
  • In Computer Science buffers are important because when we have a system that is producing data and another that is consuming this data, we normally have a difference between the input speed and output speed.

  • How it works?

    • First, we need to understand the concepts: Producer and consumer
    • The component producing or sending data is referred to as the "producer," while the one receiving or consuming data is the "consumer."
    • For example, on Youtube, we are pre-loading the video in the background, before watching its video. In this way preventing bottlenecks, and optimizing performance. This process is made because the producer is sending data and our buffer is storing it, then we process this on our player.
    • Simplifying: The buffer acts as intermediate storage
    • Buffers are used to store data temporarily
    • Buffers are required when producers and consumers operate at different rates.

Use cases and Disadvantages

  • Use cases

    • Buffers prevent delays
    • Imagine that you need to wait for all your video load before watching it. Or, you load 1 minute of the video and then the video stops to load more than 1 minute. With buffers, as we talked we can avoid this background preloading and store it as a buffer.
    • Flow control
    • With Buffers we can operate producers and consumers at different speeds without causing bottlenecks.
    • The producer can continue producing data and adding it to the buffer even if the consumer is not ready to process it immediately.
    • Prevent lost data due to network congestion
  • Disadvantages

    • Memory usage
    • The size of the buffer is a crucial factor. If it's too small, it may fill up quickly and cause the sending component to wait. If it's too large, it may lead to increased memory usage.
    • Complexity
    • Implementing and managing buffers can add complexity to a system, and improper buffer management may result in issues like buffer overflows (I will explain it above).
    • Synchronization Issues
    • Buffers may face challenges in scenarios where multiple producers and consumers are involved. Coordinating the activities of different components to ensure proper synchronization can be complex.
    • Buffering Delay
    • In systems using buffers, there is a delay associated with the time it takes for data to move through the buffer. This is the latency introduced by the buffer itself.

Buffer Overflow: Security Vulnerability

  • This occurs when, for example, we have an array with max length = 2 and we try to write more data than it's possible.
  • This is dangerous because when we do that we are using more memory than is allocated, corrupting data.

    • When we try to use more memory than available inside this array that we talked it will overflow the space on memory called "stack", that stores our programming functions addresses.
    • Imagine this example:
    • There is a machine to get money and an input name for this action.
    • There is also a function called dispenseMoney() inside the software of this machine.
    • Now if when inserting your name you do a buffer overflow and point to the memory address of the dispenseMoney() function, you will get rich.
    • With this example, you can see that the goal of a buffer overflow is to control the code execution. So you can do whatever you want.
    • ### Curiosity
    • The name of Stack Overflow is based on this concept of buffer overflow. The stack overflow is a kind of buffer overflow.
  • How to avoid that?

    • Runtime Bounds Checking:
    • It is used to be sure that the variable is using just the allocated memory.
    • Almost all the languages have this natively and there is a performance cost due to extra code.
    • Some programming languages such as C and C++ don't have runtime bounds checking by default.

Buffer Underflow

  • Buffer underflow occurs when a consumer attempts to retrieve data from an empty buffer, leading to potential system disruptions.

  • How to avoid that?

    • Dynamic Buffer Sizing:
    • Implement a mechanism to dynamically adjust the buffer size based on system conditions.
    • Producer-Consumer Synchronization:
    • Ensure synchronization between the producer and consumer to maintain consistent data flow rates.
    • Optimized Data Production:
    • Optimize the data production process to ensure a steady and timely flow of data to the buffer.

Buffers vs Cache

  • Buffers and cache serve a similar purpose of temporary memory, but they are not the same.
  • While buffers are used when there’s a mismatch between the rates at which we generate and process data. Cache is used to store the most frequently and recently used data to speed up processing.
    • Further, a cache is usually considerably smaller than a buffer and reads and writes data faster.


Thanks for Reading!

  • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions. Your engagement is appreciated!


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